
Suddenly, the lanterns burned one by one, and the night became a little brighter in an instant. The ashes with fire refused to be extinguished until they fell to the ground. The Xi tribe showed their pure and ethereal singing voices and sang a peaceful tune, In the quiet night, all the monsters are still indifferent to the people walking away. Only a lone wolf, which may have a spirit or may not have a spirit, howls long and long under the moon.

But for those who have slept forever, it is difficult for a lone wolf to disturb them, and there will be no response no matter how they call.

Night is still night, and the lone wolf is still standing on the edge of the cliff tonight. It is trembling and wants to howl, trying to wake up something. The wheat fields in the distance are already a wasteland. Under the hazy moon, recalling the past in the wind and sand, only what remains The last whisper of its life.

The sun rises and sets, along with the moon's waxing and waning, but no one can still sing "I hope people will live forever."

When the corner of the moon is missing and full again, the creature with the moonlight on its body looks at the moon, talks about the beauty of the moon, and sings the beauty of the moon. The figure carved from stone next to it is covered with dirty cloth strips that can no longer be seen from its original appearance. , if it had happened before, the stone statue would have cheered and praised this beautiful song.

Inexplicably, crystal clear jade beads fell from the tearless crystals. Why did Wu Ling look at me?

It didn't want to, didn't want to sing the praises of the moon alone. Its body split under the moonlight, and a bright light went away towards the moon. There must be a spirit on the other side of the moon that once watched it.

In the remaining ruined city, the night wind blew through the big bell, and snow always fell on winter nights. The bell sounded melodiously, and the snow fell. Under the bell tower, an old woman sat on a rocking chair that kept squeaking. Remembering the warmth of being hugged, her cold body seemed to gradually warm up, and the boundless desolation became full of life.

Listen, there is a spirit singing.

Look, there are spirits accompanying heaven and earth.

Look, there is a spirit that can move mountains and cross seas.

Huh? The spiritual footsteps can't see the edge.

Can you make it through the winter night? Do you know where to go?

It turns out that prosperity never ends.


The night is cool and thin, and the moon shines brightly.

An old woman leaned on the shoulders of another old man. They sat among the flowers. The other old man pointed at the stars in the sky and told stories about the constellations. Almost all of the stars in the sky now contain human beings.

After the passing of Chaos, Daofatian also became history. Today, the name of the sky is Hengtian. The power of the human race is unprecedentedly powerful. The human race can go almost anywhere in the vast starry sky. With the help of technology and star energy , the human race has almost broken away from the category of living beings in the general sense, and even the bright stars can disappear in the human race's thoughts.

A great race, a race with immortal glory, this is the human race.

Human Hengtian, 2.9 million years after Emperor Xia Yi conquered the sky, the whole starry sky was celebrating a big day. This day was Xia Yi's birthday. The human race celebrated with joy, and people talked about the past history. Everyone in the world praised Xia Yi's great name.

But the person being praised is just peacefully stargazing with the love of his life.

"Yu'er, is Ling'er still awake?"

The gray-haired old man asked an old woman with a smile. The old woman shook her head, which made the old man a little disappointed.

"She fell asleep. Speaking of which, I was a little sleepy."

The old woman yawned sleepily. Ling'er could no longer maintain her body. Relying on Yu'er's spirit, the two of them borrowed a body to accompany Xia Yi. Xia Yi had already traveled with Yu'er for ten years. For 50,000 years, Xia Yi tried every means to extend Yu'er's life. During these 150,000 years, they just visited the endless realm of stars. Sometimes they would leave something behind, and sometimes they would leave nothing behind.

Or live in the city and become a well-known master of tool making, or the three of them hold a theater troupe together and sing about the unknown history in the past, but the old man always talks about the crimes he committed when he was young. , there are always people jumping out and calling the old man a fool, talking nonsense without understanding anything, and almost being arrested by the inspector.

Sometimes, I would suddenly have a whim to wander around the desert stars to appreciate the unknown wonders. Where the human race is now, ordinary people may not be able to see even one thousandth of it in their lifetime. There are too many realms of the human race. There are too many, and they are no longer like the stars in the sky. This may have been a metaphor before, but now it is a reality.

The human realm is where the stars are in the sky.

The old man and the old woman were together all the time, seeing all the green mountains and green waters, and all the desolate and dangerous mountains. After there was nothing that would surprise the old man and the old woman, they stayed together in various places with different identities. To taste the various aspects of life.

See the beauty of the starry sky.

They have tasted all kinds of delicacies created by the human race in the starry sky, and they will try anything that is a little bit new. They have been very happy for the past 150,000 years, until recently, their energy has become less and less, and they even started to need to sleep. , and the time needed to sleep is getting longer and longer.

New things become stronger and stronger, while things that should be old begin to face their own demise.

But for Xia Yi, this may be the time he is most looking forward to in his life.

He will enter eternal tranquility and join hands with the one he loves. The life realm with vegetation only accounts for a minority in the human realm, but it is also the vast majority.

Tianling Star, Xuanhuang Star, and the Land of Glory are the places that most outstanding people want to choose to live. These three places are almost crowded with people, and they also gather most of the powerful people of the human race today.

But the old man and the old woman are not among them. They are just in a relatively ordinary realm of life, enjoying the tranquility very relaxedly. Even though the old woman has lost all her teeth and her skin is full of wrinkles, she can no longer see the past. The old man, who has a beautiful face but is no longer handsome, still seems to be holding the most beautiful person in the world, hugging her tightly and humming a little song to accompany her to sleep.

Sleeping on the grassy grass, with the starry sky as their quilt, they slept very comfortably. Their dreams were full of interesting things along the way, or experiences worth remembering.

The next day, the old woman woke up earlier than the old man. She wanted to kiss the old man's face and let him wake up under her kiss. Unexpectedly, the old woman couldn't bend her waist, and she accidentally fell on it. On the old man.

"Hey... Yu'er, don't be so enthusiastic. How old are we? Ouch, my shoulder... hurts like crazy."

The old man was instantly awakened by the pain and grimaced in pain. It wasn't that they didn't want to go and see other places, but that they had no way to travel further. Even if they relied on a spaceship to travel far, they would probably die on the way.

Therefore, they are not picky about this final burial place. After all, there are green mountains and green waters to accompany them.

"It's not Yu'er, it's Ling'er!"

The old woman smiled, but her teeth were gone. Her smile looked weird, even a little ugly, but the old woman still thought it was the most touching smile in the world.

"Would it be okay to sleep more early in the morning?"

"No, we don't have much time left, so why not do more meaningful things while we're at it!"

Even at this old age, the old woman still liked to act coquettishly to the old man. The old man slowly got up and suddenly felt a little cold on his body. The morning fog would make him feel uncomfortable.

"My bones are not working anymore. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in a place like this again. I didn't expect that one day I would be sore all over because of the morning fog."

When Xia Yi said these words, he was not sad, but with joy. For Xia Yi, being able to grow old together like this, being able not to think about any complicated things, but to think about how to make himself happy and make the other person happy. Very beautiful.

It's a pity that many old friends who cared about him never got to see them until the end.

"Xia Yi, we are no better than ordinary young adults now."

"Everyone who meets us will probably never think that you are the Spirit Emperor and I am Xia Yi. They all think that I am dead long ago."

Only now did Xia Yi know why there were no funerals for the great emperors in the past, and there were few imperial tombs. The great emperor who lived a glorious life would pass away quietly in an unknown way with his glory. The dignity of the great emperor did not want others to see his death with their own eyes. .

Therefore, the great emperor of the human race has always disappeared in his later years. This is the last tenderness of the great emperor. As long as the great emperor does not die in front of others, people will have more or less extravagant hopes that the invincible emperor is still alive, even if he never appears again. Always live in the hearts of people and the history of the human race with the most powerful posture.

As a monument to the human race, how could he allow others to see his current appearance?

Glory sings all the prosperity in his life, and dies silently when the prosperity comes to an end. This is the return path chosen by the great emperors in the past, and it is also the return path chosen by Xia Yi. Just like the great emperors in the past, he suddenly died one day without saying a word. Lost trace.


The aged Yu'er held Xia Yi's hand and walked on the extremely developed streets. The streets were no longer as flat as they once were, but instead crisscrossed the sky and the earth, as complex as multiple spider webs. Fortunately, this The times still care enough about the elderly, and many kind people on the road expressed their willingness to give Xia Yi and You Yu'er a ride.

Star energy practitioners will gradually lose all power as they grow old. Of course, they can try to break through without giving up. However, if they fail, they will be burned to dregs by their own star energy. Strong ones will even be swallowed by their own star energy. The vast surrounding world melted together.

Therefore, today's human race encourages the elderly to give up their power. They deserve to be respected. If you have to try, just go to the starry sky or the desert star by yourself. Of course, there are only a few people who are still alive.

In this worry-free era, the human race has almost developed art and entertainment to unprecedented peaks. They rely on their own imagination to restore clues of the past, or to write stories in fantasy. The materials of this era are overflowing, so people More inclined towards spiritual satisfaction.

Xia Yi and Yu'er went to the Phantom Screen House today, which is what people call it today, but Xia Yi likes to call it a cinema.

The artistic work launched by Huanmu today is called Duotianzhuan. Just by listening to the name, you can tell what the content is. However, after watching it, Xia Yi called it a bad movie. These descendants almost molded him into a flawless existence, even beautiful. It's almost disgusting. In this day and age, praising him is a virtue that people must have.

Only Yu'er was quite happy to see it, and said that it would be great if Xia Yi was really so handsome once.

"I am Xia Yi, the Emperor of Heaven. The starry sky is unified, and the human race is always in the sky. The stars are within the reach of my human race. We, the human race, should be proud, we should be proud. I swear here, I am here, and the glory of the human race will always be there. I After death, he will turn into glory and wait for the human race for eternity. This oath to all the people in the world.

The spirit is the witness, the stars are the warning, and everyone in the universe is listening! "

Next to Xia Yi and Yu'er, there were children who clenched their hands into fists and put them on their chests, imitating people's imagination of Xia Yi opening the sky, looking at the sky with an proud posture. I have to say that this success made Xia Yi feel sick to his stomach. , did he say that at the time? Only Yu'er kept laughing at the side, but her laughter was quite hoarse.


Suddenly, Yu'er coughed several times in a row. Xia Yi immediately supported her worriedly. Yu'er seemed to be out of breath after coughing. She held on to Xia Yi's arm and seemed to fall immediately if she let go. Unusually, she slowly raised her head and showed her usual smile to Xia Yi.

"It turns out that when you are so old, even a cough will make you feel like you are about to faint..."

"I told you not to get emotional, but you refused to listen. Didn't you agree to compete in the end to see who has the longest life?"

"How can I be better than you... It would be better to say that my last wish is to hope that I die before you, so that I don't have to experience the sadness of losing you, and I can travel with peace of mind under your gentle gaze. ”

Yu'er didn't feel sorry for her poor health. Instead, she felt a little cunningly happy. Xia Yi laughed after hearing this. This was probably too cruel for him.

"So you are willing to let me experience the feeling of losing you forever, and die alone again? You are really my good wife!"

"But... I will satisfy you. If this allows you to go away in the happiest situation, I am willing to see you off."

"I'm sorry...Am I a little selfish? Besides, this is not my idea alone. Ling'er also..."

"No...this only means that you love me more than I love you."

The smile of the old Xia Yi is as gentle as ever. Death is not an unacceptable fact for them. It is even as simple as going home. Xia Yi has been alone for too long, and passing away is a kind of destination.

In the more than two million years without Yu'er and Ling'er, Xia Yi hardly smiled. They made Xia Yi laugh in his last days.

In this way, the years spent together as we grow old are accompanied by a somewhat greasy sweetness. Every moment spent together is cherished by the two of them, planting flowers and trees, occasionally learning from the past, and even custom-made the past to stay in their memories. The clothes of Zhong Qingyun Sect.

Yu'er put on makeup well and Xia Yi dressed up well, leaving a group photo that would look weird to outsiders. Outsiders would definitely think that Yu'er is an old witch who wears such light and fluffy clothes, and that Xia Yi is a psychopath. , thinking that he was very handsome, even carrying such a heavy spear on his shoulders was not afraid of bending his waist.

But in the eyes of the two of them, the image left in the crystal stone immediately changed its appearance with the help of vague memories.

Xia Yi was in his prime, with a somewhat wild smile on his face.

You Yuer is pretty and cute, she is obviously very happy but she pretends to be unhappy.

That day was at dusk in midsummer.

Xia Yi and Yu'er were sitting on chairs outside the house, chatting about why the flowers they had planted suddenly disappeared. Yu'er tried hard to recall whether she had done anything wrong before, such as watering too much or forgetting to fertilize. , Xia Yi is still teasing Yu'er that her memory is not as good as his.

"That means I'm about to die. If Ling'er didn't scold you to death, you still laugh. How can you, a heartless person, laugh like this?"

"I'm laughing at you, you stinky old woman, for blaming me for not growing the flowers well a few days ago. No, my flowers are alive and yours are dead."

"You are still holding grudges at this age, you..."

"You know me, this is my attitude towards women."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. Xia Yi was as fond of joking as he was in the Qingfeng Sect, an optimist who would never be discouraged. The sunset dyed the world into strange colors, accompanied by An old couple laughed hoarsely but happily.

Smiling and laughing, Xia Yi suddenly couldn't hear Yu'er's laughter. Xia Yi turned around and saw that Yu'er's head was hanging down, with a smile on her lips. The smile was peaceful and happy, but her chest no longer had any Xia Yi's smile froze instantly without any ups and downs, but Xia Yi was still smiling, forcing himself to laugh.

The more you smile, the happier you become, because she said that she would go away with a gentle smile.

The laughter gradually became hoarse, and finally turned into the low cry of an old man. All kinds of past moments came to mind, and finally pieced together a scene of vague memories.

"Huh? Senior brother, you smell so good."

"Are you from the human race? Your aura is a bit ordinary, and there is also an inexplicable allure. You, a grown man, practice the art of flattery?"

The words of the two initial encounters were very ordinary, and the final words did not have any oath of eternal friendship. They were just meeting and parting, parting and seeing each other again, and seeing each other again but never seeing each other again.



"thank you all……"

"Accompany me through...these hundred lives..."

Xia Yi lost his strength all of a sudden, and his tear-clouded eyes saw the days and nights they spent together. The majestic emperor fell from his chair, cried and then became silent again. It was quiet, peaceful, and incomparable. The gentle night was swallowed up

The figures of the two people.


The wind seemed to be whispering, and the autumn wind was bleak outside the dilapidated wooden house. The once beautiful flower fields had all withered long ago. Those dead flowers swayed in the wind and made sounds in the wind. That was the question of the dead.

Do you really think you have paid enough?

Do you really think that the countless creatures trampled by you will just disappear like this?

Just as the dead hate the living, so the living hate those who allow themselves to die.

The price you have to pay has just begun.

Outside the wooden house, a picture of dead bones slowly climbed up. After a brief hesitation, everything he should know came in like a tide. The dead bones' body gradually grew back under the burning of a strange scarlet fire. flesh.

Along with it, there was also power that was left unknown where. The withered bones restored their appearance in life. Miraculously, he was still young, and he actually had the cultivation of virtual reality possessed by ancient monks. He was very aware of the slowness in his Dantian. The power that flows slowly belongs to the vanished ancient realm of transformation.

After the withered bones were reborn, he slowly turned his head and looked at everything around him. Finally, he saw another withered bones. He vaguely thought that the withered bones were the person he once loved most. He hesitated for a moment, and then slapped the top of his head with all his strength. Annihilate your own soul.

The bones fell.

And I don’t know how many years later.

The dead bones rise again.

The withered bones climbed up and found that the wooden house was even worse. It was about to collapse after being in disrepair for a long time. The other withered bones were somewhat weathered. After it was reborn with flesh and blood, it came to the other withered bones and hugged it tightly, and then once again held its soul. erase.

As time passed, the wooden house had long since collapsed into ashes, and the withered bones woke up again. The withered bones he was holding had cracks, and disintegrated into white sand under his not-so-gentle movements. The withered bones gradually began to regenerate flesh and blood until Eyes were reborn in the eye sockets, and tears fell from those confused eyes.

"So...is this the price I need to pay?"

"My awareness...is simply not enough."

The biggest difference in this life is that he came into contact with the Netherworld, and because of his contact with the Netherworld, he relied on the power of the Netherworld to survive countless crises that were almost impossible to survive. But the Netherworld is not a good thing. How much he has gained from relying on the Netherworld, the Netherworld No matter how much he was deprived of, Netherworld gave him the power of immortality.

This was Xia Yi's biggest trump card in the past, but now it is also the most vicious curse in this starry sky. He relies on the netherworld to make things happen, and when everything is over, it will be the day when he really pays the price.

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