All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 919 Mosi's review: I don't know how to control

The weekend is fleeting.

It's Monday again.

In the past, Qiuqiu would take the suspension car to go to school on weekend nights, but today, everything is different.

In the early morning, Mosi drove the suspension car and sent Qiuqiu to school in the harsh winter morning.

Qiuqiu is a little sleepy.

"Too late." She yawned.

When Mo Si heard these four words, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Qiuqiu looked at him writhing and pouted, "Hey, what are you thinking?"

"I'm too intemperate."

He really regretted, "forgetting that you are going to class today."

"It's because of your lack of physical strength, you see, you sleep later than me, and you have to go to work today. You seem to be more energetic than me." Jiang Qiuqiu's tone was ridiculed, "It seems that I am a mecha soldier. Training is not at home.”

"I'm going to train hard this week!"


"Why don't you speak? Brother Mo Si doesn't support me in training hard?"

Of course he supports it, but support should not be said at this time.

It seems too ulterior motive.

He didn't speak, and Qiuqiu sighed, "Well, even if my brother doesn't say anything, I'll still train hard."

"Because I don't want to be so sleepy."

To outsiders, the most normal conversation, in Mosi's ears, is full of charm, every word, every tone, makes him imagine.


The suspension car leaped in the air, and Mo Si said seriously: "Do you have to say this at this time?"

"You're going to class. I don't want you to be late."

"What about the self-control that Brother Mo Si is proud of?"

Mosi: "You always jump on the line of my self-control."

Qiuqiu laughed twice.

"By the way, I saw the incident in your circle yesterday, do I need the Sixth Army to come forward?" Before going to bed yesterday, Mo Si and Qiuqiu lay in the quilt together and looked at the comments in the circle.

Originally, it was to relax before going to bed, but I didn't expect that, I don't know when, there was another dispute in the circle.

In the comments of a group of fans in Qiuqiu, those [Delicious is delicious, but does it really have the healing effect of propaganda? ], [Feeling that the healing effect depends entirely on brain tonic], [Is it false propaganda? ], [It's delicious, you don't need to use it for publicity, use this publicity...] It's extremely dazzling.

The scale is too large, and the participating fans are too active. At first glance, the water army speaks. But there is still a lot of discussion.

Because everyone is really curious, how true is the cure.

In fact, in such data dissemination, the people who can feel the obvious difference must be the people who are 'poor health' or 'or consume a lot'.

Either they are sensitive and have high mental strength.

But such people are in the minority on Xingwang, and those who consume a lot are either in the army, or if they are not social animals, there are few opportunities to fight against Confucian scholars.

Therefore, most people only have relatively subtle feelings. For example, they seem to be in a good mood today, they are not as tired as before, and they seem to sleep a little better? But for such a thing, it is not strong evidence to come up with an item.

It seemed to have the upper hand, and those who questioned were kind of climaxing.

So Mosi asked if the Sixth Army should come out and clarify.

Even the official order to make nutrient solution meal replacements must be very popular!

Come out of the platform, everything can be solved easily.

But Qiuqiu refused.

"It's not that I refuse my boyfriend's help, it's because there are too many things like this, and it's unnecessary to clarify it." Qiuqiu smiled slyly, "Besides, everyone will find out for themselves."

"?" If you don't tell me about such a private matter, how do those people on the Internet know?

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