All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1080 Federal University is forced to break

Tripartite evidence.

The defense lawyer team began to exert force.

The first thing presented to you in court is a series of trials and punishments against Jiang Qiuqiu listed by the Federal University.

Including but not limited to Jiang Qiuqiu returning to school alone during the period of unfinished volunteering.

The submitted audit materials were reviewed as false, and a notice of processing was affixed with the official seal of the school.

A notice ordering an apology issued was not answered, and so on.

Defendant lawyer: Our school reminded the student Jiang Qiuqiu step by step in accordance with the provisions of the Education Law, and hoped that she would correct her mistakes, but from the beginning to the end, the student Jiang Qiuqiu did not make any mistakes to make up for this matter. truthful speech.

By the way, I also posted a few comments from fans, as well as a small video of herself smashing the school badge.

"To sum up, we believe that the student has no respect for the teacher, and when he encounters a mistake, he has no intention of correcting the wrong thing."

"Although such a student has talent, but her virtue is not enough, she cannot become a useful talent to the society, so our company applied to revoke the student's student status, but she is still accepted for admission."

In the second evidence statement stage, the Federal University also made a very disgusting, "within ten years after graduation, we will follow up and conduct a review. After the review is passed, our school is still willing to grant her a certificate of completion."

The Federal University's proof is over.

The first wave of evidence seems reasonable and legal.

Everything has documents, Jiang Qiuqiu's every move is exposed on the Internet, and she has never apologized...

Instead, it's not wrong to keep exposing yourself on the star network.

The spectator's heart was devastated.


[To tell the truth, such students are too embarrassing. I don’t think the school has done anything wrong, so don’t you care? Not all students are going to fly? 】

[Federal University is still standardized and atmospheric. 】

It seems that the reputation of Federal University has returned a wave of blood.

Then they went to the Kistler Sanatorium. They were very good. They invited two non-existent cleaners, a joint 'associate healer', and even a student who went to volunteer together as witnesses.

Cleaner: She comes late every day, returns early, and sleeps in the office at noon.

Associate Healer: The treatment process is very fast and the treatment is the same for everyone.

Student who is also a volunteer: When she saw that ten patients were assigned, many of them were in poor conditions, she immediately felt that she did not want to stay.

The director of the Kishi Sanatorium also had an intellectual face, "We are a non-profit organization, and it is not easy to hire people. Ten people is too many, but if you feel bad, you can tell me directly..."

He looked heartbroken, "Also, every patient has contributed to our federation, you shouldn't treat people differently because of status and reputation... It's a patient who has only one marquis who goes to your office for dinner every day, The rest are arranged by you in the ward, and the meals are delivered by robots."

"How can you treat it differently?"

What a partiality this is.

【? ? And this thing? 】

[I have a little, a little mouth area? Now the patients are going to be ranked 1234? 】

[Really calm, is this an internet celebrity, and he doesn't even have the slightest repentance after all this? 】

The anger of netizens was mobilized.

It's time for the last actor to appear.

Yang Nuannuan looked very haggard.

Shouldn't she be haggard? Since she published a diss Jiang Qiuqiu on the Internet, many people have paid attention to this matter.

In the past, the trend of the Internet was all towards Jiang Qiuqiu. She was rushed to the forefront, and Zhao Xun didn't ask about it because she was going to be enthroned.

Yang Nuannuan was afraid that things would go wrong, and was worried every day until today——

Seeing Jiang Qiuqiu being helpless, she burst into ecstasy.

She is going to follow this shareholder's popularity.

The throat rolled, Yang Nuannuan opened his mouth, and tears fell from his eyes.

Yang Nuannuan: I love my mother.

My mother, is the influence of the Empire.

Jiang Qiuqiu looked down on my mother and the influence of the empire.

Jiang Qiuqiu made my mother's condition worse.

My mom is about to hang up.

There was a narration, and then there was a whimpering cry.

To be honest, Yang Nuannuan is a very moving actor.

Someone had already taken her place, and her fists were hardened.

After the defendant gave evidence, the judge began to ask Qiuqiu, "Where's your evidence?"

"Our chain of evidence has been prepared. It is the chat record between me and the dean and assistant dean of the Kistler Sanatorium, the documents conveyed between me and the tutor and the dean of the school, and the information I left during the treatment in the sanatorium. some recordings and audio."

Qiuqiu also lined up his chips one by one.

The Dean of Academic Affairs, who was still listening to the lawsuit next door, listened to these things, his face changed greatly, and before the judge did not speak, he immediately shouted: "I have seen yours!"

"It's the fake file you presented! It's not the source file!"

Qiuqiu hissed and said something to the lawyer. The lawyer nodded and immediately said loudly into the microphone: "We are willing to review the documents in court and disclose the content of the evidence."

"Agree to the application."

This is the court. A lawsuit is definitely inseparable from document review and the like. There are prosecutors here who are very skilled in this business.

With the aid of tools and rapid investigation, it can be basically determined, "There is no doubt that it is an unmodified source."

The subtext of what he said in court was: the evidence is valid.

The three defendants all changed their faces.

The dean of education is an uncontrollable idiot, and he handled this matter and deleted it himself, so he was particularly unbelievable: "I have something to say!"

"I doubt! That document must be fake!"

He looked excited.

Qiuqiu pressed the microphone, "This is true."

"Impossible, this—"

He realized what he had said and immediately stopped.

The atmosphere is getting a little bit wrong.

Did the spectators pop up in their minds too? ? ?

So, why do you feel that this teacher at Federal University is weak?

The judge struck the hammer, "Quiet, the document review is correct, the defendant's rebuttal is invalid, please ask the plaintiff to formulate document evidence."

This is a long piece of evidence.

It all starts with chat.

Every paragraph and every word that appears here is directly and completely contrary to the facts stated by the three defendants.

The inaction of the Kishi Sanatorium, the strange position it has placed, as the dean, does not reply to the normal inquiries of the volunteers about their work.

Threats, verbal attacks, a tribe.

A brief chat with Officer Wang, asking why she doesn't eat nutritious meals.

Officer Wang answered innocently: My daughter likes it too.

Yang Nuannuan's face paled in this audio.

He told Officer Wang that he had not kept up with his nutrition and that he was unwell, and that it was not appropriate to continue exercising. Officer Wang did not listen to the doctor's advice and continued to exercise.

All the screenshots also include the physical fitness test form of Officer Wang recorded by Qiuqiu in the hospital. It is taken every day, two times a day. It can be seen that her body improved in the early stage, but then it suddenly turned sharply for no reason.

Here, the elite lawyers showed some messages and posts that the Yang Nuannuan account found by Wanxing and the others had published in Jiang Jiuchup's food circle.

including but not limited to:

Eat whatever Qiuqiu cooks.

Buy and sell Qiuqiu's meals, etc.

Going to the Federal University, it is even simpler. The chat records with Professor Mei, the chat records between Professor Mei and the Dean of Education, the real documents that were clearly white-haired in the past, were measured as 'forgery', and they were stamped with an official seal, saying that they would be destroyed. .

The chain of evidence that appeared in this moment made the entire lawsuit reverse in an instant.

The three defendants who had the upper hand just now were completely exhausted.

The barrage on the barrage is now completely unspeakable.

Question marks are the norm, disappointment is the norm——

And Qiuqiu, standing upright behind the plaintiff's seat, raised her hand again.

"What does the plaintiff have to say?"

"I want to add the lawsuit immediately."

"My client, Ms. Jiang Qiuqiu, immediately prosecuted the Department of Spiritual Healing of Federal University for falsifying evidence to discredit my client, and in accordance with the Education Law, prosecuted the relevant personnel, revoked her professorship and sentenced her to criminal detention, prosecuted the Kishi Sanatorium for forging witnesses, and accused its principal in charge of taking criminal charges. responsibility!"

Why let the defendant speak first?

She said it herself, the evidence is clearly laid out here, and the other party is not allowed to kneel directly? Kneeling directly to the most lawsuits, the other party loses money and apologizes.

But falsification of evidence is different.

That is standing on the bottom line of the Interstellar Law and repeatedly jumping horizontally.

Qiuqiu took off the skin that was draped over the Federal University and the Kishi Sanatorium in front of everyone's eyes. Just now, the passers-by have complained about them, and now they are so sad.

The evidence is overwhelming, and the defendant's defense is indefensible.

There is no doubt that Jiang Qiuqiu was victorious on this battle day.

On this day, this moment—

The highest institution called Federal University has broken the filter in the hearts of many people.

It turns out that the Federal University will also be fraudulent.

It turns out that the Federal University also has moths.

It turned out that it is not standing on the top of the group school.

It's dirty.

It's a little bit of Calvin, but I'm still doing it. Good night everyone.

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