All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1042 Dean Lao Fu stepped forward

Jiang Qiuqiu sued Federal University.

Jiang Qiuqiu sued all passers-by who didn't know the whole picture and uttered vicious words.

Jiang Qiuqiu sued the Qishi Sanatorium and Yang Nuannuan.

The winds of these laws, in an instant, blow across the wilderness and across the stars.

On the streets, there are pedestrians discussing this matter everywhere, and there are students discussing this matter in companies and schools everywhere.

To sue the Federal University, Qiuqiu's move was unprecedented, and it was too dazzling.

In this battle, her popularity reached its peak.

Everyone knows it.

It is the voice of discussion, good and bad.

The most surprising must be the Federal University, where the school was accused, and the school committee organized a meeting overnight.

The responsible person in charge, the professors and teachers involved in the Department of Spiritual Healing, are the protagonists of the meeting.

The leaders above need to find out what happened.

Although the vice president was surprised, the evidence had been destroyed, and there was no evidence against him.

What kind of student went to the Kishi Sanatorium, but because the patient was a little difficult to deal with and made various requests, the dean refused, so she went straight back to the school, and after returning to school lied that the sanatorium was deliberately making things difficult for her.

Then leaving without authorization caused serious consequences of the hospital's healer fault and the patient being temporarily unattended.

Anyway, after all, in his mouth, Jiang Qiuqiu and heinous are almost the same.

After the vice president finished his speech, the audience was excited.

Several veterans said: "Hey, there are students like this? I really don't take the rules seriously."

"I've always heard Lao Zhu say that the talent is good. Even if the talent is good, such a student will be rebellious and have no future at all."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Talent is important, and character is also important."

Everyone started talking, and the vice president and Professor Liu smiled.

"Still sue us and ask her to sue, do you think our school is afraid of being sued?" A professor in charge snorted coldly, "I propose that this kind of student suspend classes directly."

"What other classes are you taking! Go and learn more about ideological education."

"Yes, I think so too." Professor Liu suddenly interjected, "This is because the thinking class is less."

What followed was another period of suspension of classes without expulsion from school, so she could never graduate.

If she can't get a qualification certificate, she can't join the army if she is stuck.

To mark Qiuqiu's file as the worst, and unite with the entire school's spiritual healer system to block her.

More and more.

At this moment, the small conference room was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Everyone here speaks freely, as if defending their dignity.

Until Dean Lao Fu knocked on the table.

As the dean of the Mecha Soldier Academy, one of the ace majors, Lao Fu has the greatest right to speak here except for the principal.

He is usually serious and taciturn, but this time, he did not remain silent, "This is just your family's words."

"I heard that there are professors in your department who argue otherwise."

The strong man's gaze was like a sharp blade at the vice president of the Spiritual Healing Department.

His expression froze for a moment, "No, that professor... Not to mention, he has a great relationship with students."

"You mean there are professors covering up the students?"

The vice president nodded.

"You're complaining about a professor?"

Dean Lao Fu stood up, "Do you know what position Professor Mei holds in your healing field?"

"She is the talent that Dean Zhu and I invited to intercede with Mr. Al, are you?" Dean Laofu said in a contemptuous tone, "Perhaps in some abnormal recruitment, you got in from a dark corner. ."

This is a blatant attack.

The vice president blushed.

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