"Daily tasks have been issued!"

"Predict the future once and submit the result to Tianji Pavilion"

"You have predicted a severe drought in the west. Submit it!"

Qin Xiu submitted the message.

"You have submitted it, and you have gained 2000 experience points and 50 guild contribution points. Please keep up the good work."

This is how you get 50 guild contribution points.

It was quite easy.

Qin Xiu opened the guild panel.

At this time, there were more than 10,000 people in Tianji Pavilion.

There were more than 100 people in the chat channel alone.

【Newcomers must join] Participating in group chat: 1286 people

【[One transfer is a must] Participating in the group chat: 428 people

【Second transfer chat group] Participating in group chat: 56 people

【Third transfer chat group] Number of participants: 5 people

【Is there no 4th level boss in our guild? 】 Number of participants: 2478.


Qin Xiu laughed out loud.

After thinking for a while, he joined the new group.

He was soon warmly welcomed.

"A new person is here? What is the new person's job?"

Qin Xiu thought about it and sent a

"I can predict the weather!"

"A bit like an astrologer!"

"Is it also a living profession?"

"Have you completed the daily tasks? You can increase 2000 experience points. What did you predict?"

2000 experience points is too low in Qin Xiu's opinion.

But for life professions, it is a lot of money.

Obviously, most of the guild members are life professions.

""Predicting a severe drought in the west!"

Qin Xiu posted his prediction results.

This was also something he had considered.

Now he was just a nobody in the guild.

If there was a severe drought in the west, it might affect the lives of civilians in a region.

If possible, he hoped that someone would pay attention to this matter.

"Western drought? Is it that general?"

"I see. The mineral water stocks are going to rise recently. I will buy some."

"No problem, I'll buy some too."

"If there is a severe drought in the west, the grain output this year will definitely be low, so this will definitely skyrocket!"

"Buy a villa by the sea"


We agreed to work for the country and the people and prevent natural disasters.

Why are the people in this guild still making money from disasters?

Qin Xiu was speechless.

After breakfast,

Qin Xiu finished chatting in the group and thought about it.

What should he do next?

"It seems that there is no way to use this predicted content?"

The severe drought in the west also happened frequently in Qin Xiu's previous life.


Because there is a barren desert in the west. The geographical location and conditions often make it so that there is no rainfall here, so the land is barren and there are severe droughts year after year.

But in the era of universal job transfer, what if there is a severe drought?

If Qin Xiu amplifies this severe drought, can the monsters die of drought?

What a joke.

Of course it is impossible

"But... Desert!"

Qin Xiu suddenly had an idea, picked up the communicator, logged into the webpage, and started searching.

After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The desert area in the west of Longguo is indeed a dangerous place to level up.

Moreover, there are often strong winds and even sandstorms here.

What will happen if Qin Xiu increases the strong winds and sandstorms ? Isn't this a perfect place to level up? It's decided to go to the west next.

Qin Xiu left the hotel and went straight to the teleportation array.

Longguo is the city with the most complete infrastructure.

Slightly larger cities have teleportation arrays that can lead to various places.

It's just that the price is more expensive.

From the coastal city of Ningcheng to the western desert area, Xijiang, it costs 1 million communication coins.

"We have detected that you are a member of Tianji Pavilion. The guild has the privilege of free teleportation. You are exempted from this fee!"

This is a real benefit.

Otherwise, Qin Xiu would have to deal with some equipment again!

He has a lot of resources now, but the currency must be traded with players.

He would not do it if he could.

Selling equipment is actually the easiest to be targeted.

Qin Xiu's figure disappeared under a burst of blue light from the teleportation array.

In just ten seconds,

Qin Xiu was already in the west, Kumuli City.

This is a city in the western desert.

The land of the entire city is actually sandy. This is not because there is no money to build roads, but because if they are built, they will be covered by wind and sand.

It is very dry here.

Fortunately, Qin Xiu not only mastered the true meaning of water, but also the true meaning of fire. In this environment, he would not seem uncomfortable.

""Hell Ghost Horse!"

In this city, no one cared what Qin Xiu rode.

Man and horse became one!

Qin Xiu turned into a ghost and rushed out of the city.

Ten minutes later,

Qin Xiu had reached the edge of the desert. There was yellow sand everywhere.

The sun was shining brightly overhead.

There were no clouds in the sky.

Qin Xiu took out his staff and was very excited.

"Natural increase!"

【You amplified the wind】

【The increase multiple this time: 101 times!】


"Isn't this multiple a little small?"

The most important thing is that Qin Xiu couldn't feel any wind around him.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Weather forecast!"

"Today's temperature in Kumuli City: 20℃~30℃, no wind, air quality index: good."

No wind?

No wind?

Then what is he increasing?

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