All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1086 Hello, soldier

"Even if you really invite a dean of the level. All the teachers you want to invite have the original level, it is even more impossible."

Hell difficulty.

Everything seemed to be at an impasse.

"What happened to the school..."

"What happened to all this?"

Just when the few people were helpless to discuss, the terminals of several people beeped a few times.

They raised their hands and glanced at the terminal, and found that it was Teacher Mao's update on the personal terminal.

"Mr. Mao posted a dynamic!"

Although this young teacher is not the top in the teaching group, his strength is also very good. He is diligent in exercising on weekdays and has been devoted to teaching. He is young and interesting in speaking. Many students have a good impression of him.

He sent a notice from Dean Laofu on social media.

Because Dean Lao Fu himself did not open a Star Network account.

In the notice, he stated very clearly that he took everyone out of the Federal University because the Federal University itself had violated the school motto.

[I only work where I approve. 】

He didn't attack the Federal University with other words, but those four words violated the school motto... enough for everyone to guess.

Not to mention, a photo was added to the middle of the letter.

It's a group photo of a runaway teacher, all wearing the same... school uniform? ? ?

What the hell, it's not a federal university either? Everyone took a closer look, and next to the photo, there was actually a decorative boulder of the Federal Military Academy.

The small print under the photo - I and I have joined the Federal Military Academy with a teacher. My classmates, we look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Liu Tingting: "All gone, really gone, went to the next door."


"I feel like I don't have the energy to go to class A1 anymore."

It is said to be a collapse, in fact, today is only the first day of the collapse, and the main event is not on.

Everyone complains, and they are highly educated, but they can still stay sane.

The real difficulties, the really breaking scenes, are still to come.


When the Federal University was in chaos, Qiuqiu also began to devote himself to the next thing.

return to school.

Just like when he went to the Federal University with his ID card a long time ago, this time, Qiuqiu also brought his ID card to the Federal Military Academy.

But the difference is that the first time to go to the Federal University is a person.

This time, Mo Si stood beside him, although he wore a small mask.

Yes, he put on the black hole mask again.

"Can you pass the security check with your identity?"


"Wow, you have dual identities like this?"

"I have reported in and out of school, but I can't go to some other places." He explained seriously.

Qiuqiu smiled.

Before entering the Federal Military Academy, they had to pass the inspection. Qiuqiu and Mosi passed the security check together with their famous post.

It was the soldier in charge of the test who saw Jiang Qiuqiu and wentssips in his heart.

Wow, is this Jiang Qiuqiu who is very popular on the Internet recently?

I heard inside information that he is a group spiritual healer, a growth-type huh, who dropped out of Federal University? Are you coming to my school? ! This is great too!

Our school has added another talent! Happy!

Especially when the talent was snatched from the school next door, I'm even happier!

The feud between the Federal University and the Military Academy is over!

After passing the security check, you have to walk a long road of about 30 to 50 meters, and then pass the electronic gate. Unlike the future of the Federal University and you will fight the sea of ​​stars, the Federal Military Academy is very pragmatic, in a word.

Hello soldier.

The tone of voice did not fluctuate greatly, but for some reason, Qiu Qiu's heart was burning with enthusiasm.

Good night!

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