All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 920 The best hunters usually enter the game as a prey

"You don't understand that!" There was still a long way to go before school, and Qiuqiu talked deeply about this topic for a while, "Excellent hunters always appear in hunting as prey."

"The best solution will never be said by the person in the whirlpool, and the person who solves the problem must find the answer by himself!"


"Yesterday, didn't Xiao Qian tell me that the tenth-level brain has been installed, can I live broadcast at any time?"

Mo Si hummed, "After that?"

"Then I will start the live broadcast, you don't need to stop the broadcast, and the copied data in my live broadcast room has also been turned into 1 billion, and the tenth-level brain will be very smooth and not stuck at all, and all the staff will not get stuck if they press a button online. ."

"At this time, everyone will definitely feel strange, when did the incompetent Qian Xingxing become so powerful! People's curiosity is very heavy, and everyone will start to guess. We didn't keep the news secret, and someone will always find out that we have changed. A tenth-level brain."

The tenth-level intellectual brain is exclusive to the military.

When the time comes, don't you all have to discover the deal between Qiuqiu and the Sixth Army? The things you discover are always more fragrant. At that time, everything will be solved easily and will be a hot search in vain.

She analyzed the matter from beginning to end.

Moss:  …

"Your world is really complicated."

"As long as you feel good and don't feel wronged, it's fine."

"Of course, I won't let myself be wronged." Qiuqiu squinted and glanced at the white clouds and the hazy morning light, "It's not what it used to be, I've grown up."

"Live broadcasting and sharing food are my hobbies. Because I am happy, I like to share with everyone." To be honest, is Qiuqiu short of money now?

There is absolutely no shortage.

She has earned more than she can spend in her life.

name? As her field of vision gradually increased, she has passed the stage of seeking a name. Now Qiuqiu has ravines in her chest and a broader reality in her eyes, and she does not seek this false name.

I still insist on live broadcast. I make so many copies each time, mostly because I like it, but also because I want to give back to the fans who have accompanied me from Weimo to the present, and want to bring delicious food to everyone.

The other is to stabilize the popularity of the company, make the development of Qianxing Xingxing more stable, and let the company have more money to do charity and education output.

Therefore, Qiuqiu doesn't care so much about the quality of online comments.

Moreover, the bad reviews are obviously all sailors, so why get angry for the sailors?

Moss looked at her quietly.

Sometimes, she is squeamish, but more often, Qiuqiu has this transparency.

Intellectual, gentle, elegant and transparent.

very charming.

He felt himself fascinated again.

It was just an ordinary morning, just sending Qiuqiu to school, just saying a few words, but everything was different from before.

Mo Si and Jiang Qiuqiu are very happy.

At the door, the car stopped. As a 'social worker', it was temporarily inconvenient for him to enter the school.

There was still some time before class. Mo Si took Qiuqiu's hand and gently rubbed her fingers. After a while, he raised his head: "Qiuqiu, I will always like you."

"Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

"Nothing." It's just that I want to get married again.

"Okay, it's almost time, come in."

"Then I'm leaving."

She walked away step by step, reached the school gate, and waved back again.

Seeing her figure gradually disappearing from sight, Mosi sent her a message using the terminal.

- to contact.

Also, see you next week.

Why today is Monday.

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