""Void Arena!"

A bunch of text notifications appeared again.

Qin Xiu understood the rules of this battlefield after the system was simplified.

The Void Arena is even more cruel than the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

All participants will enter a 250-meter diameter arena.

The number of participants is: 10,000.

Just based on the area of the arena and the number of participants, it is almost a face-to-face battle!

So the battle is very cruel.

The most interesting thing is that you can not only be a player, but also a spectator.

Watch and bet.

The betting funds are all camps-honor points.

The odds depend on the situation. Betting on the champion will win. --, that is 25 times.

There are some with higher and more terrifying odds.

For example, betting on a certain person, the number of people killed.

For example, killing 0-100 people, the odds are 1:0.1.

Betting 100 honor points, if successful, the principal will be returned, and 10 points will be given.

But this is the most basic.

The higher it goes, the higher it is.

When it reaches 9900, it is 99 times.

Is there such a good thing?

Qin Xiu looked at his remaining 4.3 billion.

Thinking that it would double 100 times, it would be 430 billion.

Not to mention the attribute points of the sixth-level store, he might even buy a lot of attribute points of the seventh-level store.

"That's it!"

Qin Xiu immediately clicked into the Void Arena.

【Welcome to the Void Arena. You will choose to be a"player" or a"spectator"."】


【The name, race, level, etc. of this arena cannot be known. After entering the battlefield, you will be randomly assigned a number.】

【After all players enter, there will be 30 minutes of betting time, and players cannot participate】

【This entry requires 100 attribute points, which will be randomly deducted.】

【Do you want to enter immediately?】

Qin Xiu was very disappointed.

The players could not participate.

But it was true. If the players could participate, then they would have the possibility to manipulate the situation.

However, as the saying goes, there are countermeasures from above and policies from below.

Qin Xiu suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He took a look at his friends list in the Void Battlefield, and Mu Xianxian was indeed online.

This woman was already level 300.

Obviously, she had completed the job transfer.

As for the other friends, although some were online, they had not reached the third job transfer and could not enter the Void Arena.

""Are you there?"

Qin Xiu sent a message.

Mu Xianxian:"Yes!"

If she is, it will be easy.

"Do you know about the betting in the Void Battlefield?"

"I know, what's wrong?"

"How about we do a trade? How much honor do you have now? You bet on me to kill 9900-10000 people. The honor earned will be 19 points each. You can transfer my share to me through payment. How about that?"The payment mode is a loophole in the faction battlefield.

The only drawback is that the faction honor required for the payment mode is 10 times the payment.

But Qin Xiu thinks it's worth it.

Mu Xianxian was also confused when she saw the news.

It's not because there are few such trades.

It's because the ratio of 9900-10000 is too extreme!

"Are...are you sure?"


Mu Xianxian looked at her remaining 5 million honor points and gritted her teeth.

"Let’s bet!"

"You won't be disappointed."

Then, the two agreed on a time and entered the arena together.

This ensured that they entered an arena.

If they did not enter a battlefield, then Mu Xianxian would have to look for the arena list!

When entering the arena as a contestant, it is impossible to send any information out.

At this time, Mu Xianxian was sweating in her hands.


In a burst of white light, Mu Xianxian entered the audience of the arena.

The audience around her was extremely enthusiastic.

These arenas are also the arenas of all races. Otherwise, with only the population of the human world and the number of fourth-level people, it would not be able to support more than 100,000 spectators.

And there are countless such matches every day.

"Panda, Panda……"Mu Xianxian scanned the 10,000 contestants and finally saw a giant panda at the 3197th place.

The giant panda was holding a staff, which was the initial equipment of the arena.

And the giant panda would occasionally change its claws into six and scratch its ears.

It looked silly and cute.

With this image, it was like a group of wolves, tigers and leopards, and there was a cute contestant who accidentally got into the group.

No one would have thought that it could win the first place.

And Mu Xianxian was extremely shocked.

"Did he really turn into a panda?"

"I'll try my best. At worst, he'll pay for the property for me!"

"Bet 3197, kills 9900-10000, odds: 99.9."

The odds are close to 100.

If Qin Xiu really takes down so many people in this game, she can earn 500 million.

Moreover, even if she only wins 19 points, she can earn 10 million.

Her capital is 5 million honor points, but she has been spending every day in the void battlefield and even going to the front line to kill enemies for more than a year to earn it.

The most important thing is that if she can win the second and third games, she will win so much in the first game.

Her capital has increased.

Wouldn't the camp honor points she gets be more?

How much will she earn?

Mu Xianxian almost dared not think about it.


On the other side, Qin Xiu was already waiting in a place that looked like a prison.

He transformed into a panda.

This was not due to any equipment, but natural camouflage.

He could disguise himself as anything in nature, whether it was an animal or a plant, or even a rock, a cloud, or the sea.

In order to hide his identity and prevent other countries from knowing that Qin Xiu was a job-changer and stealing chickens, he transformed into a panda and made a secret signal with Mu Xianxian.

Fortunately, there was no such creature as a panda among the myriad races.

"I wonder if Mu Xianxian is in the same match as me. I hope she has placed her bet!"

After a long 30-minute wait,

Qin Xiu could hear the noise and cheers from the audience seats in the arena, as well as the impatient footsteps and roars from the cages on both sides.

It must be said that Qin Xiu also felt this atmosphere!

The cage will be opened soon.

We must act immediately.

Otherwise, a big battle will break out and more than 100 people will die instantly, and this operation will be a complete failure!

·········Request flowers········

Finally, the 30 minutes were up.

The cage opened immediately, and Qin Xiu felt a huge force behind him pushing him out.

Not only that, but all the cages were like this.

The people who entered together were almost touching each other's faces.

In an instant, murderous intent rose.


A contestant raised his axe, and it was covered with red light.

Many assassin-class job changers turned invisible on the spot to avoid the first wave of sharp edges.

However, at this moment, a huge door rose from the fighting arena.

This door was really huge.

The entire fighting arena was only 250 meters in diameter, and this huge door was 250 meters wide. It slowly rose from the ground. If it wasn't too fast, they would have thought that the door frame that appeared on the ground was someone's magma spell.

That's right, this door was actually made of flowing magma.

The door rose 500 meters into the air, covering the entire arena.

The audience in the audience seats all gasped.....................................

"What is this?"

Even the audience had to look up.

Inside the huge door, there was darkness.

The next moment, black and red flames covered the sky.


The flames covered the entire arena.

All the contestants in the arena were instantly killed by the flames.

""Forbidden Spell: Hellfire Gate!"

Just 10 seconds into the game, before the others had time to fight,

Qin Xiu released the Hellfire Gate, instantly eliminating all the contestants.

"This fight is over!"

"Champion: No. 3197, Opponent eliminated: No. 9999."

At this time, the entire audience went crazy.

"Fuck, what is this? A forbidden spell, this is definitely a forbidden spell!"

"How could a forbidden spell appear in the fourth level arena? This is definitely manipulation, manipulation!"

"I remember this panda!"

"It’s worth it. You can see the forbidden spell by spending 100 honor points. This ticket is worth it!"

"Too strong! It was really terrifying. I was choking in the audience. What would it be like if it was on the field?"

"Oh my God, is he going to fight or not? If so, I will definitely choose him to win the championship this time!"

"What are you thinking about, buying elimination numbers!"

""Quick, go find it!"

These people shouted and left the audience.

At this time, the most confused person was Mu Xianxian.

She knew Qin Xiu was strong, but she never expected him to be this strong.

This was too scary!

Forbidden spell.

A fourth-level mage could cast a forbidden spell.

Who could stop him?

The most important thing was that her current camp honor value balance had become 500 million.

500 million? This was too important for Mu Xianxian, who hadn't even opened the second-level store!

"I'm rich, I'm really rich this time!"

If she had been disdainful of hugging thighs before, she thought she was just a big thick leg.

Now, she admits that she was wrong!

This feeling of being carried away is too wonderful!


Qin Xiu, are you still going to fight?" Mu Xianxian asked impatiently.

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