All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1099 Our company will ban the abusive ID that fictitiously slandered Tweet into her personal

The posts are constantly refreshed, and the titles of the hot posts in the circle are constantly on the side.

From criticizing the live broadcast room of Tweet, to criticizing [Xinxing APP, it will close sooner or later! ].

Before entering the details page, I was full of resentment.

Everyone doesn't understand, what are you doing? Why do black fans choose this kind of nonsense when Tweet Tweet directly broadcasts benefits.

This makes Chiu Chiu think!

People in the fan base are not rare to discuss this with this mentally retarded.

In order to take care of Qiuqiu's emotions, some people spoke passionately in the fan group.

[Let's stop discussing who is Ou Huang first, let's squeeze these strange posts down first. 】

[Yeah, yeah, looking at that post gave me a headache. 】

[Who posted it... This group of people is really disgusting, they say they are black fans, which time can't they tweet live? Stand up again! 】

[Yes, yes, there is also a strange person beside me who is always black and tweeting, but every time he grabs something, he never falls. 】

This kind of behavior is really annoying, so the topic in the group quickly turned a corner.

Everyone is also very hot, and the more they talk, the more excited they are.

Then someone interjected [Did we go wrong...]

The topic just came back.

When it comes to purifying things inside the circle, some people think that the screen is too low, which is already the previous method.

[@万星@万星, we Ying Ai called the administrator and blocked the IDs of those people. Don’t want to enter our circle in the future. 】

As a result, many people @ came out of the evening star.

Wanxing was eating at the table, the terminal kept beeping, she freed her hand to open the terminal, and soon a smile appeared on her face.

[Those IDs are temporarily closed today, but they will be closed tomorrow. 】

【? ? ? What the hell, it will be closed if it is not closed, do you still need to pick a time? 】

【Is there something wrong with Xiao Wan today? ! 】

[No no no, today's hot search in the APP is a surprise prepared by the company for the black fans who tweeted ~]


Is the company stupid? What a surprise.

Just when everyone in the group was puzzled, a melon-eater fan who had gone deep into the circle came out and dumped a long screenshot.

I saw that when I clicked into a bunch of Tucao posts in the circle, the problem descriptions were basically:

【Are you sick? Why don't you let us in the live room? Only restrict us to the live room? 】

[Is the Xinxing APP going to get cold again? Can't get in when there are too many people? 】

[Why can I enter someone else's live broadcast room, but not Chiu Chiu's live broadcast room? 】

There are some people who don't know the id Tweet Xingren.

But there are also some IDs who often jump up and down in the "food circle" to insinuate Qiuqiu, everyone is very familiar with it.

They... can't get into today's live broadcast?

Just when everyone seemed to be guessing but not sure, the enthusiastic masses forwarded the latest statement from the official account of the new star live APP Xingwang by the way:

[At present, our company has received many complaints from users this morning that they cannot enter the anchor 'Jiang Jiu Jiu' normally, reflecting APP dysfunction and link errors. Our company immediately checked and found that the APP is running smoothly and there is no link dysfunction, and will announce it again tomorrow. rise:

Our anchor Jiang Jiuchou's public for-profit live broadcast room will be changed to a personal sharing type live broadcast room, and we will no longer charge everyone's tasting fee.

And, in the future, if there is any behavior, including but not limited to verbal abuse, fictitious facts, etc., against our anchor Jiang Chiu Chiu on social media, personal homepages, and food circles, we will prohibit his ID number from logging in to anchor Jiang Chiu Chiu’s personal live broadcast room.

At this point, I hope that the live broadcast room of Jiu Jiu can do better and better. 】


Everyone understands.


This group of black fans jumping up and down is crazy because they were kicked out of the live broadcast room! ?

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