All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 918 In my heart, you are always my son

Qian Xingxing went to the indirect communication outside the technical department.

He was very curious why Qian Duoduo was looking for him at this time.

Talk about cooperation? Borrow technology?

He thought about a lot of possibilities, but he didn't expect that after the communication, the person on the other side was ashamed as if nothing had happened, and called him Xingxing as always.

Qian Xingxing: ...

The nausea came almost instantly.

But he wanted to see what medicines were sold in Qian Duoduo's gourd, and he didn't curse.

"Send me a message at this point, what's the matter?"

"Come and talk to you about our affairs."


Before he could react to what could be discussed between them, the other side immediately picked up, "Xingxing, after staying outside for so long, it's time to go home."

"Although unpleasant things happened before, in my heart, you are always my son. After so long, Dad misses you a little."

Afraid that Qian Xingxing would feel uncomfortable, Qian Duoduo decided to finish everything in one go, "You don't like Qian Song, I'm going to let him move out of the house, or let him apologize to you."

"You are doing a good job in your career now. Dad chose you as his heir, and he was right."

"After you come back this time, you can officially enter the management of the company. Dad decided to train you as an heir." Qian Duoduo vowed that Qian Xingxing would come back because he was willing to cut flesh.

"At that time, you will be the dual boss of the Federal Live Broadcasting Company and the Nova Live Broadcasting Company." He was even willing to let go of the company, but the management rights can be released, and the shares have to wait.

"When the time comes, you can develop new industries through tentacles, and then—"

"Stop!" Mr. Qian was dumbfounded. "I thought you were going to say something? Just to say this today? Tell me to go back, I'm your son?"

"Qian Duoduo, can you stop being disgusting? From the moment I left the Qian family, I'm no longer from the Qian family. Even if my surname is Qian, it's my grandfather's surname and has nothing to do with you."

"Just like you, you're too embarrassed to call yourself my father?"

As a good-natured and well-mannered boss, Xiao Qian always seldom swears, "I tell you, my dad is dead, and he died immediately after Qian Song appeared."

"Also, I don't like Qian Song, but I don't like you even more. What's the use of sending him away? What I want to do now is to send you away."

A year ago, he was overwhelmed by Qian Duoduo, and a year later: "I don't care about your Federal Live Broadcasting Company."

"I don't have to inherit him from you at all, there's a lot of money, and within two years, I'll grab it openly.

, and take off his dirty shell, you know? "

After he finished speaking, the depression in his heart dissipated instantly, and Mr. Qian turned off the communication.

On the other side, Qian Duoduo was insulted in series, his face was already dark as iron, Qian Song stood on the side, both happy and uncomfortable, happy that Qian Xing Xing refused to come back, then he was still the only young master of the Qian family.

Sad... Qian Xingxing has gotten along so well now.

It can actually compete with the Federal Live Broadcasting Company.

His mind wandered, and suddenly, the crisp sound of the machine falling to the ground came into his ears. He was shocked, and when he looked up, he saw Qian Duoduo's terminal was thrown to the ground, with parts all over the place.

The way the pretender rips off the mask is a little scary.

Qian Song didn't dare to move too much, so he listened to Qian Duoduo's words, the child is old and the wings are hard, it's time to cut the wings.

Good night, Tweet~~~~

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