All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1046 The label on Qiuqiu's body is not only gentle

Recently, a video has been circulating wildly on the Internet.

Click on the video and you can hear the deafening sound——

‘It wasn’t the Federal University that chose me, I chose the Commonwealth! ’

'You are not worthy of me! ’

This is a very arrogant, very Versailles word.

If ordinary students say this on the Internet, 80% of them will become a laughing stock.

But the person who said this was Jiang Qiuqiu.

The first passers-by said that Jiang Qiuqiu was floating, saying that she looked down on herself too much.

But someone in the same field pulled out her resume, one thing after another!

There is only one person in the entire federation who can go from A to S in just one year.

A mass, network-disseminated, upgradable spiritual healer, the only one for thousands of years.

A spiritual healer who can transfer thousands of patients in less than a year of schooling is hard to find in the entire field.

Not to mention that she is still an S-rank mecha soldier. Have a strong physique.

Physical fitness is what spiritual healers lack.

The above achievements are just the results of her systematic training for less than two years...

Maybe ordinary people will only think wow so strong when they look at this data.

The real pros are here! Only a slippery shovel kneels on the ground and desperately sighs that we are all carbon-based creatures, why is the gap so big.

To sum up, she does have the capital to choose a school.

Moreover, I don't know why, but after watching the video, I think Jiang Qiuqiu is right.

It's just a group of teachers from the Academic Affairs Office who came to inform. It was so impolite to knock on the door. After taking the stage, they just squeezed the teachers who were in class casually. Do you know how to be polite?

Is it polite to interrupt students who are meditating casually? Do you care about the safety of the students' mental health?

And Qiuqiu's fans were stunned after seeing this video.

Because after watching the live broadcast for a long time, everyone's impression of Qiuqiu is still relatively constant.

'Tenderness, warmth', 'tenacity', 'speaking the truth', 'kind and pure', 'a bit of a shaft' is a little firm, and she is a self-motivated girl who can do what she says.

There are many words surrounding her, gentleness is the biggest label on Qiuqiu.

But in this video, that tag disappears.

Is there tenderness? Not at all.

In this video taken secretly by a classmate, Jiang Qiuqiu's expression was sarcastic, his eyes were sharp, his words were sharp, and he was not soft at all. Facing a group of people, he was so tough that he was not weak at all.

She is like a brave warrior who dares to say nothing to all the difficulties and inequities she faces.

[I don't know why, but after watching the video, I feel more like Tweet...]

[The Tweet that I understand suddenly became clearer. It would be great if I could have the courage to say no to Tweet even in the face of difficulties. 】

[Chiu Chiu is usually teased by us and occasionally blushes, this, this! Surrounded by so many black coats, so handsome! Tweet is so handsome! 】

[Yes, yes, isn't the Federal University considering to come forward and explain it formally? What is a school committee discussion, is there any hard evidence? 】

The breakthrough point now is that the other party can't produce evidence.

[I want to squat for court! 】

【dei! I'm also going to sit in court, and I'm so pissed off that he forced me to drop out of school. 】

Some people think that he is handsome, and naturally some people think that he "breaks the dogma". Jiang Qiuqiu is a student. A student rebels against the school. In this old society, a child rebels against his mother.

Isn't that unfilial?

Unfilial person, attacking her is called political correctness!

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