All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 630: Xi Dapu ran to Qian Duoduo and fainted

Qian Duoduo's eyes went blank.

He hasn't been so angry since he took full control of the company at the age of 60.

The news on the Internet was like a bomb, bombarding his nerves.

After reading all the news and screenshots, he no longer bothered to send a communication to Qian Song.

Because Qian Song, it's not that he has no brains, but that he has problems with his brains.

He quickly sent a newsletter to one of his trusted lieutenants, giving him the right to directly schedule the company and start running the PR department.

But this operation is actually useless, so what if all the passersby are returned to the operation, what if the money is laundered by laundering the land, as long as Jiang Qiuqiu's fans already believe this, as long as they have downloaded that idiot to do it Rising star, it's too late.


User churn is a huge problem.

It's too complicated, too sudden, too rocky.

It's almost impossible to justify.

Then, you can only control the damage to the minimum, and then——

Take this nova out.

Only a living company can fight a company, and this thing is going to die.

His eyes are sullen, maybe Xingxing has been beaten by society, and when he grows up, he will gradually understand the way of business.


the other side.

Mingmei and Wanxing closely followed the trend of public opinion.

Seeing someone speculate on the twin relationship between Qian Xingxing and Qian Song, Mingmei hurriedly went to Qian Xingxing and asked him if he wanted to go ahead and tell the story.

"No, no."

Despite the pain in his heart and the feeling that his mother was humiliated, now is not a good time to announce everything.

"Why?" Mingmei pursed her lips, "Now is the high point of public opinion, everyone is doubting this matter—"

Why make a substitution.

Why Qian Xingxing was expelled.

Why can such a sloppy Qian Song pass Qian Xingxing and become the heir of the new group?

Who doesn't want to know, who doesn't want to eat melon?

At this time, Qian Xingxing tells the truth, and all questions will be answered reasonably. Public opinion is also a knife. The father is not right, and the illegitimate child is also crooked. After all this is revealed, the reputation of the Federal Live Broadcasting Company will suffer a huge blow.

Even if their new stars do not currently have the strength to fight in the federation live broadcast, the Yudou live broadcast, which has been suppressed by the federation live broadcast, has the opportunity to make a mess.

Disrupting the market is more conducive to the survival of new apps.

Mingmei's understanding and speculation on this matter are in place, but——

"Do you know how much he values ​​his reputation by maintaining his reputation for decades?"

"If I poke everything open." Then the nova is over.

Qian Duoduo is in a hurry, and it is easy to lose his mind. The new star has just risen, and if he is extremely targeted, it is easy to end.

"If I don't say it, I can still use it as a handle to keep him from messing around."

Having said that, it is really necessary to match the jade and the stone.

"Okay, I know you want to solve these difficulties for me." Qian Xingxing worked for days, and there was a circle of blue and black in his eyes, he quietly stretched out his hand and held the bright and cool fingers, "Everything will be solved in the future. "

"When we stand tall, then the right to speak will belong to us."

The sudden touch made Mingmei startled, "I know."

"We will make it."

Things moved fast and fast.

The day that Qian Duoduo took the fastest transition mecha to reach the Federation Star, happened to be the day when Jiang Qiuqiu's contract termination case was heard.

The court's subpoena was sent to the company at the front, and the latter was accepted by Qian Song.

Then the money came back.

After that, Qian Song was beaten and scolded to death, and he didn't dare to talk about the termination of the contract. So by accident, the defendant did not arrive at the trial of the bill. The judge watched the contract and the video when signing the contract. program.

Everything was legal, so the judge ruled that Jiang Qiuqiu won the case and became a free man.

She asked for leave, she asked for leave, and she just finished everything in one day.

I got the judgment and posted it on the Internet, telling everyone that there is no need to worry if the matter is resolved. The contract signed at the beginning was not an ordinary contract of God, and there was no need to lose money. When I signed it, I had already negotiated with Qian Xingxing, my boss at the time.

【Wow! 】

【awesome! 】

[This contract is too sweet, because I had to go to college before, so I signed an activity contract...]

The fans were happy, the money fell to the ground, and the mess was not finished yet, and after hearing the news that the mess was blown up, I fainted.

After running around for days, he was so angry that he fell directly on the boss's chair that symbolized power in the company.

All this, too fast.

Qian Duoduo was still thinking in his mind before he fell into a coma, why is it so fast...

If Qian Xingxing knew what he was thinking, he would definitely yell into his ear.

because of your son.

I'm really not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

After opening his eyes in the treatment room, Qian Duoduo supported his body and issued a series of instructions. Even if things were irreparable, the company's reputation still had to be preserved.


must be kept.

Good night chirp~

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