This increase is a lonely one.

However, no wind does not mean no wind at all.

According to the classification standard.

No wind means that the wind speed is 0-0.3 per second.

Assuming it is 0.3.

Qin Xiu increased it by 101 times.

The maximum can reach 30.3 meters per second.

This is already considered a storm in the wind force level!

However, a 30-meter storm wants to kill monsters?

This is simply a pipe dream.

In this era of universal job transfer, the strength of monsters is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Under the storm.

Unless people are blown down to death, billboards are blown down and smashed to death, or blown into the river and drowned.

How can you kill monsters if you can't even kill people?

"It seems I am still conservative!"

"I bought lighters, fireworks, and bombs before, so I should buy a hair dryer now!"

Fortunately, his ghost horse is fast!

It doesn't take long to return to the city.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Xiu bought ten blowers and generators and returned.

This kind of blower also blows strong winds.

The wind speed is about 5 meters per second.

Even if the luck is not good this time.

Increase���It can only be 100 times stronger.

It can also eventually amplify into a super storm with a speed of 500 meters.

It is more terrifying than a typhoon.

""Tap, tap, tap!"

The generator started to throb.

""Whoosh whoosh!"

The blower also started to blow.

Qin Xiu felt the strong wind blowing on his face, and felt very refreshed.

"You are the one!"

"Natural increase!"

"System prompt: Your natural amplification is ongoing and cannot be used anymore. After amplifying a natural phenomenon, you cannot amplify the same phenomenon anymore."

"Duration: 9 hours and 28 minutes, time for natural phenomena to dissipate: to be determined!"

This is the first time that Qin Xiu has encountered such a situation.

He always thought that his natural amplification had no cooling time.

Unexpectedly, the natural amplification did not have a cooling time, but it had a duration!

That's right.

Whether it was the first tsunami or the second wildfire,

Qin Xiu's natural amplification lasted for 10 hours.

Otherwise, couldn't Qin Xiu continue to amplify?

The temperature of the flame was as high as 6 million degrees?

Another 6,000-fold amplification, instantly becoming tens of billions of degrees high temperature.

Amplify again?

This is endless!

Is there a bug here?

Amplification after amplification, who can withstand it?

Just destroy the world!


"It looks like the weather is good today"

"Not suitable for upgrading!"

"Go back and have a rest! I haven't been to Western Xinjiang yet!"

In his previous life, Qin Xiu worked 996, day and night, and even worked overtime on Sundays.

Not to mention coming so far to play.

Now, he is a combat-type job-changer who is far superior to ordinary people.

What's wrong with taking a rest?

Qin Xiu rode the ghost horse and returned to Kumuli.

He searched for travel guides on the Internet.

At noon, he drank mare's milk wine and ate roasted whole lamb.

In the afternoon, he ate Shawan big plate chicken and la tiaozi.

They were all delicious and cheap.

There was even a merchant who saw that Qin Xiu was a job-changer and gave him a lot of snacks.

"Sir, there will be a bonfire party in the square tonight, remember to join us! You can dance together!"

"Good! See if I have time to participate!"

At night, the natural increase in time will be fine, but Qin Xiu is still hesitant about whether to go out at that time.

Because this world is full of dangers at night.

After clearing the copy before, the names of those monsters changed to start with the cave.

In addition, the magma shape formed by natural manipulation is very strange.

He was very curious about the origin of this cave creature.

Qin Xiu searched on the Internet and found a lot of information.

The cave creatures come from the opposite side of the world.

According to the Internet, when the main world is daytime, the cave is night, and when it is night, the cave is daytime. The cave creatures will invade the main world at this time.

Moreover, one of the unique monsters is very terrifying.

It is called the Night Wandering God.

This kind of night wandering god will wander around at night in the main world, and its strength is at least three turns and at most nine turns.

This is also the reason why job changers rarely go out at night.

"It's too dangerous at night, so I'd better not upgrade and go to the bonfire party!" Qin Xiu thought.

At this time, the boss who was also reading the news cried out:

"The news came from the Tianji Pavilion that there will be a severe drought in the west. Do they need to tell us this? We haven't had rain for two months!"

Qin Xiu:???

I just submitted a task, and you guys are showing off?

Qin Xiu quickly opened the communicator and checked the news.

Sure enough, it said that the internal members of the Tianji Pavilion predicted that there would be a severe drought in the west and that food prices would rise sharply.

"This bunch of old men!"

"Doesn't this expose me?"

"Will I be noticed by old man Tianji?"

"No, this can't go on!"

Qin Xiu couldn't sit still any longer!

What drought? Give me heavy rain.

Qin Xiu walked out of the shop and looked at the sky.

The sky here was very pure and the sun was dazzling, but compared to the cloudless sky during the day, at least some clouds appeared!

However, such clouds would go away with the wind, and it would not rain at all.

But now.

Give it to me!

When the natural amplification time was up.

Qin Xiu aimed at the sky.

"Natural amplification, amplification clouds."

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