Mr. Yang... sunny... nothing wrong, very nice.

Jiang Long didn't know how to complain.

This big guy seemed really playful.

Jiang Long's private chat was also buzzing.

After Wan Sicong and Qu Fei confirmed that this was the lifesaver, they finally came out to say hello.

【Rich people】:"Hello, Mr. Yang! I have a small gift, as a token of my respect!"

In the group chat function.

In addition to the group chat, there are also trading areas, information areas, etc.

A red dot appeared on his trading list.

Qin Xiu looked at it and his pupils trembled.

"Group member [Rich Man] traded to [Sunny Happy Big Boy]: 100,000 Amethyst Coins."

Is this a rich man?

Qin Xiu was stunned.

When he watched Qiao Bingbing's live broadcast before, he had a preliminary understanding of the market.

At that time, the job transfer scroll was worth 100,000 Amethyst Coins.

That is 10 billion camp honor points.

Killing a ninth-level rank only costs 10 billion honor points.

This Wan Si Cong used 100,000 Amethyst Coins to buy his own life!

This friend is worth it.

The most important thing is that Qin Xiu doesn't want to sell most of his equipment bit by bit, and the Amethyst Coins can be put into the space backpack. When necessary, he can go to the bank to exchange for universal points, and 1 can be exchanged for 100 million.

This is exactly what he needs.

【Corpse chaser】:"Mr. Yang, you may not be able to use my stuff, but I don’t have anything better at the moment. If you need anything, just let me know.

A small red dot appeared in Qin Xiu’s transaction box.

"Group member [Corpse Driver] traded to [Sunny Happy Big Boy]: Corpse Poison King Sample."

What is this?

Qin Xiu clicked it open and was immediately blinded by the colorful light.

The colorful color means that this is a mythical item.

【Corpse Poison King Sample (Seven-Colored Myth)】: Through the research of the Corpse King, a mutant drug was developed. After taking it, one's physique, strength, and agility will be greatly changed. The effect depends on the potential of the user. It also has a very strong healing ability, ignores pain, and will not be infected by any corpse toxins. It masters poison elements without any side effects.

This thing is no less valuable than a divine weapon.

It is equivalent to having one more means of combat, or a system.

Even if a weak chicken takes this potion, he can instantly become a macho man.

To put it bluntly, a job changer with a weak professional coefficient, taking this Corpse Poison King sample, is likely to transform into a second profession and master toxins.

Mythical equipment, the value is probably not less than 100,000 purple crystal coins.

Moreover, it is very suitable for Qin Xiu.

Qin Xiu's current mental attributes are exploding.

But other attributes can no longer keep up!

Although Qin Xiu is a mage, and even a behind-the-scenes manipulator, he doesn't need these at all.

But he has obsessive-compulsive disorder and wants to make his attributes consistent.

He likes his physique to be like a tank, his strength to be like a warrior, and his healing ability to be like a nurse.

"All very good~~~~~."

Qin Xiu sent three words, which did not match his funny name at all, and was very cold.

But the more he said this, the more Wan Sicong and Qu Fei felt that it should be like this. He was probably a weird guy.

His name was very playful.

He was very cold.

At this time, someone else in the group spoke

【Fortune Teller】:"A new member? Are you all giving gifts to new members? I'll give one too."

A red dot appears in the transaction box again.

"Group member [Corpse Chaser] traded to [Sunny Happy Big Boy]: Mysterious Identity Token"

【Mysterious Identity Token (Colorful Mythology): A special waist pendant that cannot be detected by identification after being worn. Camouflage item effect +1000%

"Oh my god!"

Qin Xiu looked at the token and felt it was hot.

You know, who are the rich man and the corpse driver? He naturally knew.

They were Qu Fei and Wan Sicong, whom he had saved.

The things Qu Fei gave were more valuable, and he spoke more politely.

That was not only because he had saved his life.

It was also because he had given Qu Fei three corpses.

The favor was not enough.

But what about this fortune teller?

The Jiuzhuan boss group knew that this person was the old man Tianji! He actually gave him a magic weapon.


Qin Xiu thought about it and replied to the message in the group.

"No merit, no reward! Mutual gifts."

He took out a magical artifact

"Group member [Sunny Happy Big Boy] traded to [Fortune Teller]: Eternal Night Darkness Staff."

It is also a divine weapon.

It is the weapon of Emilio, the ninth rank of Philip Country.

Although the old man Tianji is a ninth rank of the calculation type, he is actually a mage.

This Eternal Night Darkness Staff can also be used.

If it is not used, it can also be sold for money.


On Tianji Mountain.

When the old man Tianji saw this, he smiled.

Entered new text

【Fortune teller: I am taking advantage of you. That is a little thing I made myself. Since you gave it to me, I will not be polite and give you another thing.

"Group member [Fortune Teller] traded to [Sunny Happy Big Boy]: Prison Flame Gate."

Qin Xiu checked it out and immediately laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

【Hellfire Gate (SSS): Fire-type forbidden spell.

It turned out to be such a good thing.

Qin Xiu took it without saying anything. He stretched out his hand and clapped it, and learned a forbidden spell!

He had one more trump card.

At this time, the dragon group seemed to be active.

【Mr. Bai: There are new people here? Wan Caishen and Qu Fei are so generous?

【Jiuding]: I haven't heard of any new Jiuzhuan recently? The name... is quite good.

【[Orchid]: Hahahaha, who is this kid? He's so cute.

【[Kendo Zhugu]: What's your profession? Is it a warrior?

【Sunshine Happy Big Boy】: Mage

【Sword Dao Zhu Gu】: That’s meaningless

【orchid】@【Dragon Girl: How is your injury? Can it be cured? If not, I will accompany you to the cave to find Hua Tuo.

【Dragon Girl]: It’s been a while, things are a bit chaotic lately

【Jiuding]: Has anyone played the dungeon with me recently? I found that the ninth level dungeon is not easy to pass, and the output is not enough

【Mr. Bai: Everyone else is in the cave, why are we going to a dungeon? We were almost besieged when we were trying to grab the world boss this time. Who killed the world boss and made us take the blame?

【Sunshine happy big boy】:……

【Nine Cauldrons】:?



Several Nine Turns asked in confusion.

Obviously, they all sensed something.

Wan Sicong and Qu Fei gave each other gifts.

Jiang Long even added the other party to the group.

Everyone who was present when the boss was killed was here. Who do you think killed him?

It must be this [Sunny Happy Big Boy]!

【Mr. Bai: Brother, I don’t mean anything else, hahahaha, so what, what did it explode? I’m just curious, it doesn’t matter if you don’t tell me.

Qin Xiu certainly couldn’t say that he exploded a pet egg of a mythical beast.

So, he was very cool and sent an expression

【Sunny and Happy Big Boy]: (Smiling face)

For a moment, the Nine Revolutions in the Dragon Group felt like an old man had mixed in with the young people.

How come this person is even older than them?

They didn't use this initial expression 500 years ago.

At this time, the transaction information in the group rang.

【Sunshine Happy Big Boy] uploaded the trading item [Blade of Stealing Space (Colorful Myth)], redemption requirements: Forbidden Spell

【Sunshine Happy Big Boy] uploaded the trading item [Void Assassin's Dagger (Colorful Myth)], redemption requirements: Forbidden Spell

【Sunshine Happy Big Boy] uploaded the trading item [Hydra Bow (Colorful Myth)], redemption requirements: Forbidden Spell

【Sunny Happy Big Boy] uploaded the trading item [Elf God Boots (Colorful Mythology)], and the exchange requirement is: forbidden spells.

The four items are the mythical weapons of Quan Toutou, Shen Yongjun, and Jeffrey, and Jeffrey also has an extra pair of artifact boots.

Old Man Tianji has opened up new ideas for Qin Xiu.

Exchange forbidden spells to improve his own strength.

Of course, in order not to expose himself too much.

He did not agree on the category of forbidden spells.

If there is a type of forbidden spell that he cannot learn, he can completely amplify it, and then use natural comprehension to comprehend the truth.

In this way, he does not need to expose his identity and can improve his strength.

Killing two birds with one stone.

And Qin Xiu's action

("Yes, OK") (Yes, OK) instantly changed the topic of conversation.

【Mr. Bai]: Brother Yang, wait for me, keep these archer boots for a moment!

【Orchid]: Why does this thing look familiar?

【Kendo】@【Sunny and happy big boy]: I feel that you must be very good at PK. Let's have a sparring match when we are free.

Qin Xiu thought it was funny.

Although he didn't know these people before.

But as they chatted, Qin Xiu could match them up.

Bai Moumou is Baidi. His real name should be Baimou. He changed his job to an archer. The artifact longbow he used can send out a beam of white light, which can be regarded as corresponding to his reputation.

Lanhua is called the Martial Queen. Her real name is Lan Youyou. The title and name are very conflicting.

But as the saying goes: there are only wrong names, not wrong titles. The Martial Queen changed her job to a fighter, and her fists are very hard.

The Sword Dao Zhugu is Li Jianxian. His real name is Li Jian, which is a very, very ordinary name.

But this is the reality of the era of universal job change, because it may be that an inconspicuous person can soar to the sky by changing his job to a heaven-defying profession.

And Jiuding is naturally Yan Jiuding!

At this moment, Qin Xiu found that the private chat of his Dragon Group chat group was ringing.

【Jiuding]: Let's play the game together? The information is here, but I'm missing a violent output.

Jiuding ] sent a document..

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