All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 629 Big Brother Group: Unlimited Trust in Chiu Chiu

[The building is crooked, you are crooked! 】

[Let's focus on the business-]

It is obviously difficult to talk about business in the single-person comment area, and the real stronghold is still in the circle and fan group.

This time it really exploded, and the entire fan base exploded, even more than the New Year's Eve dinner.

The big group that once organized support for Jiang Qiuqiu surfaced again. Since Jiang Qiuqiu's live broadcast began to be interrupted, the frequency of chatting in the group has also decreased.

But today, everyone is there, everyone has it.

【are you crazy? Even if I only open a small company, I know that the group wants to kill chickens and will not pick the golden chickens to kill them. The boss of the federation live broadcast is flooded? 】

[...Incomprehensible, is this Qian Song comparable to the previous Qian Xingxing? 】

【Why change the heir? 】

[I take back my original language. I said that the live broadcast form of the federal live broadcast software was okay, and the money in power is mostly talents. With the addition of a lot of talents, it may be able to push the APP to the top... The result is this This? This heir is too second-rate. 】

[I found one thing, this Qian Song and Qian Xingxing are twins? Are the Qian family's twins so fraternal? Not at all. 】

[Qian Song is uglier? 】

[Intelligence is not the same. 】

Many of the people in this group have seen their elders or peers with male and female goblins playing Liaozhai: [Could it be that they are not twins at all? An illegitimate child was brought back? I remember that Qian Xingxing's mother had long since passed away. 】

【……No way? 】

I have to say that this group of people really broke the truth in one sentence, but after thinking about it carefully, everyone thinks it is impossible, who would do such a thing, it is too immoral.

[Okay, it's all deviated. 】 One of Hai Yunxing’s bosses stood up and carried the flag to determine the direction: 【Let’s look at the contract first, I’ll go to Wanxing later, and ask Chiu Chiu if he needs financial support. 】

[To breach the contract... I estimate that the live broadcast company is all N+ compensation, and according to the profit of Jiu Jiu, it may have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars. 】


[I don't think I need to ask this. ] A female boss spoke: [Even if she is really short of money, Jiu Jiu will not accept it. She is not directly breaching the contract, she is jumping to the new app made by Qian Xingxing next door. I guess the new company will pay the money. We went out of this money too deliberately. If you want to help, it is better to change the direction. For example, ask if the new app of Qianxingxing needs to be injected. 】

[Sister Linglan is right, I also think it is better to ask for capital injection. 】



[Well, it seems that I don't think enough as a man. No wonder the reputation of the Suzulan family has spread far and wide. Then I'll go and get in touch with Suzuran. Speaking of which, it's not helpful... tsk, investing in a company that has tweeted , what did you think of? 】

[The big guy makes money and takes me one! 】

[Don't drive too fast the rich car, I also want to see the scenery. 】

[Don't be too fast +n for rich cars, I want to take a look too]

[Do shareholders have privileges? I want to receive money and food]


There are too many funny people, and the dull atmosphere is gradually jubilant.

Yes, for everyone, changing platforms is a trivial matter, as long as it is still live broadcast.

Just do what you said at the beginning of creating a group-

Chiu Chiu fly bravely, we will always be with you.

This is the case with large groups, as well as small groups.

As a result, at noon that day, that is, two hours after Jiang Qiuqiu posted the post, Xinxing's downloads on increased exponentially.

From a last-stream live broadcast APP, it directly joins the third-tier platform. Has more than two billion downloads.

The whole company was shocked, but felt that everything was reasonable.

It's chirp.

The myth of the food live zone.

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