All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1098 Spicy chicken, do you think your live broadcast room is delicious? It really is! (infur

This is the overall atmosphere of today's live broadcast.

Because there was a group dinner later, Qiuqiu didn't stay on each dish for too long.

In general, meat and vegetarian menus are also interspersed.

There are more people who like to eat meat than people who like to eat vegetables, which causes every meat lover to have a fluke, thinking that he can choose meat in all three dishes.

Therefore, meat dishes are always sold out in seconds, and many vegetables are still kept.

It's not that no one chooses, it's just a spare tire that can only be "unselected".

But when Qiuqiu was cooking the 15th dish, he said, "There are only three dishes left, and today's dinner dishes are all finished!"

"Those who still have places and opportunities that have not been used up should hurry up~"

After this sentence, the green cabbage that had not been touched for a long time was instantly dropped by two.

【? ? ? 】

【I haven't started choosing, is it already over\u0026】

[No way, I didn't grab a single piece of meat, woo woo woo. 】

[I have a hunch, is this the last meat dish? I just ate a few vegetarian dishes in seconds. I was so scared that I didn't even have a choice of vegetarian dishes at the end, so I could only eat what was left over. 】

[I think too much upstairs... Some of the leftovers are good, I don’t know if you still can’t remember the previous allin menu list. Every time you tweet, it will cover almost everyone. One. 】

It's good to be able to grab it, but I'm afraid I'll wait until the end to have nothing.

[I have already reserved two vegetarian dishes, and I will grab the meat for the rest of the quota. I really can’t grab a vegetarian meal when it’s over. 】

Some people are mobilized, and more people are active in grabbing seats.

Qiuqiu occasionally glanced at the barrage, and she found that everyone was quite careful.

But this time everyone's worries are superfluous. This time the amount is absolutely enough. When it comes to the end, maybe there are still some places left for some dishes.

When the time comes, there will be no places to grab it...

The fast hands seem to be just a bunch of them, and the lottery is distributed randomly, so that everyone's weight is about the same.

Everyone has a chance.

Thinking like this, the movements of his hands quickened again. After 19 minutes, the last soup in Qiuqiu's menu today was ready.

After the robot had finished distributing the soup, everyone’s 3 quotas had been used up. Qiuqiu divided the meal aside. 7 billion more times...

It's enough for 1/5 of the people in the live broadcast room to have another game.

"Today, it will not be open 4 times for everyone to choose."

"Right now, I'm running an in-channel lottery event. You can now send a number 1 on the barrage. Because there are more people participating in the event, it may take 10 minutes for all the reward data here to be distributed."

"You don't have to wait, you can eat it directly, and you can eat the rest tomorrow."

"Yes, I will maintain a certain frequency of live broadcasts recently. Even if I don't live broadcast, I will often put some delicacies in the food display window, so that everyone can take it as they want~"

"Then today's live broadcast is here. I'm going to have dinner with my friends."

"Well, today I'm hosting with my boyfriend, and I invited some directors of the company and some of my boyfriend's friends to have dinner together."

Happy farewell to everyone, Qiuqiu set an order for the housekeeper robot to clean up the mess, and called Mosi to come and serve the dishes together.

Although they were all guests, the young guests were embarrassed to just watch the main house busy, and they didn't dare to do anything, so they also came over to serve dishes. There were more than ten people, everyone started, and soon, large plates and small bowls were served. The pots of soup were brought to the living room.

The rich aroma almost filled the entire living room, making people drool unconsciously.

Jiu Xing people all over the planet have also started to enjoy delicious food.

As usual, while they were tasting, they opened up Jiang Chiu Chiu's food circle, ready to have a friendly exchange inside—

You grabbed a few meats, you grabbed a few dishes, did you win a lottery?

The European Emperor played against the African Chief, and the Kuaishou Man played against the Wooden Man. Show off, you can get double the happiness.

But when everyone came in with great interest, they found that the whole circle had been occupied by another kind of post.

#spicy chicken! Do you think your live broadcast room is a sweet pastry? #

Fans: ? ? ?

Almost at the same time, everyone threw a sentence in their hearts——

What the hell is this black fan doing? !

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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