All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1104 Refusal to recognize the law

The next time is repeated horizontal jumps between live broadcast, rest, live broadcast, and rest.

The crawler data made by Xing Ruisi is really 666.

Not only can you collect attack information in various circles by yourself, and ban it, but later, under the improvement, a reporting function has been added.

This time, more people have nothing to hide.

The banned people were very angry, and they kept posting offensive remarks online, believing that Qiuqiu was targeting them.

But at that time, Qiuqiu's live broadcast room had been cancelled for profit, and it was completely changed to a personal sharing live broadcast room. Since it was already a personal sharing live broadcast room, she had the right to ban those who she did not want to see.

After all, choice is a two-way street.

The black fans jumped up and down, and they had no choice but to shout that they would never watch Qiuqiu's live broadcast again in the future, and would never patronize all the apps of Xinxing Group again.

However, some sharp-eyed people soon discovered that some of the social IDs of some black fans who were very active were hacked, and good IDs were suddenly no longer online.

And in Qiuqiu's live broadcast room, there were more newcomers watching with gnashing teeth, but not saying a word.

Obviously, some people are really fragrant.

But no one cares about the dynamics of these people.

Because the time node for the first round of judgment has arrived.

The military court stipulated that the defendant's party must publicly apologize to Jiang Qiuqiu before the end of this month.

However, until now, the day before the end of the month, everyone's social media has still not moved at all.

The day that Qiuqiu had been waiting for had come.

Early morning in late June.

As the 'sufferer' and the 'plaintiff', Qiuqiu, accompanied by a lawyer, came to the military court.

For some politically sensitive reasons, Mosi did not show up.

But he appointed his adjutant, Qiu Dao, the executive chief of staff of the Sixth Army, to come here to help.

The battles on the front line are not tight, and it has been very hot recently. This year, the manic Zerg do not know what to do.

Qiu Dao was able to breathe, and the military department had a small task, so he came back once.

He didn't even think that he would come back once and be able to connect with Qiuqiu.

He and Changbei are loyal fans of Jiang Jiu Jiu's live broadcast room. When they were at their craziest, they squatted on the live broadcast every day, robbed and robbed, and spent a lot of money when they were rewarded.

The Delicious Factory opened, and the two of them even bought id caps. They are not as talkative as other groupies, but they are also silent and powerful.

I just went to the front line before, and I paid less attention. I didn't expect Qiuqiu to be caught in so many whirlpools.

This time, Qiu Dao thought to himself that he must let those defendants apologize according to law.

Before the "warning of force", the judge of the military court will also send a final communication to the parties, asking them to apologize immediately.

But unfortunately, the communication from the Kistler sanatorium has never been answered. Well, "One team of people will go directly to the Kistler sanatorium later."

The phone number from the Academic Affairs Office of the Federal University was answered, but unfortunately the person who answered was not the defendant, but another teacher from the Academic Affairs Office.

When she received the communication from the military court, she was also very terrified. She said several times that she would ask the director to answer the communication, but she did not reply to the request several times.

Very good, but also when the refusal law does not deal with it.

The third individual defendant, Ms. Yang Nuannuan, was the most cowardly. After hearing that she would be enforced if she did not apologize, she cried in the newsletter.

"Can you let Jiang Qiuqiu be accommodating?" She cried very sadly.

She whimpered as if she had been let down by the whole world, "I was wrong, I was really wrong, I'll apologize directly to her in the newsletter, okay, I'll kneel down and apologize!"

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