All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1112 The former emperor's nails are all over the planet

A high mountain that no one climbs, or only those who are famous and respected, will become this high mountain.

Ordinary people will think that the mountain is famous, and everyone who climbs it is a "hero". Ordinary people say, I also want to climb that mountain.

Talented people will also aim at the mountain and say: The person I look up to climbed this mountain, and I will climb this mountain together!

Then, with the accumulation of generations, the mountain gradually became famous.

Climbers also gradually became famous.

But then-

Many people have climbed this mountain, and anyone can step on it, or everyone suddenly finds that the people who have climbed this mountain are of mixed quality, and there are even people with moral corruption who are inferior to ordinary people.

At this time, the mountain is still the same mountain, but the height of the mountain has changed.

No longer unattainable, no longer like a cloud, it will become grounded, and in a very short period of time, it will lose its glory.

Just like the current Federal University.

Once the dream school, the dream cradle of all high school students.

Up to now, the hot search frequency is full of all kinds of negative news, a large number of excellent professors have left, and they have been mismanaged by all kinds of messy reports.

Without its style, how far can the Federal University go?

This is a path that has already seen results.


Two teachers in the Spiritual Healing Department were arrested in full view.

The new dean made dozens of calls and finally contacted Principal Douglas. He hurriedly finished the matter, "Principal, what are we going to do!"

The headmaster was calmer than the headmaster, "This matter is a big deal, let's ask Your Majesty."

"Yes, but?"

"No one can guess what His Majesty is thinking, let him make up his own mind."

After speaking, Douglas hung up the communication.

He is in the Princess Mansion at the moment, watching the hot search with his chess piece, Princess Ruixin.

Yes, the couple were sitting in a row, watching the hot searches on Star Online, Princess Ruixin shook her head, "Too bad."

"Even if you bury a nail, you shouldn't bury this kind of nail."

She pointed to Wang Jiangsong and the two of them, then looked at the next hot search, and continued to sigh, "Even if there is no one in the fortress, just looking for the son of a great noble is better than him."

At the very least, he can be an honorary dean and maintain his demeanor.

"Look at him like this-"

Yelling and shouting, how can the villain look like a mentor?

"And this, actually driving the students to stop all this." Princess Ruixin raised her eyebrows, "It's really because we don't arrange it, they will go to a dead end."

"Husband, don't you think so?"

Douglas looked down a few times, and hummed.

"How about the loss of teachers over there?"

"The loss is very fast." Douglas knew that the loss was very fast without reading the details. "Every day, someone submits their resignation to the principal's mailbox."

"Oh shit."

"Young teachers and older professors suffer the most."

One is a young man with aspirations, who cannot bear the grievances.

The other is a generation that has been nurtured by the battlefield, and can't stand this grievance.

"Basically it is very difficult, or the teacher who is leading the subject is still insisting."

"Neither of the two, that's salted fish."

It is purely comfortable to lie down and do not want to change places.

"What about the students?"

"The dropout wave will not come now." Douglas still understands this. "If the Federal Military Academy next door opens an early enrollment period this year, we may have many people drop out."

"It's all torn like this, the next door will definitely open." Rui Xin said, "I know them."

"That's fine."

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