All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 875: Where the Heart Wants, Invincible

Check, it must be thoroughly checked.

He is also very relieved to ask the Imperial Blade to investigate! The soldiers who have been on the battlefield and protect the country on the front line will never let someone bully their own people!

But one's opinion is tiny.

Only when everyone unites and works hard to speak up can everything be changed.

How do ordinary people speak?

Qin Sifang, who used to work in a big company, quickly posted a technical post in the Q3 discussion area.

[As a citizen, we can exercise our rights in accordance with the law. Our current appeal is to hope that the Senate can appoint Admiral Mosi, who is currently staying in Q3, as the investigator. We can use the following methods to let the above hear our sound:

1. Create a new topic on StarNet, and keep the topic hot.

2. Leave a unified message under the official Senate, so that they can see our determination.

3. Call the Senate Advice Hotline.

4. Mail to the Senate.

5. If you are in the Federation Star, you can go directly to the Senate. There is a public opinion reception hall outside the Cabinet Senate. We can go to the scene to express our opinions. 】

Qin Sifang also entrained private goods, telling everyone that they can do what you think can be sent to the investigators, do a vote, and then pick out a group of people and vote for the highest Mosi.

Of course, he also made a very important point.

【Anyway, please stay sane. Keep your language simple and never use bad words at will. 】

[We are legal citizens, not internet thugs. 】

This post got a lot of likes.

Even a small group owner of a fan group left a message below after reading the post and asked: Uncle, what are you doing? What occupation?

This set.

Qin Sifang was a little embarrassed to say his occupation: [I used to be an artist's manager, specializing in show people. 】

Oh, the young people are full of emotion.

No wonder he speaks one thing at a time, and he is so polite.

Okay, so it's an agent.

I just watched those videos. As a participant, plus I said some bad things to Qiuqiu before, everyone's guilt and sense of justice were too strong.

When people are united, Mount Tai can be moved.

Besides, it's just a small network.

At 1:29 p.m., this comment method went out for 9 minutes. The Xingwang entry # is a petition for Q3, hoping that the Cabinet Senate will appoint Mo Si as a 'prosecutor' to find out the truth#, in this topic, the microscope netizens who once stirred the situation Reappeared, with detailed content edited below.

Register the beginning and end of this matter.

At 1:46 pm, Qiuqiu started broadcasting again, but many fewer people watched the live broadcast in the afternoon, because—

At 2:03 minutes, the number of followers of the Q3 petition topic entry exceeded 5 billion, and the popularity soared, officially entering the star network popularity soaring list.

At the same time, there were many unified messages under the Starnet Cabinet Senate account.

They have different avatars, different profiles, different education levels, and come from all over the galaxy, but their opinions are highly unified.

Everyone said: Please pay attention to the Q3 citizen's labor fee issue, please appoint Mojing as the 'prosecutor' to investigate this matter thoroughly.

It's easy to be curious about a unified action.

In particular, the behavior is unified, the language is mature and calm, and the appeal is clear, which makes people curious without being disgusted.

So, someone will ask: what happened recently? What's wrong? What happened to Admiral Mo?

At this time, someone will throw out the link of the entry.

Then, among the thousands of people who appealed, there was one more person.

It's really more now, and more after zero o'clock... ah! Go to bed early, and you can watch it tomorrow~

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