Qin Xiu's heart moved, and three pairs of wings suddenly spread out from his back.

Dark Angel Six-winged Wings!

The holy weapon that exploded from the Kangaroo Nation's Nine-turn Jeffrey.

This thing is really rare.

As he spread his wings, the people around him exclaimed.


"OMG that's cool!"

"What kind of wings are these?"

""Big brother, can I touch your wings? I don't mean anything else, I just want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Several beautiful girls around looked at Qin Xiu with great enthusiasm.

If he could be favored by a job-changer

, especially a big brother with explosive fighting power, it would be a promotion in rank.

How could Qin Xiu pay attention to them? He flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

Then, in the sky, he summoned black flames.


The Hell Nightmare Dragon let out a long roar.

Half of Qincheng could hear it.

""Shut up, keep a low profile, keep a low profile!"

Qin Xiu patted the dragon horn and commanded Black Flame to move forward.

Black Flame shut his mouth. It clearly felt that Qin Xiu just wanted to show off, so he roared suddenly.

Usually it is very silent.

After all, undead creatures are not lively creatures.

They are not the same as the chirping little white bird.

After releasing Black Flame, Qin Xiu also released Chirp and let it stand on his shoulder.

And below him.

The people in the whole city widened their eyes and exclaimed.

"What big guy is coming!"

"My god, so domineering!"

"Bigger than the Dragon Blood General's Candle Dragon"

"Who is this?"

While people were talking about this, Qin Xiu had already left the city and arrived at the address Yan Jiuding gave him.

This was a building not far outside Qincheng.

The building was very luxurious, even not worse than Qincheng.

There was also a fifty-story building.

You know, in the era of universal job transfer, monsters attacking the city are often encountered. Other monsters can be blocked by the city walls, but the attacks of monsters in the sky depend on the protective shield, but the protective shield will not be opened every day.

Buildings like this are very dangerous.

Unless the other party has enough confidence.

And this building is indeed very confident and has capital, and is very arrogant.

【The words"Jiuding Guild" were hung on the building.

Qin Xiu rode on Black Flame and circled the building twice. Naturally, everyone inside saw him.

Then, he brought the Black Dragon and landed on the parking lot hundreds of meters in front of the building.

After collecting the Black Dragon, he spread his wings and landed.

At this time, everyone in the building was alarmed!

"Which big guy is coming?"

"never seen it!"

"The equipment is so gorgeous, and there are also mythical beast mounts!"

"A magician.「~「!"

At this time, Yan Jiuding didn't even bother to take the elevator down!

He walked directly from the top floor, stepped on the flying sword, and jumped down.

"Brother Yang, I finally got you!" Yan Jiuding stretched out his hand.

Qin Xiu also stretched out his hand. The extremely delicate and terrifying world destroying player in his hand made Yan Jiuding's pupils shrink.

This level of refinement was definitely a divine weapon.

Not only that, Qin Xiu's robe, trousers, hat, shoes, were all the same.

Except for a belt, almost all the parts on his body were complete.

Yan Jiuding paid great attention to this mysterious big man who had joined the group inexplicably.

The main reason was that he really couldn't find anyone.

"Sorry for the long wait, something delayed me!"

The boss always shows up at the last minute.

So Qin Xiu came on time.

The series of tricks just now really made Yan Jiuding and the members of Jiuding Guild feel awed.

His image became more and more mysterious.

"I'm very short on time, should I go to the dungeon now?" Qin Xiu asked.

"Okay, since Brother Yang said so, let's go now." Yan Jiuding said, and hesitated for a moment, and asked:"Brother Yang, is it convenient for you to add me as a friend? I don't know your name yet!"

The most important thing is that every time he sees Qin Xiu, he will think of Qin Xiu's online name

【The name"Sunny Happy Big Boy" is too different from the big guy in front of him.

He wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh.

He was very hurt.

""Okay, I'll add you!"

Qin Xiu took the initiative to add Yan Jiuding as a friend.

If it were before, he would not be so reckless, or rather, so aboveboard.

But yesterday, Elder Tianji gave him a mysterious identity token.

This allowed him to block anyone's identification and detection skills, even the Eye of God.

This made him feel much more at ease.

Qin Xiu was not worried that Jiang Long would see through his identity before, because he had appeared in front of Jiang Long many times and saved him.

Out of respect, Jiang Long did not dare to use the identification skill on him.

But Yan Jiuding was different.

Thinking about it this way, it was really thanks to Elder Tianji.

Yan Jiuding also added Qin Xiu as a friend.

He knew Qin Xiu's name.

Yang Dan!

"It turns out that his last name is Yang. Maybe it was just a joke!"

Yan Jiuding felt that everything made sense.

"Mr. Yang, we need to reach the dungeon entrance through our guild's teleportation array. Eighth-rank team, assemble immediately."


Qin Xiu didn't say much.

At Yan Jiuding's command, all the eighth-turn warriors came down from the building.

It must be said that this team looks amazing.

This is China's top dungeon strategy team.

Qin Xiu noticed that one of the assassins was holding a magic dagger in his hand.

Obviously, it was the standard magic dagger that Yan Jiuding bought from him yesterday.

However, the required level of this magic dagger is 900.

And the assassin in front of him is obviously an eighth-turn warrior.

It is estimated that some enchantments that reduce equipment requirements were used to enable the other party to equip this dagger.

The addition of this magic dagger undoubtedly increased the strength of the team.

With his joining,

Qin Xiu is still very confident in clearing this dungeon.

"I just don't know if I can get the SSS rating if I don't clear the dungeon by myself, and whether I will get the exclusive reward for my profession?"

Qin Qiu thought, and used the teleportation scroll with everyone.

A white light flashed.

The environment around Qin Xiu changed.

He appeared in a place with humid air. In front of him, a space crack was constantly emitting strange power.

Qin Xiu was invited by Yan Jiuding to join the team. His level was hidden, and he couldn't find it on the team panel.

But Yan Jiuding didn't care at all.

"I'm entering the dungeon. Everyone, be alert and be vigilant."

Yang Jiuding said, and he had already applied for the dungeon.

As light emerged from the cracks, the 200 people present evacuated and disappeared.

Qin Xiu's system text record was refreshed.

【You enter the cave - Earth Dragon Hill (Nightmare Level) dungeon. 】

Qin Xiu looked around.

This is a hilly area with soft soil. Looking into the distance, the hills are stacked one after another. I don't know how big the area is.

However, I didn't see a single monster.

But Qin Xiu, who had read the information, was not surprised.

"¨「¨「Mr. Yang, do you want me to lure the monster out first?"

Qin Xiu shook his head.

"No, I'll use a forbidden spell to clean the ground first!"

Qin Xiu flapped his wings and flew high into the sky.

In this dungeon, the sky is safe.

However, if you want to clear the dungeon, you can't stay in the sky forever.

Because the final clearance boss is underground.

This is not the first time Qin Xiu has been to a nightmare dungeon, and he is no longer half-knowledgeable about the dungeons in this world.

Every nightmare dungeon is caused by a boss opening a crack and then continuously releasing strange energy invasion.

Every time a job-changer passes through a crack, he can only be randomly teleported to the periphery of the dungeon.

What they have to do is to kill the cracks, destroy the invasion cracks created by the boss, or destroy the pollution source.

This dungeon is the same now.

The monsters are very strong. And the boss is underground.

Before, Yan Jiuding led the team, but they had not found the correct entrance to the BOSS.

Because every time they found a way, as long as they fought with the earth dragon, the tunnel would collapse.

If they didn't kill the monsters in the first second, they would never repeat the same mistakes and would not be able to enter the next level.

Now, with Qin Xiu here, I don't know if this will change.

But what he said made Yan Jiuding's eyes light up.

The boss is confident.

He opened his mouth and wanted to use forbidden spells to clean the ground.

What a huge price to pay for this forbidden spell!

This favor is a bit too much.

If he can pass the level.

He doesn't mind giving Qin Xiu a little more benefit.

Qin Xiu in the sky.

Raised the staff.

He didn't even chant.

He exploded directly.

""The Doomsday Disaster!"

The next moment, the sky turned orange.

This time, there was no arena to limit Qin Xiu's casting range.

The Doomsday Disaster expanded to an extremely terrifying extent.

With the essence of fire,

Qin Xiu's flame forbidden spell was terrifyingly powerful.

Not only that

, at this time, the sky had another layer of clouds.

The orange-red color turned into a deep red.

"Doomsday disaster!"

Qin Xiu's world-destroying player actually played a role at this time.

Double the spell.

Double the forbidden spell, triggering


A huge fire fell from the sky. Yan Jiuding , who saw all this from a distance, was stunned!

Is this how the forbidden spell is released?

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