The mages that Yan Jiuding had seen cast forbidden spells.

First, they had to arrange formations in advance.

Various precious materials were used.

Or some divine objects or media were used.

For example, the rainbow snake of Kangaroo Country, the snake skin was the top medium.

Secondly, there was the chanting time.

The shortest one had to prepare for 10 minutes.

The longest one could take half an hour.

Therefore, mages are always the turrets in the rear.

It is equivalent to nuclear weapons.

Every mage must have his own knight.

This is standard.

After releasing the forbidden spell, the mage would enter the sage time.

His mana would be emptied.

A lot of physical strength would be consumed.

It was like he had overdone that.

But look at Qin Xiu.

He was flying steadily in the sky.

The most outrageous thing was that Qin Xiu really just raised his staff just now.

What about the chanting?

What about the spell? What about the formation, materials, and divine objects?


This mage is not right.

"Brother Yang, how did you do this?"

Qin Xiu heard his words and maintained his cool image.

He even flew in the sky.

This was to prevent Yan Jiuding from seeing the black light on him. In fact, it was the withered crow cloak that blocked the upgraded light effect.


Qin Xiu was very frugal with words.

"Awesome, really awesome!" Yan Jiuding said the compliments, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

‘Being able to cast forbidden spells smoothly, this talent must be at least SSS level! I just don't know what talent it is, but I can't ask. Everyone has secrets, and asking again would be a bit offensive! '

Although Yan Jiuding was scratching his head, he didn't continue to ask.

At this time, under the superposition of the double forbidden spells.

The scene has turned into a sea of fire.

The fire fell from the sky, burning the continuous hills. The soil of the hills is very fertile, but under the high temperature, it gradually burned into a red color.

In the end, this 127 soil was burned into 127 magma.

Not only that, the fire in the sky finally turned into fireballs, constantly hitting the ground, forming a super-large meteor shower.

Every space is filled with explosions of elemental flames.

After the hills were baked, the magma flowed from high places to low-lying areas.

This area has become a land of magma.

In less than ten minutes.

The earth dragon hidden underground can no longer bear it.


The ground exploded.

Lava splashed out.

A land dragon twisted its body and jumped out of the ground.

This land dragon was actually a hundred meters long and two meters in diameter.

Because of the pain, it opened its mouth and roared, exposing its mouthparts. The dense serrated fangs in its mouth formed a dense flower, ferocious and terrifying.

It was constantly eroded by the magma and felt severe pain, but there was no target to attack, so it could only rage helplessly.

Yan Jiuding and his people on the hills in the distance seemed to smell a fragrant aroma of barbecue, but as time went by, this aroma turned into a burnt smell.

The land dragon, under such an attack, turned into charcoal.

On the ground, a piece of purple equipment appeared.

The most basic and epic equipment dropped in the nightmare-level copy.

However, because it is a team copy, after picking up the equipment, it must also enter the team space and be distributed by the team leader.

Now, no one can pick up that piece of equipment.

Fortunately, the new equipment has just dropped and there will be a certain protection period.

Otherwise, it will sink and float in the magma, and its durability will have evaporated long ago! As time goes by.

The second, third, and tenth earth dragons appeared in the magma.

Then, more and more earth dragons fled in a hurry.

Qin Xiu hunted hundreds of earth dragons.

Yan Jiuding and others were even more shocked.

One hundred earth dragons, their best result three months ago, was only this.

And it took them ten days.

In the end, they ran out of ammunition and food.

They didn't find the passage to the BOSS.

The prophet in the team was furious.

Because he was the one who calculated the road every time.

Once the battle started, the passage was blown up and they had to find it again.

After that, the eight-turn prophet didn't come either, because they died in the end, using the resurrection scroll and the copy escape scroll to escape.

And now.

Without any effort.

Qin Xiu killed 200 earth dragons in half an hour.

The number of deaths is still increasing.

In the sky.

Qin Xiu was also very happy.

Because the guild level was upgraded to level 2, and Yan Jiuding's team was a top team, there was an extra experience layer.

Qin Xiu's experience gain was increased several times.

Each of the 850-level earth dragon bosses can increase experience by about 10%.

More than 100 of them means 10 levels.

10 levels in half an hour.

Wouldn't it be 100 levels in 10 hours?

Then he can level up four times!

It's really good to upgrade here.

However, Qin Xiu also knew that the number of earth dragons was limited, and the Doomsday Scourge could only attack the surface area and could not go deep underground.

The forbidden spell could last for an hour, which was also the limit.

However, looking at the flowing magma on the ground, Qin Xiu's heart moved.

"Is this a disaster?"

"If that counts, I can manipulate it and use magma to fill the earth dragon's nest, right?"

Qin Xiu immediately thought of a picture in his mind.

Mercury filling an ant nest

""Try it!"

Qin Xiu activated the natural control.

The next moment, a three-dimensional stereogram was presented.

However, although this three-dimensional stereogram also depicted the surroundings, some places were gray.

For example, the fire cloud above the head.

The fire cloud cannot be controlled, cannot be moved, and cannot increase the range.

Because this is not a natural disaster, but a spell!

But the magma on the ground can be controlled.

Magma is the result of high temperature.

Qin Xiu immediately controlled the magma and followed the underground where the earth dragons drilled in.

This time, Qin Xiu was like poking an ant nest.

More earth dragons were discovered and killed. If the passage collapsed, he controlled the magma and melted that part.

Gradually, in his three-dimensional stereogram, he clearly knew the BOSS's nest.

Even, the magma rushed into the BOSS's nest and began to attack the BOSS.

The boiling magma seemed to be a provocative signal, angering the terrifying BOSS.

In a cave three thousand meters deep underground.

With the influx of magma, the terrible creature of a full kilometer rolled suddenly.

It was burned!

【The Earth Twister - Earth Dragon Ancestor (Nightmare-level Dungeon BOSS) Level: Level 950, HP: 300 trillion. 】

Its HP is higher than that of Jiujiu.

It may also be because its body is larger, and Jiujiu is obviously a mage-type world BOSS with high attack and low HP.

But it is not too ideal to think that this Earth Dragon Ancestor is very weak.

On the contrary, it is very terrifying.

Almost instantly, the Earth Dragon Ancestor moved!

"" Boom!"

There was a loud noise.

The earth dragon turned over.

Above the ground.

Qin Xiu controlled the magma and felt the change at the first time.

Others could see it with their naked eyes.

A wave was raised on the calm magma ground.

This wave was actually the rolling of the earth.

In an instant, the shock wave of the earth reached Yan Jiuding and others.

There was no magma under their feet, but at this moment, the earth turned into a wave and was suddenly rolled up. A terrifying earth element wave threw everyone into the sky.


The violent tremor made the neatly-standing���The shape instantly became messy.

The next moment, Qin Xiu felt that his magma was broken.

He couldn't see where the monster was.

But through the channel where the magma flowed through the ground, he could see some terrifying creatures that cut off the magma and then rushed to the periphery of the magma area.

This periphery naturally refers to the location of Yan Jiuding and others.

So Yan Jiuding and others were knocked up by the earth waves.

The next moment, there was a bang.

A terrifying mountain rose from the ground.

These people did not expect this situation at all. Before they could react, they found that the mountain was actually coming towards them.

A huge black hole pressed towards them and completely enveloped them.

Qin Xiu couldn't help but burst out a swear word in the sky.


A huge creature with a diameter of 100 meters was pulled out from the ground, then it arched its body, facing Yan Jiuding and others, and swallowed them fiercely.

What does a behemoth with a diameter of 100 meters mean? A

100-meter runway in the playground.

At least eight units are needed to form a building.

Or a skyscraper.

Compared with it, Heiyan is just a small snake.

The other party is a giant python.

Now, Yan Jiuding's team, including Yan Jiuding, were all swallowed in one breath.

Then, the giant dragon suddenly drilled into the earth and disappeared.

Qin Xiu was waiting in the sky.

10 minutes passed!

20 minutes passed!

Half an hour...

Qin Xiu twitched his mouth speechlessly.

He originally thought that with Yan Jiuding's strength, he could at least create a scene where his grandson made trouble for Princess Tieshan.

Destroy the earth dragon from the inside, causing huge damage.


Yan Jiuding and others were killed in seconds!

On Qin Xiu's system team panel, everyone's name, level, profession, etc., turned gray.

Not necessarily dead, but definitely left this copy.

At the same time.


Yan Jiuding and his team appeared next to the teleportation array

"It was too dangerous just now, but the good news is that we finally saw the dungeon BOSS. Now we have counted the casualties and used the reimbursement of the resurrection scroll. The dungeon has left the scroll and returned to make up for it.……"

Yan Jiuding's voice was very exciting!

Others were also discussing fiercely.

After a moment, Yan Jiuding felt something was wrong.

"Uh... Is there one person missing?".

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