All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1105 then enforce the law

After speaking, there was also the sound of something hitting the wooden board.

She may be really scared, and her voice is trembling.

"I've really reached my limit!"

"They asked me to say that, I know I was wrong, and so was my mother..."

"Give me one more chance, if I really apologize publicly, my life will be completely ruined, please save me, Tweet, I know you are by my side, leave me a way to live!"

She sings well.

Every word is a plea for forgiveness.

But unfortunately, there are no soft-hearted people here. The judge who answered the communication heard a lot of this kind of words. She seemed to have heard a bunch of junk messages and said coldly: "Hello, today is the last day of the public apology time limit, may I ask you Are you ready?"

"If not, we will have law enforcement officers coming to your home to enforce it."

"I know, but I—"

"Hello, today is the last day for a public apology? Please don't say anything unrelated to this case."

"Are you trying to kill me? Military court?"

"Today is the last day, may I ask..."

Magic can defeat magic the most, the opponent is as hard as a rock, Yang Nuannuan screamed.

She also wanted to seek Zhao Xun's protection in the past, but at this time Zhao Xun was already a high-ranking emperor, and he didn't care about this anymore.

Besides, Yang Nuannuan is the loser.

The high-ranking king didn't want to give any protection to the defeated party, he just felt unlucky.

With no one behind him, Yang Nuannuan couldn't fight anymore, "I apologize! Can't I apologize! You people don't have any humanity like you—"

Too noisy.

So noisy that Qiuqiu turned her head and glanced at it, she pointed to the communication, and asked the staff if she could answer the communication.

The staff nodded.

She took the communication, "Miss Yang."

"It's great that you recognized your mistakes and started taking responsibility for your mistakes."

"It's illegal to spread rumors. Didn't you think that you had to apologize publicly on the day you spread rumors?"

"You're never innocent, you know that."

"Finally, I hope your level of apology will be higher than the level of your falsely accusing me, and explain everything clearly. Otherwise—I don't recognize it." Qiuqiu's voice was calm, "Do you understand?"

After speaking, Qiuqiu hung up the communication and returned the terminal to the law enforcement officers.

Qiu Dao stood on one side, slightly surprised.

This young lady looks so different from the live broadcast room.

Then the morning is over, and the next step is to enter the field.

The law enforcement police and soldiers here are about to be divided into two groups, one going to Kishi Sanatorium and the other going to Federal University.

Qiu Dao must go to the Federal University group, Qiu Qiu can choose where to go.

"I'm going to the Commonwealth."

"is it okay?"

"Of course." The judge nodded.

Then, the compulsory law enforcement team set off in such a mighty manner.

Everyone brought not only force, but also cameras.

Because according to the Military Court Act, if the defendant refuses to enforce the law, the court can enforce the execution, shoot the execution video, and then make the video public by the judge, which counts as an apology.

The two hover cars set off.

The military court is not too far from the Federal University.

It was about an hour away. On the way there, the law enforcement officers were very awe-inspiring.

Everyone's face is solemn and solemn. They are loyal defenders of dogmatic laws and reserve forces for society to move forward smoothly.

Qiuqiu sat in it and was speechless.

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