All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1106 Breaking open the gate of Federal University!

At this point, the Federal University is still in good times.

Oh no, it may not be called a quiet time.

Because recently there have been student demonstrations in the school.

As a result, the Academic Work Office and the Student Union are full of punished students.

But this is just a school, and the punishment can't be too much.

It's nothing more than cancelling some students' scholarships and cancelling some schools' excellent rating qualifications. It is impossible for schools to expel students because of such things.

The first is because there are too many students involved.

The second is to do this, it seems that the school's momentum is too small, it is quite like being angry, and it is not beautiful in short.

But there is no sharp weapon to deter them, and these people emerge in endlessly.

Therefore, the Academic Affairs Office is thinking about finding the initiator and coming to a big wave.

But after looking around, the initiator was found, only to find that the other party was a noble.

And he is the sole heir of the Dais Family, one of the four great nobles of the Federation.


There is no doubt that the other party has invested in the Federal University over the years.

In addition, many new nobles have been added here, and they are also afraid of power, so for a while, they can't find a way to deal with Merlin Days.

I can only warn and tell the principal and the patriarch of the Dais family about this matter.

"extremely busy."

Civilian teachers are full of resentment.

"When did we ever have something so complicated here..."

It has never happened in so many years.

"I originally came here as a part-time job, and I have to improve myself in the spare time. Now almost all of my time is devoted to such trivial matters."

Originally, with his academic qualifications and qualifications, he was not used to be a logistics teacher in the academic department, but the job here was easy, and he could apply to live in the staff dormitory even if he was a logistics staff.

There are many, many resources that other schools can't touch, so he stayed, wanted to learn, and wanted to follow a stronger teacher.

But now...

The strong are gone.

And the school seems to be getting busier and busier.

Because as far as the eye can see, they are all nobles, and they are all related households.

"I want to go, how about you?" He looked at his companion who was in the same situation as himself.

The companion glanced at him and whispered a few words to him.

His eyes lit up immediately, "Okay! Good! I think it's okay!"

The building is about to collapse, but in the building, some people are awake, some people are confused, and some people are still rushing in at this time, making the already shaking foundation shake even more.

After the students who had just finished their education were let go, the Academic Affairs Office and the Logistics Office thought that today's task should be over here.

As a result, the communication from the security office quickly rang.

What caught my ears was the eager voice of the guard: "No, Teacher Zhang! There is a team of soldiers outside the door who want to force their way into the school!"

"I dare not open the door!"

Don't dare not to open the door, that momentum.

"What? How could someone force their way into the school!"

"Wait a minute, I'll go right over-"

Before she could finish speaking, the voice of the doorman suddenly changed.

A male voice sounded, "Hello, I'm the director of the enforcement police department of the Federal Military Court. Because your school teachers Wang Jiangsong and Wang Siping refused to fulfill the judgment, our company will take enforcement measures."

"Now, please cooperate with our court and bring the defendants Wang Jiangsong and Wang Siping to the gate of your school."

After saying this, he paused, "Or, let's go in and invite the two of them out."

What tone is this? !

Teacher Zhang panicked, "Hello, this, Director, can you wait a minute, I'll apply up-"


"The law enforcer's blade is inexorable. According to federal military law, you should now unconditionally cooperate with my actions. I refuse your upward application. Now I would like to issue a notice to you that I want to enter the door."

After speaking, he directly hung up the communication.

The man in a dark blue police uniform and a police cap looked at the doorman and repeated, "I want to go in and open the door."

Doorman: "I..."

He didn't care about this person, he turned back and said, "Demolition."

So, in Qiuqiu's eyes, these people were well-trained and rushed into the guard room.

Soon, the seemingly impregnable gates of the Federal University opened.

Everyone, dignifiedly walked in.

The holidays are over again... The exam papers that can't be changed, the lesson plans that can't be done, I'm crying

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