All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1045 I tell you, Federal University! I don't deserve it!

There are few outsiders here.

Teachers are basically the ones who push the door, but this time it is obviously not the case.

Still in class, the teachers on the podium were very surprised, and there were a lot of people.

A group of people in their 40s filed in, led by the vice president of the Healing Department, who held his head high and looked contemptuous.

Many people here are leaders of the department.

There are also several school leaders.

This is?

Everyone didn't know what was going to happen, but everyone had a hunch that 80% of it had something to do with Jiang Xueba.

Sure enough, the deputy dean pushed the teacher off the podium, clapped his hand on the podium, and with a bang, many people's meditation ended.

"We are here today to announce the briefing of student Jiang Qiuqiu after the discussion and study of the Federal University's school-level organization meeting!"

He wanted to criticize Jiang Qiuqiu in front of everyone.

"Our school has always insisted on receiving high-quality, high-quality talents..."

"Student Jiang Qiuqiu can neither endure hardship nor endure hard work, can't bear a little bit of hardship, can't bear a little bit of fatigue, ignores the spiritual healer's code, acts willfully, and does not respect teachers..."

"To sum up, our school committee has decided to suspend student Jiang Qiuqiu."

After he finished speaking, he spoke to Jiang Qiuqiu in a contemptuous tone: "Congratulations, you have become the first student in our college to be suspended like this."

In front of everyone's eyes, the teacher stood on the high platform and used such 'dirty' and 'destroying personality' words to evaluate a young student.

What does he mean?

If Jiang Qiuqiu is really just a young girl with a fragile mind, the next second, she will collapse and think about ending her life.

But Jiang Qiuqiu is not! But even if it wasn't, she felt sick.

She stood up straight, and when everyone was sitting, surrounded by a group of leaders, she stood up.

There seemed to be a fiery fire in his eyes, which could burn everything, "I originally thought that Federal University was a school for dreamers."

"It is the highest hall for students to study, but after I came in, I found out that it is not at all. The teacher is an excellent teacher, but the management of the school——"

"It's the management of the aristocracy. You have philistines written all over your face. Is your name Wang Jiangsong? The vice president of the spiritual healing department?" Jiang Qiuqiu looked at him and smiled, "You are a person whose spiritual healing power is worse than mine. Dare to be the vice president?"

"And you, destroy the evidence of the students and cover up the sanatorium that oppresses the students of your department, for what? Do you feel very happy to be Zhao Xun, the dog barking of His Royal Highness the Third Prince?"

"Do you say another word?! What is the teacher in your eyes? I will keep you from graduating forever!!"

"Never graduate?" Jiang Qiuqiu repeated these words and said loudly: "Did you hear it, classmates? This is the current Federal University! Threatening a student on the grounds of not being able to graduate."

"You can threaten me today, and you can threaten everyone tomorrow. Also, do you think the Federal University chose me?"

Jiang Qiuqiu grabbed the school badge on her school uniform. In everyone's eyes, she was like a towering poplar tree, "It's me, I chose Federal University."

"Why suspend school? From the moment you entered this class and pushed the real teacher to the side of the podium, from this moment, this school, let you such unethical wolf dogs stand on top of us, the Federal University has been equipped with Don't get on me!!"

"A filthy school! It doesn't deserve it!"

After she finished speaking, she tore off the school badge, and the golden school badge fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

At this moment, she was alone against all the teachers in the audience, and she did not lose the slightest.

Drop out! This can't be learned. There are many thieves

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