All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1094 The first Mo Si took off his vest, and his relatives and friends were shocked!

"Is it this way?" Xiao Qian always glanced at the door.

Mingmei was helpless, "I've been here a few times, this is it."

"Qiuqiu said it was registered, let's go in directly."

The hover car drove into the yard next to Qiuqiu's house at a low altitude. There was a lot of space there, and it was more than enough to park a small hover car.

There would be a roar when the vehicle landed, and Mosi quickly knew that the three were coming.

This time, it was Mosi who opened the door.

Ringing the doorbell, Xiao Qian always asked if the operating system cassette of Mingmei Company had been brought, "I have brought it, and I can still forget this."

"Yeah." Wan Xing also echoed, "Mr. Qian, you asked Sister Mingmei when you went out."

"Ask again, insurance."

After all, such opportunities are hard to come by.

The criminals are here to do this.

The three were talking and laughing, Wanxing rang the doorbell, and soon, the door opened.

The three looked up together, smiling and wanting to say hello to the people inside.

But what caught my eye was the tall Mosi, and Mosi's face that almost all interstellar people knew.

As long as you contact Xingwang and watch more news, who doesn't know him?


Blade of the Empire?

Admiral Moss? !

Xiao Qian always said subconsciously, "I'm sorry, we went through the wrong door."

Then he pulled Mingmei and Wanxing out and asked, "Did you read the house number when you came down? Is it number xxx?"

"Is that... is that Admiral Mosi?"

"Is this community so powerful? Admiral Mosi actually lives here?"

"It shouldn't be." Mr. Qian had investigated the community before, "There should be a lot of retired generals living here."

"So where did we get it wrong? I don't think I got the number wrong."

Wanxing interjected, "It's worth going the wrong way, I actually saw a living admiral, and it's still so close!!"

My sister is my sister.

All three were thinking.

At this moment, Qiuqiu also came out. She passed Mo Si's side, walked to the door, and shouted: "Mr. Qian! Sister Mingmei! Wanxing!"

"Here, where are you going?"


"I think I heard Qiuqiu's voice." Wanxing said.

"It's not like, I heard it too."

The three turned back together.

It's amazing to watch, but there seems to be no particularly inconsistent scene.

Qiuqiu stood quietly beside the man who was called the God of Heaven and the Blade of the Nation in the Federation. She had the usual smile on her face, beckoning and shouting.

What's even worse is that because the two were standing together, Wanxing didn't stare at Mo Si's face, and suddenly said, "Mr. Qian, why do I feel... Admiral Mo is so like Qiuqiu's boyfriend. "

"What?" The three started to walk back, and Mr. Qian retorted, "Qiuqiu's boyfriend is a relative of the Mo family."

"Maybe the Admiral is also here for a family banquet today."

come close.

Wan Xing asked again in a low voice, "Then the Mo family are popular with uncles and nephews and relatives wearing exactly the same clothes?"

How does she feel about this dress... I saw it a few days ago?

With all kinds of doubts in his heart, the two sides met.

But Mo Si's aura was too attractive, and for a while, Mr. Qian and the others were a little embarrassed to say hello to Qiuqiu.


Qiuqiu sighed, turned sideways, poked Mo Si's waist and abdomen directly, and said in a sullen voice, "Look at you, you shouldn't come to dinner today, it makes everyone so nervous."

That moment.

Mr. Qian: ? ? ?

Bright: !

Evening Star: ? !


It seems clear.

Good night!

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