"I just used the identification technique to identify that BOSS"

"His name is Earth Dragon Ancestor, level 950, health 300 trillion"

"Next time we encounter a BOSS, we must disperse and adjust our personnel. We should not send melee professions, reduce the number of warriors, increase the number of spells, and send fire and wood mages."The top dungeon members of Jiuding Guild were discussing fiercely.

While everyone was talking heatedly, Yan Jiuding felt that he had forgotten something.--

What did you forget?

"Yangguang... Where's Yang Dan?"

Yan Jiuding suddenly looked at the team panel.

The teammate portrait representing Qin Xiu was gray.

Gray does not necessarily mean death.

It means that this teammate is very far away from him. He is not even in the same plane.

"Yang Dan didn't come out?"

Yan Jiuding was shocked.

He hurriedly chatted with the other party, but it fell on deaf ears.

The other party must not have used the escape scroll, otherwise, they would have bound to this teleportation array in advance and should have come back together.

"He, isn't he still in there? Is he dead?"


In the nightmare-level dungeon,

Qin Xiu waited for half an hour, and when he saw Yan Jiuding didn't come out, he immediately realized that this group of people had actually left!

This made him very speechless.

"The Doomsday Calamity has expired, and the Earth Dragon Ancestor has hidden underground again, so there is no way to attack him."

Qin Xiu looked at all his skills.

He found that most of his skills can be used against land, sea, and sky.

The only one that is not targeted at underground.

Fortunately, his Doomsday Calamity has a cooldown time of more than two hours.

He can wait a little longer and use it again.


The ground was still shaking.

Obviously, this was the vibration caused by the Earth Ancestor's appearance. It had not stopped yet and even caused a serious landslide.

Seeing this, Qin Xiu suddenly had an idea.

"Natural Amplification!"

He released a natural amplification.

Pointing to the ground

"Amplification - Earthquake."

The next moment, Qin Xiu's system text appeared.

【You amplified the earthquake】

【This time the increase is 7200 times! 】


"I don't know, a strong earthquake is a big earthquake!"Of the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth, only the earth element has not been mastered by Qin Xiu.

Moreover, in the group of dragon group leaders,

Qin Xiu also got an SSS-level skill of meteorite falling from the sky.

But he couldn't learn it.

Earth disasters are mudslides, earthquakes, and other disasters.

If you want to amplify such disasters, there are really too few opportunities.

Qin Xiu will not go to other countries and wait for earthquakes there, and earthquakes are also without signs and difficult to warn.

Mudslides are also.

Now, isn't this a great opportunity?

"How is the effect? I don't know how to calculate the initial amplification multiple and what is the affected range? Will it shatter all the plates in this cave?"

Qin Xiu's worries are not exaggerated.

After 1 minute of natural amplification,

Qin Xiu looked at the ground and saw 12 huge cracks.

Don't think that the cracks are not threatening.

This is the movement of the earth. After the cracks appear, the land and plates on both sides will be squeezed madly.

If there are underground creatures, they may be squeezed flat with the appearance of cracks.

Just look at Qin Xiu's experience.

In just 1 minute,

Qin Xiu leveled up again.

Obviously, he killed no less than 20 earth dragons.

Not only that, in 1 minute, the vibration range has reached 2.4 kilometers.

Moreover, there is a vibration within a range of 24 kilometers.

Qin Xiu sorted out the primary data

【Number of Earthshatters: 1】

【Earthshattering range: 200 meters】

【The earthquake was felt within a radius of 2,000 meters.

If we look at it this way, a 7,200-fold increase would involve a radius of 1,440 kilometers, and a strong earthquake felt within 14,400 kilometers.



In the lair of the Earth Dragon Ancestor.

It returned inside and stared at the space crack again.

What made it anxious was that the crack expanded very slowly.

Not to mention its huge body, it couldn't pass through.

Even the cubs of the Earth Dragon Clan couldn't enter.

It didn't know that this was because Yan Jiuding controlled the crack with a formation!


The earth shook.

Stones fell from the top of his head.

The Earth Dragon Ancestor didn't care.

It must be because he had just moved, causing the ground to loosen.

Another 5 seconds passed.

Another vibration sounded.

This time, a crack appeared in his cave.

The Earth Dragon Ancestor was furious.

This time, he found that it was not caused by him at all.

It was due to other reasons.

Could it be that the group of small flies had not been dealt with yet?

Thinking of this, he was furious and moved his body again.

The Earth Dragon turned over.

It rolled, squeezing the soil on both sides, and rushed madly. Out of the ground, its body was like a mountain, rising high.

At this time, the hot magma around it had begun to solidify gradually.

Its super strong defense made it disdain the magma.

On the ground.

Qin Xiu stared at the natural control.

Although he couldn't see the Earth Dragon Ancestor.

But he could see the movement of the Earth Dragon Ancestor by looking at the three-dimensional stereogram of the natural control.

Suddenly, a huge tunnel was squeezed out in an instant.

What is that?

It must be the Earth Dragon Ancestor.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xiu instantly realized that the Earth Dragon Ancestor was coming out.


Qin Xiu flapped his wings and instantly flew up to a thousand meters in the sky.

At this time, the Earth Dragon Ancestor also emerged from the ground and sensed Qin Xiu's breath.


The Earth Dragon Ancestor seemed to have found out who was causing trouble here. He quickly raised his body and opened his mouth like a black hole, waiting to swallow Qin Xiu.

But when Qin Xiu saw this scene, his eyes lit up instantly.


Qin Xiu raised his hand.

The black dragon on the World Destruction Source Staff moved.

A purple gem was spit out by the black dragon.

And the purple gem shone brightly.

The sky was instantly covered with dark clouds.

Thunder gathered!

"Shocking thunder!"

·········Request flowers0········

7200 thunderbolts instantly bombarded the climbing Earth Dragon Ancestor

·········Request flowers0········

At this moment, it was like an oversized lightning rod. It attracted the attention of all thunders.

Is the Earth Dragon Ancestor with a diameter of 100 meters very scary?

To Yan Jiuding and others, it was.

But each of Qin Xiu's shocking thunders had a diameter of 360 meters.

Attacking the Earth Dragon Ancestor together was like using a cannon to kill a mosquito.


With a deafening sound, the Earth Dragon Ancestor exploded into countless pieces, and the body on the surface was annihilated by thunder and shattered in an instant.

However, Qin Xiu did not hear the sound of the copy being cleared.

Looking carefully, there was actually the other half of the body of the Earth Dragon Ancestor in the big pit on the ground.

The creature of the Earth Dragon can indeed regenerate after losing its limbs.

Qin Xiu was not polite.

The source of destruction moved again.

The dragon holding the red gem in its mouth spewed out flames.

"A wildfire from another world!"

6.22 million degrees of high temperature rushed down.

The flames burned the ancestor of the earth dragon.....0.....0

In just a few minutes, the ancestor of the earth dragon, who had been thrashing about and causing the earth to collapse, was completely silent.


"You killed the nightmare-level dungeon monster: the level 950 god-level BOSS Earth Dragon Ancestor!"

"You have cleared the nightmare level dungeon!"

""I've cleared the game!

I just don't know how the review will go.

Soon, a text prompt appeared.

"Your team's evaluation for this dungeon is: Grade B!"

"Your personal evaluation level is: SSS"

"You get a high reward: all attributes +1W, get a dark gold treasure chest x1."

The level of the dark gold treasure chest is one level lower than the legendary treasure chest.

And this time, although his personal evaluation is SSS, the team evaluation is B level.

This is also because the departure of others is considered to be death. It greatly reduces the completion rate of this dungeon.

Qin Xiu opened the dark gold treasure chest and found a holy weapon inside, which was not used by Qin Xiu.

"It seems that I still need to find a nightmare-level dungeon that I can enter. These people are just a burden!"

I originally wanted these eight-turn masters to help me level up.

I didn't expect that I would lead them through the dungeon in the end.

This made Qin Xiu despise the top dungeon combat power of the Jiuding Guild.

Fortunately, the Earth Dragon Ancestor, as a 950-level god-level BOSS, generously dropped a forbidden spell and a divine weapon.

【Earth Dragon Turns Over (SSS)】

【Earth Ancestor Armor (Colorful Mythology)]

This artifact is a tank heavy armor.

Qin Xiu can't wear it, but he can take it out to trade forbidden spells.

"You have cleared the nightmare-level dungeon. A regional announcement will be made. Do you want to publish your name?"

Qin Xiu thought about it and clicked on the announcement.

The next moment, Yan Jiuding and others who were still waiting outside the dungeon heard an incredible voice.

【Area Announcement: Yinshan Mountain Range Notice: The nightmare-level dungeon Earth Dragon Deep Hill (nightmare level) that threatens Yinshan Mountain Range has been cleared. The clearing team: Jiuding Team, Captain: Yan Jiuding, Team Member Yang Dan……】

Yan Jiuding was stunned! The top team of Jiuding Guild was also stunned.

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