Just as Qin Xiu was thinking about it, the guild channel suddenly refreshed a message.

"The head of Tianji Pavilion, the ninth Taoist priest [Tianji Old Man] issued a guild announcement:

In the next few days, there will be a severe drought in the northeast, and a nightmare-level dungeon will appear soon. The specific location: Yangcheng, job-changers with no combat power should evacuate as soon as possible."

The job-changers who were still in the water chat group were stunned.

"My god, you can even calculate nightmare-level copies? Pavilion Master is awesome!"

"Are there any brothers who plan to explore the dungeon together?"

"Do you think your life is too long?"

"That's a nightmare-level copy!"

"What, severe drought in Northeast China?"

"By the way, who said the temperature in Northeast China is dropping just now? Is he an insider? The second Song Yingjie, right?"

Qin Xiu was speechless when he heard this.

Why haven't you forgotten him yet?

This person must be one of the people who said they wanted to jump off the rooftop.

They must have lost everything!

However, this news is not important to others.

It is even a warning of danger.

But for Qin Xiu, it is really important.

Because, not to mention that he is in Northeast China now, he also needs to clear a nightmare-level dungeon as a third-level task.

He checked it before and found that nightmare-level dungeons are not easy!

First of all, nightmare-level dungeons can only be challenged once a month.

Moreover, because nightmare-level dungeons are not only abundant in production, but also hugely dangerous.

Most of the time, nightmare-level dungeons are in the hands of the official.

Some dungeons are even used as resources when the threat is not great.

After passing the customs clearance, they do not choose to seal the cracks.

Instead, they stabilize the cracks and then make the dungeons permanent, allowing the job changers to challenge them every month. In this way, they can earn a lot of resources from the copy, and even sell them.

Package the strategy and tickets together and sell them, and someone will pay to challenge this copy.

This is all business.

Generally speaking, if Qin Xiu wants to challenge the nightmare-level copy, he can only look for newly created copies, or buy tickets from other people, or challenge those nightmare-level copies that are very, very difficult, or even turned into forbidden areas.

Now the old man Tianji has made this calculation.

Isn't this just sending a pillow when you are sleepy?

Qin Xiu went straight to Yangcheng without saying a word.

Although this announcement appeared inside the Tianji Pavilion.

But what is the Tianji Pavilion?

A group of old charlatans.

But their profession is to predict the direction.

They are the most well-informed people.

They are also the ones who make money by selling information.

There are even many undercover agents from guilds!

The network is also very strong.

As soon as the news was announced, everyone contacted the people they knew.

"Brother, I have news for you. A nightmare-level dungeon is about to be released in Yangcheng. If you have relatives there, ask them to leave Yangcheng temporarily. It is better to be safe than sorry!"

"How can I lie to you? I am a member of Tianji Pavilion now, and this news was released by a powerful ninth-level expert himself!"

"President, Elder Tianji has made a prediction. It is Yangcheng that will have a nightmare-level copy. Okay, okay, don't worry. I will hide and no one will find me. The Tianji Pavilion is now full of charlatans. I think their intentions are not pure."

The news spread wildly.

Soon, this news was directly on the hot search.

That's right, there is the great wisdom of the Tianji Pavilion, and it has bought promotion for itself.

It's still an acquaintance.


This time, the whole network knows it!

The powerful forces in the entire Dragon Country have taken action.

Among them, there is a guild that feels the most uncomfortable.

That is the one that has just been promoted to the Nine-Turn Guild: Jiuding.

At present, the top guild on Blue Star is the Nine-Level Guild.

The first to arrive was the Wizard Alliance of the Lighthouse Country, which is the top wizard guild.

The second is the War Bear Guild of the Bear Country.

Finally, it is Jiuding who was just promoted a while ago!

And Jiuding's promotion is inseparable from Elder Tianji.

"Alas, when old man Tianji was around, we were the first to receive this kind of news, and we would never let other people know. Now we have to compete with others for it!"

"What does it mean to snatch? We, the Nine Cauldrons, want to play this instance, who dares to stop us?"

"What if someone else discovered it first? I just sighed that I lost the initiative!"

"Even if you let them play first, they may not pass the level!"

"That's right."

At the same time, several other level eight guilds also sent out their members.

Yanhuang Guild, Wanhe Guild, Tenglong Guild, all took action.

Not only that, some groups, enterprises, families, and even mercenary groups that wanted to develop came to Yangcheng to see if they could get a piece of the pie.

"This time, since Old Man Tianji released the news, we have more opportunities!"

"In the past, Yan Jiuding was the only one in control of the copies, and he only gave us the ones that were not profitable. This time, we must grab the copies!"

"This time, it must be our Blood Soul Guild"

"Our guild is still short of some dungeon clearance progress, and we must take down this nightmare-level dungeon."

After Qin Xiu passed through the teleportation array, he found that Yangcheng was almost crowded with people.

"Are there so many people in Yangcheng?"

Ningcheng and Kumuli are nothing compared to here!

Is this a big city in Northeast China?

Qin Xiu said he saw it!

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