All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 876 Civilization is sometimes a weapon

The busiest day is the Cabinet Newsletter.

The 24-hour reception signal is about to be broken. The back and forth are all messages from fans over there, saying that Admiral Mo wants to be a prosecutor!

There were too many people sending the message, and the Ministry of Communications quickly reported it to the cabinet.

The people above were a little puzzled after hearing the strange news, so they opened the star network and took a look.

After reading it, some of them are stunned? !


what is this?

After the decision was made yesterday, didn't it say that everyone should know about the unspeakable things about Mo Sim? Damn it, when I opened StarNet today, the popularity of the Mexican judicial article is no longer on the list, and the entry for him to be a tester is hanging high.

This is not a good sign.

As a result, the cabinet quickly rang the meeting bell and opened the second discussion.

The data about Q3 is rising every day. It is foreseeable that if there is no explanation for this matter, it will not be finished on the Internet.

The suggestions made by netizens are also really good, to find a prosecutor to check.

Just find out some faults, and let it be concluded like this, and it has been arguing on the Internet all the time.

Everyone has reached a consensus on the matter of choosing a prosecutor.

But it is absolutely impossible to choose Mosi, you have to choose someone else.

Who to choose?

Being a prosecutor is a good thing, and there are many benefits to go there for a walk.

At the beginning, everyone was vying for this position, but it was open, and the captain of the cabinet's guard actually walked into the conference room.

The Speaker frowned, and the captain of the guard walked over to him and whispered a few words to him.

speaker:? ?


"What's it like?"

"'s not easy to get out."

"This is not a place for them to stir up public opinion turmoil." As soon as the Speaker heard what the guards said, thousands of people called Q3 petitioned nearby, demanding that Mosi be appointed as a prosecutor, and the thought quickly popped into his mind. It's just like people crowding people, holding something broken in their hands, and shouting slogans.

Doing such a thing here is disturbing the people!

He asked the captain of the escort to take people away directly.

The captain of the guard was very embarrassed. If it was Wuyang Wuyang, would he still use it to ask for instructions! ?

"Speaker, see for yourself."

The meeting was interrupted for a moment, and in the large projection hall on the side of the conference room, the scene on the other side of the reception hall soon appeared.

To be honest, after seeing that scene, everyone was a little… unbelievable.

Thousands of people, in groups of two, lined up in long queues, from the door to the reception hall in a very orderly manner. Everyone was dressed neatly. Some of them did have slogans in their hands, but they were only holding them up, not swaying around. Dangling, no bizarre colors and fonts used.

It's black on white.

And everyone was queuing up. After entering the reception hall, everyone found a place to sit down in an orderly manner, and there was no place to stand, and everyone began to fill out the questionnaire.

The screen was quiet, and if it wasn't for the occasional voice asking how to fill in certain items on the questionnaire, everyone would have thought that the camera robot's sound-receiving system was broken.

No wonder the captain of the guard said he couldn't drive people away.

That's it--

Please go out, the cabinet will not take care of it.

While everyone was shocked, I don't know who said in the crowd, if you go to check this planet, you won't be stared at all the time, right?

can you?

Everyone didn't care about this before, because many netizens were hot for three minutes.

But looking at the posture now, can the fever be reduced in three minutes?

If there are too many people concerned, it must not be perfunctory.

But if you really want to investigate carefully, you want to offend people. Who wants to be someone who offends people?


The position of the prosecutor suddenly became less popular.

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