All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 841 Those cruel truths that you have been ignoring (exploded)

So, on a certain day in late September, the audiences of the Q3 topic were up and down.

Jiu Xing, who was squatting in front of the screen, also went up and down.

In the competition, I want to see the ranking, and I want to know the ranking of the spiritual healers that I think are good.

I would like to know how the internet celebrity genius was the best in the competition.

As a result, as soon as the screen was turned on, people swooned out of the game.

This makes me feel confused.

Jiu Xingren was even more confused.

Why would you retire?

Before this event started, because the live broadcast was not available for a month, Chiu Chiu hurry up and hurry up, start the live broadcast every day, and make up the data and duration before leaving.

With so much preparation, how could it be possible to retire early!

Is there any unspoken rule here! ?

Doubt and puzzlement shrouded all the spectators. Although only one person retired, it was very uncomfortable to watch things.

Always feel like something is missing.

After finally watching the morning show, Jiu Xingren is ready to call Mr. Qian Qian, and he is also the top anchor of your contract. You are a listed company, and you must not ask about the situation!

At this moment, an easter egg popped out at the end of the screen.

[Why did the first-ranked student Jiang Qiuqiu withdraw from the competition! ? The answer is here-]

This! Who can not order it!

It was a video interview, and the interviewer was still Jiang Qiuqiu's classmates.

From this video, everyone knows the reason for Jiang Qiuqiu's withdrawal from the competition——

[Oh, is it to help more people? 】

[Think that it is better not to be diverted after the free clinic? 】

[What's the matter, why can't I understand what her roommate said...]

[What does it mean to give up this and that is a choice based on kindness. 】

But the amazing thing is that after reading the reason, everyone is even more confused.

There are so many people who don't understand why Jiang Qiuqiu wants to retire from the competition. Isn't the introduction of the Q3 event saying that citizens with diseases on the planet can go to the Q3 Central Hospital to participate in this event?

So, why can't you get medical treatment directly at the Q3 hospital?

Is the Q3 hospital secretly charging? Qiuqiu discovered the injustice, so he resolutely retired from the competition?

This, this is not right, this is a matchmaking activity of the Federal University, how could such a mistake be made.

Everyone was suspicious.

Gu Xiang and Xiaoxiao both forgot, they knew that there were so many people queuing outside the hospital that they couldn't finish the treatment in a month, but netizens who followed the topic didn't know.

In their eyes, in a month's time, seeing the coming and going of yesterday's live broadcast can often cure so many patients, even if the Q3 planet is very large, it will not be bad for so long.

And this time, I can't make it in time, so I can wait for the event to go to the hospital by myself.

Due to the unequal information, almost everyone thought Gu Xiang's speech was strange.

Some people find it strange, and some people seek 'solution'.

The eyes of boring netizens are made by microscopes.

It's not-

The video at noon, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the scumbag circle exploded.

[Those cruel truths that you have been ignoring. 】

[I am really shocked, what is this? 】

A post from a microscope netizen messed up a pool of spring water, and also really opened up the reason why Jiang Qiuqiu's roommate said Jiang Qiuqiu was going to go to a free clinic.

It was the dust of the era buried in the silence.

It is the tears of the lower planets.

This netizen was sobbing and complaining, reading the text should be a compassionate and highly educated person.

[Really, at the beginning I saw this withdrawal, this interview, and thought it was a young man who had committed a heroic plot, and every time he was rescued——]

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