All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1093 The gathering of three or two friends is life

Mo Si disdains to be one with Mo idiom.

But today I'm in a good mood, so I won't quarrel.

Qiuqiu invited Mo Chengyu and Zuo Kai into the living room, and let the two sit in the living room together to drink tea and chat.

Friends, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, so naturally there are endless things to say, and Mo idiom is also a talker.

"I heard from a teacher in the military academy before that Qiuqiu has passed your student status? Are you going to continue to study in the military academy?"

"Yeah, I haven't graduated yet. I always feel like I have something to learn."

"That's true. There is no end to learning. You can go to the military academy. It's much more standardized than the federal university's management. Is your mental strength stable after it rises to S?"

"It's solid."

"It's great." Mo idiom was sincerely happy for his little friend, the current sister-in-law, "The faster the speed of stability, the more likely it is to go further."

"I look forward to your becoming a 2s-level healer! Qiuqiu!"

"To encourage each other, how are you in the research institute? Are you happy?" Qiuqiu didn't ask about the results, this was a secret.

"I'm not happy." When he mentioned the researcher, Mo idiom was blinded. "I don't know if the research direction is wrong or what.

"There's a deadlock anyway."

"But after my brother's classmate came here recently, the director asked him to go to the research institute for a few times, and it seems to be okay." Mo idiom said this, and couldn't help sighing, "Even geniuses are uneven."

For example, since childhood, Mo idiom was very confident, thinking that she might not be the most beautiful and the best genetic, but she must be smart, a very smart wave in the crowd.

Even compared with her big brother, as long as it is in the field of scientific research, she is confident that she is far ahead.

But after this Xing Ruisi appeared——

"He's so strong." Mo idiom sighed at the strong man.

Zuo Kai glanced at her and lowered his head slightly.

Mo Si said: "Just get used to it. He is indeed a rare genius in research. After all, he is a descendant of Xing Rui."

"Yes, yes, I'm used to it!"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and just after Xing Ruisi was finished, the knock on the door rang again.

Mo Si got up to open the door, and Xing Ruisi, dressed in a 'scholar' style, walked in.

He looked a little embarrassed.

But I'm not particularly embarrassed, and even though he's eating, he also has a mission today!

Still, he brought a small gift.

A training helmet game card that he made himself.

"Training helmet game card? What is this?" As a researcher, Mo idiom was most interested in this strange product.

Xing Ruisi: "A program that can be automatically triggered by wearing a helmet."

"Can you simulate confrontation when you are alone? The form is similar to ordinary training, but it is more interesting and more accurate."


"Wow, there's this thing? Is it plugged directly into the helmet?" Mo Idiom looked up and asked, "Where is it plugged in?"

"Put it directly on top of the helmet."

"Above?" Mo idiom wondered, "Is there a place for a jack above?"

Xing Ruisi:  …


"I forgot that this one needs a helmet." After making a joke, Xing Ruisi was a little embarrassed, "I will bring the helmet next time."

"It's okay." Qiuqiu told him to sit down, "Don't worry."

"Thank you Tweet!"

During the conversation, 3 o'clock came quietly, and the trio of office workers also came here by car after they quickly dealt with the company's affairs.

At this time, the trio didn't know yet that today's 'what they saw and heard' was enough to use up their shock for a whole year.

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