【You amplified the waves】

【The increase multiple this time: 101 times!】

【Current wave height: 1.1 meters]


Qin Xiu looked at the system text and was so angry that his teeth itched.

"It seems that the weather is good today, not suitable for destroying the country!"

Qin Xiu took back the staff and took out the return scroll to use.

101 times the waves, because the basic wave height is relatively strong, can finally cause 110 meters of waves.

It seems a lot.

But it will only be 110 meters after 10 hours.

It may only take 1 hour to rush from here to Kangaroo Country.

At that time, it will only be 10 meters of waves.

Kangaroo Country has defenses, and this wave will naturally be offset there.

In addition, the lightning crisis caused by the dark clouds this time also gave Qin Xiu more experience.

"The disaster caused by natural amplification cannot be allowed to take too long to prepare for the target!"

For example, this time, Kangaroo Country was given enough time.

If he had launched the attack in Kangaroo Country at the beginning!

Then this time it would definitely be successful.

Now it is a bit of a mistake!

However, the harvest is not small.

After the dark clouds stopped.

The world announcement, this is late

【World Announcement: Kangaroo Country uses the phantom of the mythical beast to obtain shelter, and the national fortune is +10. 】

However, because Kangaroo Country lost a ninth-turn person before.

The national fortune is -9.

The use of the phantom of the mythical beast only added +10 points of national fortune, which only recovered the loss and increased it a little.

However, Kangaroo Country obviously used up a trump card.

As for India, because it lost part of its local resources 27, although the national fortune was reduced by 27, it was not destroyed. It was only announced in the country, and no one else knew about it.

Qin Xiu didn't care about these.

After returning to Yangcheng, the old rules.

Qin Xiu found a hotel and checked in.

Then he checked his log

"System text prompt: You created a world-destroying thunderstorm, Natural Comprehension (SSS) is activated, and you have comprehended the passive skill: God of Nature·Roar of Thunder (SSS)"

【God of Nature·Roar of Thunder (SSS): You have comprehended the true meaning of natural thunder.

Special Effect 1: You are proficient in the true meaning of thunder, and your attacks are accompanied by thunder paralysis. You can ignore thunder and lightning spell skills and are immune to all thunder spell damage. Special Effect 2:

You are proficient in the true meaning of thunder, and you can learn any thunder spell regardless of level and job requirements.

Special Effect 3: Borrowing the power of nature, the chanting time of thunder spells is reduced by 99%, the cooling time is reduced by 99%, and the mana consumption is reduced by 99%.

Special Effect 4: Borrowing the power of nature, the power of thunder spells is increased, depending on the surrounding environment. 】

He has mastered another elemental truth.

However, he has very few thunder skill books.

There are not many.

He just learned it!

The second is achievement.

This is what he cares about most!

"Check out the achievements of this profession.

"The thunder of destruction you triggered defeated players from Kangaroo Country, Sakura Country, Kimchi Country, Philip Country and other countries, and killed 4 ninth-level players...

You received the honor value of the camp: 49 billion.

You completely destroyed the resources and job transfer tower of Philip Country, and the national fortune dropped to negative numbers.

In this battle, you exposed your identity, and some people with ulterior motives have gradually suspected you.

You get the exclusive achievement of this profession: the number of times of the creator of the world-destroying disaster +1.

Reward: God-level law pants: world-destroying trampler"

【World-destroying trampler (colorful myth): magic pants: equipment requirements: level 0, natural mage, pick up bound, can not be dropped, never grinded.

Defense +1 million

All attributes +90,000

Physical resistance +500%

Spell resistance +500%

Life recovery +500%

Mana recovery +500%

Special effects:

1. Constitution +1.3 million

2. Spirit +1.5 million

3. Spell attack +500%

4. Spell chanting -500%

5. Spell penetration +500%

6. Spell critical strike +500%

7. Spell cooling -500%

8. Eliminate weaknesses: Your fatal weakness is hidden.

9. Trample: Active release, can make all enemies within one kilometer affected by trampling, forcibly knocked down. 】

Qin Xiu carefully looked at the special effect 8, and immediately put on the magic pants.

A strong sense of security rose in his heart.

Good pants!

Then, it was the last expectation of this time!

"System prompt: The attributes of your god-level weapon, Source of Destruction, have been updated!"

【Source of Destruction (Colorful Mythology):

Special effects:

1. Heavy rain and tsunami

2. Wildfire in another world

3. Giant tree forest

4. Extreme wind

5. Absolute zero

6. Shocking thunder (Infinite growth, using the staff to continuously cast disasters will gradually enhance the disaster effect. The current effect: summon 7200 360-meter-long thunders to wash the ground, duration: 1 hour.]

Super strong attack skill.

Shocking thunder.

It is indeed shocking.

Have you seen thunders 360 meters thick?

7200 in one breath.

The key is that it can strike once every 10 seconds.

Missiles washing the ground are not as strong as this.

Just when Qin Xiu was reading the message.

His private chat started beeping again.

Qin Xiu looked.

It was General Dragon Blood.

"Mr. Yang, the disaster of Kangaroo Country is over!"

Jiang Long was very respectful.

The way he addressed Qin Xiu also changed.

It became Mr. Yang.

There is no such coincidence in the world.

Jiang Long and Qin Xiu met and were rescued.

Qin Xiu said he would go to help, but one person from Kangaroo Country was killed by lightning, and two people from Kimchi Country were killed by lightning.

Then the thunder went directly to Philip Country and killed another person.

The thunder rushed all the way to Kangaroo Country.

If Kangaroo Country had not been well prepared

, they would have to bear this disaster.

In particular, Jiang Long thought carefully about what happened in less than a month.

Starting from the cherry blossom disaster, the entire disaster was centered around the Asian plate.

The disaster in Longguo seemed horrible, but because it did not impact the city, the Nine Revolutions did not care at first.

Moreover, after ten hours of heavy rain, Longguo inexplicably added an oasis and increased the country's fortune. If there is an invisible hand controlling all of this, then it all seems to make sense!

Inside the hotel.

Qin Xiu looked at Jiang Long's words. He always felt that there was something behind his words.

Thinking of the text on the system panel.

He seemed to have been suspected!

But he did not regret it.

The Nine Revolutions of his own country must be saved.

As for how to answer the other party?

Qin Xiu thought about it, and finally gave the other party three words.

""I know!"

These three words are very intriguing.

Neither admitting nor denying, it even seems to be a way of distancing oneself from the matter.

"I know, but I didn't do it. Why are you telling me? What do you know? Don't tell me!"

Jiang Long obviously understood and replied immediately.

"It's good that Lord Yang knows this. Now the whole country of Kangaroo Country is celebrating. Lawrence of Kangaroo Country believes that only countries that have successfully survived the disaster will not be attacked by the disaster again."


What does this mean?

Qin Xiu was suddenly shocked when he heard it.

Obviously, this statement was made up by Lawrence himself.

However, this gave Qin Xiu a chance to cover up himself.

Most people in the country don't know that the disaster is man-made.

Then he can still hide.

"Fortunately, the natural amplification I released was only 101 times, otherwise, the Kangaroo Country would definitely feel something was wrong!"

"However, according to this rule, wouldn’t the Kangaroo Country be temporarily invincible?"

"I created this disaster myself, and now I have to attack it separately?"

Qin Xiu was speechless.

But there was nothing he could do.

With this"system" rule, all countries would think that this was an expansion pack or activity for everyone to change their jobs. They would not doubt that such a horrible thing was man-made.

Qin Xiu could only follow this new rule!

"I understand!"

Qin Xiu replied to Jiang Long again.

He was very frugal with his words.

But Jiang Long didn't mind at all.

It was their honor to be born in Dragon Country.

But this man was so mysterious! He seemed to have jumped out of a stone, and no one knew his origins.

"Mr. Yang, Wan Sicong and Qu Fei both want to meet you. We have a private group here where we can have some virtual meetings and even transactions without revealing our identities. I would like to invite you to join. Is it convenient for you?"

Virtual meeting?


That's great!

The most important thing is that with this group, he can deal with some things he doesn't need and can't sell.

So he answered sparingly:"Okay."

Jiang Long breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the purpose of her contacting Qin Xiu this time.

After Wan Sicong and Qu Fei were rescued, they naturally wanted to thank Qin Xiu.

What's more, such a powerful person.

How could they not want to get to know him?

What if they can explore the other world together?

What if they can explore super-large copies?

In short, keep in touch first and expand your network.

Jiang Long was afraid that Qin Xiu would be unhappy, so she was very careful in her wording.

Seeing that Qin Xiu agreed, she immediately invited him.

"Jiang Long invites you to join the supreme chat group [Dragon Group]. You can fill in your business card and join the group."

Qin Xiu naturally would not fill in Yang's list honestly.

After thinking for a while, he wrote casually:

【Sunny and happy big boy].

In the Dragon Group chat group.

There are 29 members in total.

The person who opened the group chat saw a message

【Sunshine Happy Big Boy【��

Female ] has entered the chat group."???"

Rich people:"????"

Dragon Lady:"???".

I love you: Lunar

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