All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1079 Fight in court without evidence! ? (isn't that funny)

Qiuqiu stated everything about the strange stone sanatorium, the Federal University, and Yang Nuannuan.

Then the attorney added: "To sum up, my client, Ms. Jiang Qiuqiu, believes that Federal University has abused her power, cheated by Kishi Sanatorium, and forced volunteers. Yang Nuannuan used public opinion to make improper profits to infringe on my client's right to reputation."

"In this lawsuit, we demand that the director and deputy dean of the Department of Spiritual Healing of Federal University be dealt with in accordance with the Education Law, and we demand that Federal University make a public apology and restore my client's reputation; we demand that the president of Kishi Sanatorium make a public apology and compensate for the relevant losses; we demand that Yang Ms. Nuan Nuan apologized publicly and compensated my client for the loss of reputation."

After the plaintiff and the plaintiff's attorney have presented their statements, it is the defendant's turn.

Several people in charge heard Qiuqiu's demands and were all very disdainful.

Among them, the director of the Academic Affairs Office of Federal University, Chong, said, "We do not agree with the accusation of student Jiang Qiuqiu at all!"

"There has never been such a thing."

"When it comes to the education law, we ask the student Jiang Qiuqiu to apologize to the teachers of our school in accordance with the education law. As a student, he made a rude remark and flouted the school rules. Our appeal is to ask the court to revoke Jiang Qiuqiu's student status."

The director of the Academic Affairs Office looked at Jiang Qiuqiu coldly.

In Interstellar, every person of the right age has a student status.

Even if Jiang Qiuqiu dropped out of Federal University, her personal student status is still there. With her personal student status, other schools can accept her.

If the military court revokes Jiang Qiuqiu's school status, it means that her highest personal education remains in high school.

No school is allowed to accept her student status and issue her a graduation certificate.

This trick is not without poison.

The lawsuit has not yet officially started. In the presentation stage, the two parties have shown an absolute confrontational momentum.

Either you die or I die.

Anyway, always die one.

There are a lot of live broadcast barrages.

【This is too...too heavy? 】

【How can you not revoke your student status? 】

[It should be revoked! Let these disrespectful teachers see! 】

[Teachers should be respected if they are virtuous. The news hasn't come out yet... Let's see the situation. If what the school says is true, I support revocation. If what the students say is true, I think the qualifications of these two teachers are true. also be revoked. 】

[The people upstairs thought too much. If what the students said was true, it would not be as simple as revoking the qualifications of teachers for these two people. The teacher should go to jail for doing this kind of thing! ! ! 】

Amid everyone's speculation and doubts, the lawsuit soon progressed to the second quarter.

Evidence statement.

Originally, the plaintiff should have stated it first, but here, the lawyer and Qiuqiu made a careful trick together, saying that the chain of evidence here is still being prepared, and some materials have not been exhausted, so the defendant should give evidence first.

【? ? ? 】

[This, this lawsuit has begun? It's not sorted yet! ! So many days! 】

Pedestrians are stunned.

It was so hard just now, come here when you want to get evidence?

Jiu Xingren was also shocked. I just saw me tweeting so xx, why did I think it was all ready, that's all?

Immediately bow your head and open the terminal, log in to Xingwang Crazy@小進網, the useless Mr. Qian will come and die!

【The evidence is not ready yet! ? 】

The three-party joint defendant next door was also obviously shocked.

After the shock, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Oh, you don't need evidence in a lawsuit? I'm afraid it's impossible to do it. Also, the source file is gone, and there is no certification. What can a small student come up with?

So they were relieved to come up with their own forged evidence.

lined up in court one by one.

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