Right next to the teleportation array, Qin Xiu bound the copy escape scroll to the Yangcheng teleportation array.

This copy escape scroll has great restrictions. The person being teleported must be the closest to the copy, otherwise it will be unusable.

As a result, he found that the people around him seemed to be doing the same thing as him.

At this time, he also realized that something was wrong!

Even if there are many people in Yangcheng, they will not all be at the teleportation array to bind the teleportation scroll.

The only possibility is that they are the same as him. They are all here to download the copy.

Qin Xiu's heart moved, and he opened the chat group inside the Tianji Pavilion.

"I bet 50 cents that the Nine Cauldrons will definitely win this instance."

"It is said that Tenglong is also going to be promoted to the Ninth Revolution Guild. They need this nightmare-level dungeon progress even more, right?"

"By the way, our guild's nightmare dungeon progress was increased once? Which team won it? Aren't we a leisure and retirement guild? Why is someone so greedy?"

"Oh my god, there really is one. Who is this talent? He can actually clear the nightmare-level dungeon!"

Qin Xiu took a quick look at a few of the posts and understood!

This gang of insiders has spread the news to the entire network.

Not only that, they also opened a bet to bet on which guild can get the right to enter the nightmare-level dungeon.

As for the number of times to clear the nightmare-level dungeon, of course he did it.

This was also the first time that Qin Xiu knew that the guild had to clear the nightmare-level dungeon to upgrade. To upgrade from level 1 to level 2, a guild needs to clear the nightmare-level dungeon twice.

Some guilds, in order to upgrade, specially bought guides and found dungeons to clear. They even hired people to play the dungeons.

It was really amazing.

I didn't expect that I would accidentally contribute to the business of Tianji Pavilion!

"If I clear the dungeon this time, wouldn't the Tianji Pavilion be upgraded to a second-level guild? By then, the benefits will be better!"

Qin Xiu thought as he left the teleportation array.

Avoiding the crowd and finding a deserted place, Qin Xiu rode on the ghost horse and went out of the city directly.

"Although it is said that there will be a copy in Yangcheng, where will it be?"

"I predicted a severe drought in Yangcheng, and Tianji Laoren also predicted a severe drought in Yangcheng"

"If this nightmare-level copy is combined with the prophecy, it means that this copy may be related to the fire element!"

"Just feel where the fire element is the highest!"

""It's a pity that I don't have the true meaning of space, otherwise I can find the location of the crack in an instant!"

Qin Xiu can only use the dumbest method.

That is the water net technique.

The water net technique can cover the surrounding environment and give Qin Xiu an extra perception.

Whether there are monsters or humans passing through the water net technique, Qin Xiu can know.

There are also changes in the environment, etc.

If the fire element rises, or there is a feeling of drought, the water net technique will also be transmitted in the first time.

With Qin Xiu's current mental power, the water net technique can expand to 20,000 meters.

That is 20 kilometers.

Don't underestimate this number.

Yangcheng is a medium-sized city with a diameter of about 30 kilometers.

It is conceivable that it will not take long to explore with the water net technique.

Of course, this is only what Qin Xiu can do.

Such a water net technique is really exaggerated.

If it were an ordinary magician, he would not be able to open such a large water network, not to mention the consumption of spells.

After leaving the city, Qin Xiu ran 10 kilometers before getting off the horse.

"Water Net Technique!"

A transparent, almost invisible water net spread out, like an invisible spider web.

Made of water vapor.

After releasing it, Qin Xiu did not find anything special.

He walked in the wilderness.

Even without the ghost horse, his movement speed was terrifying!

As a result, after walking a few hundred meters, there was a large group of people in front of him.

What made Qin Xiu speechless was that this group of people actually had 300 level

"Don't fight monsters, save some resources for other job-changers who are upgrading! Why are your hands so restless?"

"Otherwise you stay in the tree"

"How can I know when it will come out?"

These people have the same purpose as me?

Qin Xiu was immediately worried about the matter of snatching the copy!

He could only pass by here and continue to look for it. As a result, there were seven or eight guilds wandering around.

""Black chicken and Spanish mackerel!"

Qin Xiu really felt helpless.

For the number of nightmare-level dungeons, this group of people really fought hard.

However, where these people were, Qin Xiu did not feel the fire element's intention to turn over, nor did he feel the dryness of the Crow Forest.

He felt that there should be no dungeon entrance in such a place.

What's more, Elder Tianji did not clearly state when the dungeon would be released.

It could be today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

It's hard to say!

Qin Xiu wanted to give up.

But at this time, he walked to the east side of Yangcheng, in a rice field.

At this time, the rice field was green and growing very well.

This is not an upgrade area, but a planting area specially opened for living professions.

It's a bit like the place where the magma land outside Ningcheng dried up and was transformed by Ning Canglan.

However, there are hundreds of people standing in such a place now.

Qin Xiu looked closely and was shocked!

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