All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1111 Take people away!

Storm-like blows followed one after another.

The executive captain instantly confirmed the identities of the two people, and soon, the entourage took out a flag from nowhere and stuck it on the ground.

Then someone took out the badge of the military court and stood directly in front of the two people. The rest of the people lined up one by one.

The CEO, Qiu Dao, and Qiu Qiu were standing right in front of the defendant.

The person in charge of recording turned on the camera robot.

The CEO ordered the two defendants to quickly open the terminals, and then made a public apology to Qiuqiu.

This battle is a bit big, and the two of them are actually scared.

But at this time, how dare they apologize.

Zhao Xun said before that he did not recognize the laws promulgated by the military court and the last judgment, which kept them silent.

There is still a camera in front of me, I don't know if it's a video recording or a live news broadcast. When this kind of exposure may be exposed...

If they admit it, they will escape the catastrophe now, and they will definitely not escape His Majesty's wrath in the future.

So the two quickly made a decision and refused to admit it!

The Liberty Alliance accepts the truth and won't do anything. If it really falls into His Majesty's hands, it will be over.

Both are tough in order to survive.

Especially Wang Jiangsong, who seemed to have been recharged with courage, "Who are you? Who let you enter the campus?"

"We don't recognize the last court verdict! We are federal citizens, and the federal court should give us a verdict—"

He is also more than Lai Lai.

But the executive did not listen to this, and only asked: "Do the two defendants refuse to execute the judgment?"

Wang Jiangsong is still thinking.

The CEO directly opened the terminal and posted a statute, "According to the Federal Military Court Act, those who refuse to comply with the sentence will be dealt with according to the military law. Are you ready for the military law?"

The two teams are like two dimensions.

"This is the last time I ask, do you apologize?"

"Do not."

This refusal seemed to have broken a certain line, and the police surrounding everyone suddenly turned inward. Just when Wang Jiangsong and Wang Siping were a little overwhelmed, a light circle appeared in the hands of the CEO. With lightning speed, the two were chained.

After the torture, he glanced at Qiuqiu, walked over and whispered a few words to Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu was stunned for a moment, with a smile in his eyes, then shook his head, "It's fine."

The CEO also nodded.

After the negotiation, the chief executive suddenly raised his hand, and the police officer who was holding the flag quickly pulled out the flag and put it on his hand.

Soon, the team stepped out of the spiritual healing system.

The CEO held the green flag of the military court, the green flag on a white background, solemn and solemn.

Many people in the school saw Wang Jiangsong and Wang Siping walking forward with their arms bound in the long queue.

Some people talk, some people watch, some people take pictures.

But it was very uniform, and no one came up to stop it.

A teacher who has no one to support it, such a failure, an extreme failure.

After all this, it was already noon when I left Federal University.

Qiuqiu and the others went out of the school on the front foot, and the federal university and the military court on the back foot, have been on the hot search since the beginning.

The tag keyword of the military court is with #axiom, justice#.

There are several hot searches in Federal University, all of which are next to inferior words such as [low], [bottom], [so miserable], and [disgraceful university].

It's like two kinds of 'people' in one world.

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