All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1087 Federal Military Academy: If you ask for leave and report to Federal University, I will

There are very few departments in the Federal Military Academy.

Since it is a military academy, the majors that are divided out basically correspond to the name of the school.

The Mecha Soldier Department, the Spiritual Healing Department, and the Mecha Manufacturing Department are the counterpart majors for cultivating and exporting war machines.

There are also special departments for 'logistics support', co-ordination, and psychology.

Of course, compared with other schools, the main majors of the Federal Military Academy have the most branch majors.

Taking the mecha soldier as an example, the score of the Federal University is relatively "scrawled", all of which are general directions.

However, in the military school, being a soldier is a six-year system. In the first three years, students learn the basic movements and basic knowledge that they also learned in Federal University, and help students build their own mecha individual operation system.

Wait until the fourth year, after everyone understands the mecha, then start the diversion.

Then three years of professional and systematic training will be carried out to strive to become an excellent soldier after graduation.

Qiuqiu also agrees with this idea.

Coincidentally, he came here today and was entertained by an old friend.

In the small hall of the reception room of the Federal Military Academy, Lao Fu, the current Vice President of the Mecha Individual Soldier Department, Professor Mei, the newly transferred professor of the Department of Spiritual Healing, and Ren Dong, the Dean of the Healing Department of the Military Academy, are sitting in a row. What about Qiuqiu? , sitting across from the three of them.

The admissions conversation was more personal, and Mosi was waiting for her at the entrance of the small hall.

"You are here." Dean Laofu said, "You are the right choice to come here."

Dean Ren Dong also nodded, "This is definitely a place with rigorous scholarship. What happened to you in that school before is impossible in our school."

"We promise that after we recruit you, we will give you the most elite education." Ren Dong smiled, "I am very old-fashioned that Dean said that you are a double major in Federal University?"

"Continuous refining of spiritual power can also improve healing spiritual power?" To be honest, since Jiang Qiuqiu dropped out of school, Ren Dong has been eyeing her.

A genius, a genius who belongs to the military department, is a natural half of the military academy.

He has a natural affection for her.

"To be honest, in your situation, it is best to come to our school. There are a large number of individual soldiers to accompany you. I will guarantee the ticket. As long as you come, 24 hours a day, whoever you want to spar with you, I will do it. How about arranging someone to accompany you to practice?"

"And it's not just sparring. We have more technologies here that the Federal University does not have. You come and do as you please."

He speaks a lot of punchlines and speaks very fast. He doesn't look like a professor in the Department of Healing, but like he teaches Chinese. "Also, did Professor Mei say you like challenging patients?"

"We are also the Retirement Reception Center for Excellent Border Soldiers. If you come to our school and want to get samples, they are everywhere, and you won't take them out of the house."

"How is it, I've talked so much, is the little classmate excited?"

Qiuqiu nodded, she had already thought about it, "I am here today to apply for admission to the military academy."

"What kind of application is this, I agree, just come directly." He waved his hand, very decisive.

It was said to talk about the details, but in fact, there was nothing to talk about, so I just came to the class, but Qiuqiu applied for a slight extension of the course.

Because she still has a lawsuit hanging on her body, and she will come back after the next round of lawsuits.

"Okay." Ren Dong nodded, "I know about you, and I support your case."

"You can even invite me to cheer in court and sue Federal University. I'm always willing."

Jiang Qiuqiu: ...

It's really no cover.

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