All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1043 Principal, you know that those two are the third princes

Dean Lao Fu did not speak to him again.

Instead, he asked the principal, Douglas, to bring Professor Mei over.

"A professor who was involved in the whole incident applied to participate in this meeting, won't you two approve it?"

"Are you afraid that she will come up and expose your ridiculous lies?"


"President Lao Fu, although you are the dean, I am the vice dean. Please treat me with some respect, and don't let Professor Mei come, just because Professor Mei's level is not yet—"

Before he finished speaking, Dean Lao Fu's 'qi' was directly suppressed.

The crushing of high-level individual soldiers on ordinary spiritualists is absolute.

"A little respect?"

"You too?"

The whole place was silent.

The man leaning on the principal's seat sat up straight, his hands fell on the table, he raised his eyes, his voice was soft but solemn, "Okay, stop arguing."

"Let Professor Mei come up."

When Professor Mei came up, he glanced at the two people over there viciously, and then told a story that was completely different from the other side.

In this story, Jiang Qiuqiu is the proper victim.

The behavior of Qishi Sanatorium is extremely irregular, not to mention that there is a wretched harasser mixed in with the irregular behavior.

"We send students out to be volunteers and receive remuneration that is absolutely lower than the market price. They are all high-end talents in the field. Is it possible for a nursing home to hire such talents?" .

"We let them go out to study, not to suffer grievances. Do we have to teach students to be submissive and oppressed? Kishi Sanatorium's irregular behavior is the first priority! Jiang Qiuqiu resisted because of injustice, is this wrong? "

She is right!

Professor Mei spoke loudly.

But Professor Liu quickly retorted, "This is just the words of Jiang Qiuqiu's family."

"No! There is evidence, I have seen it. Those chats and messages are all originals. I even compared them correctly. That is the director of Kishi Sanatorium!"

"And a recording!"

"That's not the original."


"You read it wrong."


Two people representing different forces quarreled like this.

"Okay, then if you say it's not the original, take it out and let's judge together." Professor Mei said with a cold face.

Professor Liu sighed inwardly, "Did you not read the regulations of our department? The fake things are directly destroyed. This is the point, can we take them out?"

He was bitten to death without proof.

The scene was at a stalemate.

At this time, the vice dean suddenly sang a red face and entered the game with understanding, "We know that Professor Mei is a kind-hearted professor who was deceived by the students, so we want to seek justice for the students."

"But justice is actually on our side. You are really deceived."

"I didn't!" Professor Mei said, his eyes turning red.

That's how it is.

Some people disagreed, but more people present still believed in Professor Liu. Because Professor Liu's perspective represents the school's perspective.

Can the school be wrong? Won't.

Not to mention that the student was rebellious and sued the school.

Wouldn't it be normal for someone who can do such a thing to do something out of the ordinary?

Discuss, vote, stand in line, and it is clear at a glance who has the upper hand.

This meeting maintained the 'execution' of Jiang Qiuqiu.

Professor Mei felt that he had no role at all, and was very tormented.

After the meeting, Dean Lao Fu went to find the principal alone.

"Principal, you know that those two people are the ones who got in."

"That's the royal nail."

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