The next day, I woke up like a dream.

Qiuqiu opened her eyes on her bed, and there was bright sunlight outside the window.

There was no sound of birds, only the faint sound of machines vibrating in the air, and the familiar smell of rice.

Glancing at the side, it was empty.

Obviously, the red panda got up, and the red panda went to cook.

Also, she is tired.

Tired in the limbs and bones, instead of retreating because of waking up, it became more intense, so the self-disciplined Qiuqiu decided to stay in bed for a while.

Lie down, it's rare to have someone with you.

After a while, her boyfriend is no longer around.

There's no chance to use the red panda, besides... he's too bad.

Not knowing what to think, Qiuqiu blushed suddenly, she tightened the quilt for a while, the steam was steaming, and she popped her head out again. At this moment, Mo Si came in.

He carried a few small bowls, and the virtuous little panda has been learning to cook hard under Qiuqiu's training.

It's a pity that the talent point is wrong, he cuts the vegetables blamelessly, and the taste of cooking is... ordinary.

But there is the buff of love, so in Qiuqiu's view, it is still very good.

Clear porridge + side dishes, in order to replenish physical strength, let's add a few beef dumplings that have been wrapped before, steam them in a pot, and pour a little soy sauce and vinegar prepared by Qiuqiu. The taste is also very good.

"I have to wash my face and eat later."

"Yeah." Mo Si nodded, "It's all just out of the pot, you go wash it and come over and the temperature is just right."

He put the things on the table beside him, and then when Qiuqiu lifted the quilt, he asked freely, "Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?"

Qiuqiu: ?

"Aren't you tired?"


Qiuqiu snorted softly and covered her face with her hands, "Aren't you feeling embarrassed!!"

"No." Mo Si looked around, "No one else."

"I'm not tired!" Qiuqiu got out of bed, "It's so close, I can go by myself."

After speaking, she hurried forward, but because she walked too fast, she stumbled a bit. It was not because she was tired, but her left foot stumbled on her right!

But how could Mo Si know this, he felt that Qiuqiu was tired.

"I said, let me come."

"No more dawdling."

He picked her up as easily as picking up a doll.

It's not a princess hug, it's that kind of... Dad would hug a child's front with one hand. At this height, Qiuqiu bent over and could just wrap his arms around Mosi's neck.

After a short walk, while washing in front of the mirror, Qiuqiu couldn't help but keep looking at Mosi.

"What's the matter? Why do you keep looking at me today?"

After spitting out the foam in his mouth, Qiuqiu said vaguely, "I really want to film the scene just now and show it to Mr. Qian and the others later."

"Look at how broken your usual image is."

Mo Si smiled, "Why wait for it to be filmed, just invite them over for dinner next time."

As long as he does not restrain his actions, the image of the Imperial Blade will collapse every second.

Qiuqiu groaned angrily, and when she went back, it was Qiuqiu that Mo Si was holding.

It's fun anyway!

After eating breakfast and changing clothes, Mo Idiom quietly came to the door. Although she was very curious about the daily relationship between eldest brother and Qiuqiu, it is immoral to be a light bulb, so after a meal here , the small idiom resigned.

There are still three days left to finish the vacation, and she is going to live in the Mojia compound.

By the way, I will tell her family what she has seen here.

Mo Si kindly bid farewell to his sister.

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