All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1041 Disappointed to the extreme, I even sued the school

The day after the incident happened at exactly 11:00 a.m.

Jiang Qiuqiu, who has been silent for a long time, finally released the first circle after the big event.

But this circle is not a straight hair, it is a forwarding.

What was forwarded was a public lawyer's letter sent by Xu Jing, the senior lawyer of the Federal Elite Lawyers' Office.

The lawyer's letter stated:

My client, Jiang Qiuqiu, is an SSSS-level member of the federal military and enjoys special military treatment, and his right to reputation cannot be violated.

We are now officially filing a public prosecution against @warmanfeng@qishi sanatorium who published false information yesterday to frame my client's reputation. We will sue the two to the Federal Military Court, asking them to make a public apology and compensate my client for the loss of reputation.

In addition to defending her right to reputation, Qiuqiu also released her previous grief and indignation chat records and some brief audio through a law firm.

It includes, but is not limited to, chats with the dean.

Zhao Xun disgusted Bala's particularly low dialogue.

And a short conversation with Officer Wang.

There is also the daily update of the patient's case, the patient's symptoms, the treatment plan and so on at the Kistler Nursing Home.

All kinds of information are complete.

The evidence presented by Qiuqiu is completely opposite to what Yang Nuannuan said.

There is evidence, Jiu Xingren took a reassurance pill at once!

A large number of fans are rehabilitating Qiuqiu like a Chinese New Year.

Yang Nuannuan has also been paying attention to these news. As soon as he saw this lawyer's letter, Yang Nuannuan, who had never seen the world, began to panic.

She wants money, but doesn't want a lawsuit.

She couldn't solve the matter by herself, so she went to Zhao Xun immediately.

Zhao Xun was also stunned, didn't he say that he lied to the evidence, shouldn't Jiang Qiuqiu become a bare commander? How come there! And this pile of records!

He immediately sent a message to Professor Liu and asked him if water had entered his mind. .

Why not say it's done?

So Professor Liu went back to check, full of confidence: "It's done, the original has been lost."

"The student sent the copied or backed-up files, so it's fake."

It's a copy!

Then Zhao Xun felt that it didn't matter.

If there is no evidence, what's the use of going to court?

Therefore, he immediately manipulated his three chess pieces.

Yang Nuannuan responded immediately; I have no idea what these things you are.

Kistler Nursing Home said: We have never seen this thing, and our dean does not have the position of secretary or assistant to the dean.

Even the Commonwealth University is out: after our verification, some of the evidence presented by the Kistler sanatorium is genuine.

Three big mountains come out.

There is even a sacred temple in everyone's heart, Jiang Qiuqiu's own alma mater.

Someone else was shaken.

You come and go here, swords and lights, swords and shadows, the New Star Building meeting over there is not over yet, and the lawyers haven't left yet.

New news pops up.

The lawyer saw the end of the Federal University, his expression was a little solemn, "This... we are not the original, and with the Federal University, it may be difficult for us to gain the upper hand in public opinion."

Jiang Qiuqiu looked at the message sent by the blue v.

I feel like my filters are all broken.

In the "accidents" and "coercion" again and again, her initial vision for the Federal University has completely disappeared.

"I have the original, but I lost it after handing it in."

"Lawyer Xu, you need to draw up another lawyer's letter."

"Huh? Miss Jiang, what do you think?"

"I want to sue the Federal University to embezzle, smash the student's evidence, and slander the student's reputation."

"Specifically inform the Vice President of the Department of Spiritual Healing and Professor Liu of the Academic Affairs Office of the Department of Spiritual Healing."

After she finished speaking, Mo Si on the side added, "Since the complaint has been added, let's add one."

"There are also those who are forwarding and commenting, speculating at will without knowing the full situation, and sue them together."

"Does this gentleman mean these netizens?" Attorney Xu confirmed, "There are so many netizens, the energy and stars needed to litigate may—"

"It's them."

"There is no shortage of stars."

I want to apologize to these people in real names!

Good night!

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