Qin Xiu looked at the reward he received.

"Congratulations on becoming the Arena Champion"

"You get 10% elimination attribute: All attributes +0"

"As the champion of the arena, the attributes of your eliminated opponents will be 100% rewarded: Constitution +22w, Agility +27w, Strength +30w, Spirit +20w."

One arena, and you get millions of attributes.


"Fight, of course!" Qin Xiu replied to Mu Xianxian.

The two conspired again. They entered at the right time.

They were lucky and were lined up together again.

Because in the last game, Qin Xiu turned into a panda.

The audience on the scene naturally recognized him as a gladiator who could release forbidden spells.

They hoped to bet and make money.

But, would Qin Xiu let these people do what they wanted?

So he waited for 10 minutes on purpose. He also changed his image.

This time it was not a giant panda.

He was replaced by a mermaid.

The natural world in the era of universal job transfer is of course different from before.

Mermaids are also creatures in nature.

The one Qin Xiu changed into had wrinkled skin, a staff in his hand, and a hunched back. He didn't look strong at all.

Only Mu Xianxian, who had checked with Qin Xiu, was sure that it was him.

"Zero"zero four three" four three"

So, instantly smashed 500 million honor points

"Will it succeed?"

"This is 500 million honor points!"

"Oh my god, if I succeed, I can make 50 billion!"

"I want to download 5 million battlefields!"

"It is said that if you kill a Nine-turn, you can get 10 billion camp honors. Isn't it the same as killing 5 Nine-turns!"

Although I know that all this money is not mine, but with so many honor points in hand,

Mu Xianxian's heartbeat accelerated.

At this moment, she was no longer the cold, unpredictable, and heroic queen she was before.

She was just a crazy gambler. Countless people at the scene began to cheer.

"It's the Devilman, the Talisman Demon!"

"He will definitely win this time!"

"His magma release can instantly kill hundreds of people."

"I bet 2,000 on him to kill, and 20,000 on honor. If I win, it will double instantly!"

"I bet on him to kill 3,000."

Countless people were celebrating.

Audiences who often watched the battles here naturally knew how powerful this Talis demon was.

Even Mu Xianxian became nervous.

Could there be a competitor?

You know, once the enemy's death exceeds 100, and it was not Qin Xiu who killed them.

Qin Xiu would fail!

Qin Xiu on the field was completely indifferent.

The game started.

Qin Xiu was pushed out of the field again in an instant.

In order to avoid being besieged immediately, some people even walked into the field as soon as possible.

Qin Xiu only took one step and quickly raised his staff.

""Super storm!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in the arena.

The speed was very fast.

The arena with a diameter of 250 meters almost couldn't fit the Hellfire Gate last time.

This time, even this super storm couldn't fit.

This terrifying gust of wind blew people all over the place.

Moreover, this wind was no longer just wind, but a dimensional blade.

A wind blade that could cut through space.

In the gust of wind, everyone was strangled.

If the arena was not this small.

This super storm could certainly be bigger.

But when it was reduced to this, the storm would only be more terrifying.

In just 10 seconds.

There was no one standing in the arena!

After waiting for half an hour, it only took 10 seconds to kill.

This battle ended again

"This fight is over!"

"Champion: No. 5197, eliminated opponents: 9988."

11 contestants were eliminated in advance.

It doesn't matter.

Because Qin Xiu has already completed the highest odds.

Mu Xianxian's camp store has shown an available balance of 50 billion honor points!

Among them, 10% is Mu Xianxian's money.

She is actually a rich woman with 5 billion.

She can't believe this is true.

The bet won!

Really won!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"I won, I won!"

The audience looked at Mu Xianxian with pity in their eyes.


Another crazy one!

This is too normal!

This little girl is so young.

I guess she can't bear it.

She has to queue up on the rooftop when she goes out.

Mu Xianxian withdrew from the battlefield.

Even if it was just a projection.

She felt dizzy and light-footed. She was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth!

"Qin Xiu, 50 billion honor points, 50 billion!"

"You can buy 5 artifacts!"

"My heart is beating so fast, oh my god!"

Mu Xianxian simply fell in love with this exciting feeling.

Qin Xiu chuckled. This is just the beginning.

"Don’t get excited, just wait and see the next wave!"

"That’s right, if it multiplies a hundred times, it will be 5 trillion!"

As she said this, Mu Xianxian’s breathing became rapid, and she felt like her brain was lacking oxygen!

"You are dreaming!" Qin Xiu interrupted the other party's delusion without hesitation,"If a person has played many games and has a high winning rate, the Void Battlefield will adjust the odds. As the saying goes, three times the odds are wrong. I didn't react before. I believe this time, it will not be this ratio."

"Ah! Isn't this too much to play with?"Mu Xianxian was immediately furious.

Cutting off someone's financial resources is like killing their parents.

This is related to her interests.

But this is also reasonable.

Otherwise, the Void Battlefield would have been closed by Tianjiao long ago.

"This time we arranged……"

Qin Xiu and Mu Xianxian set up again and lined up in the Void Arena again.

It went smoothly. Mu Xianxian found Qin Xiu quickly.

Then she started betting.

Just one look, she felt uncomfortable all over.

Qin Xiu was right.

His ratio changed.

The same content, the odds are now 9.9.

In other words, 50 billion honor points are spent.

It can only be multiplied by 10.

It becomes 500 billion.

Although it is a lot.

But for Mu Xianxian, who had an explosion of expectations before, it is hard to accept.

But she still comforted herself that it was already good!

"People cannot be greedy!"

"This money has come from heaven!"

"One tenth belongs to me, that’s 50 billion!"

"Oh my god, this number is really fascinating!"

In the arena, the moment the gate opened,

Qin Xiu, who had turned into a child of the ice field, released the forbidden spell.

"Ice and snow!"

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the terrifying cold air froze everyone present..........

Another round of instant kill.........

Qin Xiu took first place again.

After half an hour of waiting,

Mu Xianxian had calmed down.

This time, she had never expected to make 500 billion.

"Qin Xiu, do you want to continue?"

The main thing is that Qin Xiu has released three forbidden spells in a row.

Although I don't understand how the other party can release forbidden spells at the third turn, and it doesn't cost anything, a small staff can be used.

Moreover, the cooling time of the forbidden spell is still very long.

At least one month.

But Mu Xianxian still hopes that Qin Xiu can do it again.

However, in Qin Xiu's true state, 99% of the cooling time is reduced, so that each forbidden spell has only 7 hours of cooling time.

In addition to various equipment.

The cooling time of the forbidden spell for Qin Xiu is only 2 hours.

But of course Qin Xiu will not tell anyone about this.

"It's okay, continue"


Mu Xianxian nodded immediately.

Qin Xiu's purpose this time was not just to make money, of course. He wanted to test the forbidden spell.

So in the fourth round, Qin Xiu released the last forbidden spell that could attack.


As he released his spell, the sky above the entire arena turned orange, and fire fell from the sky, burning the earth. The ground turned into magma and it was impossible to stand.

In just over ten seconds, all the contestants on the field died.

"Congratulations on becoming the Arena Champion"

"You get 10% elimination attribute: All attributes +0"

"As the champion of the arena, the attributes of your eliminated opponents will be 100% rewarded:

Constitution +20w

Agility +27w (if it exceeds the upper limit, increase by 200,000.)

Strength +28w (if it exceeds the upper limit, increase by 140,000.)

Spirit +21w."

Agility and strength are actually added to the upper limit.

Only the constitution and spirit attributes are left.

There is no way, after all, there are few magic professions, and tanks rarely come here to fight.

But these 4.6 don't matter.

Qin Xiu looked at the chat window.

Mu Xianxian quickly sent a message to Qin Xiu.

"The odds are only 0.9, and this time I only made 450 billion, which means a total of 950 billion honor points!"

Mu Xianxian was a little disappointed.

But Qin Xiu thought it was good.

"There is still 0.9 left in the Void Battlefield. He is really, I am crying!"

Qin Xiu also expressed his gratitude.

This made Mu Xianxian laugh and cry.

He also made her laugh.

Qin Xiu continued:"Press it one last time. This time I don't have a forbidden spell, so just bet on me to win the championship."

You finally don't have a forbidden spell.

Otherwise, Mu Xianxian would really doubt her life.

"Your odds of winning the championship are now very, very low." Mu Xianxian said

"Earn as much as you can"


��Xianxian nodded.

Then, the two entered the arena again.

Soon, Mu Xianxian found a slime that Qin Xiu had transformed into.

It was a two-meter-long slime, holding a staff in its hand.

The blue slime looked very strange. Mu

Xianxian looked at Qin Xiu's multiplier.

I wonder how much it will be reduced this time..

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