Yan Jiuding felt a knot in his heart.

He just couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, in this era, professional matters should be asked to professionals.

Yan Jiuding quickly called the think tank in the guild.

Here, the Jiuding Guild's prophets, as well as some psychological forecasters, negotiators, analysts, etc. gathered.

If Qin Xiu saw this scene, he would be shocked. It should n't be that serious

, right? For an action that he didn't care about, they actually sent a group to figure it out?

"Now, this is the situation, tell us what you think!"

"President, I just calculated that this big guy should be a top-level ninth-level existence. I can't calculate his thoughts, let alone enter his dreams, or I will offend him!"One of the eighth-level dream masters said

"I can’t calculate it either!"

"Push from the perspective of humanity!"

"President, please don't be angry when I tell you this, see if this is the case!" One of the psychologists said,"You two played the dungeon together, but he didn't contribute a single bit and got a B rating. If he cleared the dungeon by himself, would he get a top-level rating, a nightmare-level dungeon with an SSS rating? He might get top-level equipment and skill books for his profession."

"You think you have given a lot, but in the eyes of that big boss, you may still owe him money!"

"Of course, if you hadn't given him this copy opportunity, he might not have come to this nightmare-level copy, but would a being like him be so desperate for just this one copy?"

"You're wasting the boss' time."

"So, you think he will still have friendly dealings with you after he comes out?"

"They think you are not good enough!"

"I can't even hold on for a while."

Yan Jiuding suddenly realized.

This analysis is correct.

Although he was a little upset, Yan Jiuding had to admit that what the psychologist said made a lot of sense.

"The question now is, how to repair the relationship with this big guy?"

"Didn't he want the forbidden spell? We can't learn the forbidden spell at the moment, so why not give him another copy and say it's an advance payment for the copy's revenue?"

"That's it. Your bonus this month will be doubled."

Yan Jiuding pointed at the psychologist and said

"Thank you, President!"The psychologist was very proud. Another message appeared in the Dragon Group group.

"Group member [Jiuding] traded to [Sunny Happy Big Boy]: Hell Swamp (SSS)"

【Nine Cauldrons】:"Mr. Yang, this skill is my advance payment of your one-year dungeon income. You take it first. If there is income later, I will give it to you in advance every year."

Is there such a good thing?

Although Yan Jiuding is a bit dishonest.

But at least he is sensible.

【Sunny and Happy Big Boy]: That's great.

There's one more forbidden spell.

There are naturally more attack methods.

When Wan Sicong in the group saw this, he quickly followed.

【Rich man: Mr. Yang, I also have nightmare-level dungeons. Why don’t you come and clear them? Sell your equipment to me and I’ll find you forbidden spells. Or you can trade directly with money. If it’s amethyst coins, I’ll give you 20% more of the market price.

After all, forbidden spells are hard to find.

Qin Xiu certainly wanted to play more nightmare-level dungeons. At least it’s cool to get exclusive skills and attribute points.

But today, Yan Jiuding’s team operation really surprised him, so he also answered

【Sunny Happy Big Boy]: If you don't require a certain number of players, I can play by myself. If you do require a certain number of players, you can't die when you enter the game. Don't lower your rating.

【Rich man]: Nothing wrong, boss, when will you come?

【Sunny and happy big boy]: Let's talk about it in a few days. I have something to do now.

【Rich man: No problem, I'll ask again in a few days.

Seeing what the two said, Yan Jiuding was suddenly upset.

It's confirmed.

They just despise him.

I haven't felt this feeling of being despised for a long time!


On the other side,

Qin Xiu saw that there was no more communication in the Dragon Group, so he continued to stare at his system text panel.

"According to this increase」`」"

"The experience should be enough to reach level 400. I will go to Diaoyu Island tomorrow and then do the job transfer task."

"In this job transfer mission, if there is a nightmare level dungeon clearance, it will be easy to complete."

"It's better not to come out."

Qin Xiu looked at his system text panel.

It kept refreshing the kill prompts.

A lot of experience was gained.

In the cave.

In the deep hill of the earth dragon.

The earthquake became more and more terrifying.

Natural amplification for 1 hour

【Amplification multiple: 720 times】

【Number of Earth Cracks: 720】

【Collapse range: 144 km】

【The range of the earthquake: 1440 kilometers.

The entire range of the deep hills is less than 144 kilometers.

The place where the earth dragon tribe lived was only about 100 kilometers away, and now it has collapsed.

The earth dragon race was all killed.

Then, the earth shook and spread outward.

There were also powerful creatures living around the earth dragon tribe.

But within the range of the Great Rift Collapse, unless it was a flying monster, none of them could stand.

Under the earthquake wave, these monsters stumbled. It was like stepping on cotton.

If they were unlucky, when the crack opened right next to them, these monsters would fall into the crack.

Before they could climb out, a new crack opened.

This original crack would be squeezed by a lot of soil and boulders.

The crack closed.

The monsters were buried inside.

Even if these monsters were as high as the seventh or eighth level and had amazing strength, they were buried in the ground thousands of meters deep in the terrifying earth shaking, and there was no day to get out.

The thickness of the earth was not something that monsters could bear.

There were heavy casualties here.

The monsters were constantly squeezed, shaken, and buried.

Now, with the earth shaking, this place has become the most ferocious meat grinder.

Mountains collapsed.

Rivers were blocked.

The tumbling boulders and soil seemed to be stirred up by a shovel.

And with the death of these monsters,

Qin Xiu's level rose like a rocket.

6 o'clock in the evening.

The seventh hour of natural amplification

【Amplification multiple: 5040 times】

【Number of Earth Cracks: 5040】

【Collapse range: 1008 km】

【The earthquake range: 10,080 kilometers.

The earthquake range at this time is already equal to the area of the entire Sakura country!

The edge is close to the sea.

As the big crack opens, a large amount of seawater pours into the land.

The violent fluctuations turn the sea surface into a raging sea.

Not only that.

This continent, which was originally connected, is squeezed and rolled into the sea little by little with the earthquake.

The crust begins to change.

A tsunami is formed.



Natural Amplification 10th Hour

【Amplification multiple: 7200 times】

【Number of Earth Cracks: 7200】

【Collapse range: 1440 km】

【Shockwave range: 14,400 kilometers. 】

In the cave.

A huge plate broke into countless small pieces, floating on the ocean.

The area of this plate is twice as large as that of Sakura Country.

But now, it is like a ravaged piece of paper. It was completely destroyed and turned into countless islands.

Countless monsters and races died one after another.

A large amount of high-level resources were submerged.

All the equipment dropped by the monsters entered the backpack of one person.

That was Qin Xiu.

"¨「¨「Damn, how come it's just a little short!"

It has to be said that the higher the level, the higher the experience required.

This earthquake seemed silent in the dungeon, but in fact, it was the largest in scope.

If it were placed in this world,

Qin Xiu felt that it would probably blow up the plate and destroy the world.

As a result, Qin Xiu's current level was 399 level 99.98%.

There was still 0.01% short of reaching full experience.

This made Qin Xiu unable to accept the job transfer task.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it after I finish my work tomorrow."

Qin Xiu looked at the system text to check the ultimate purpose of this natural increase.

"System text prompt: You created a devastating earthquake, Natural Comprehension (SSS) activated, you comprehended the passive skill: God of Nature·Heavy Earth (SSS)"

【God of Nature·Heavy Earth (SSS): You have comprehended the true meaning of the earth of nature.

Special Effect 1: You are proficient in the true meaning of earth. When you step on the earth, all attacks you receive will be evenly distributed by the earth. You can ignore earth-related spell skills and be immune to all earth-related spell damage. Special

Effect 2: You are proficient in the true meaning of earth. You can learn any earth-related spell regardless of level and job requirements.

Special Effect 3: Borrowing the power of nature, the chanting time of earth-related spells is reduced by 99%, the cooling time is reduced by 99%, and the mana consumption is reduced by 99%.

Special Effect 4: Borrowing the power of nature (Zhao Zhao's (Zhao Zhao's)), the power of earth-related spells is increased, depending on the surrounding environment】


Qin Xiu looked at the first item of the true meaning of earth.

His feet landed on the ground. He could evenly distribute the damage.

Doesn't that mean he can stand as a MT?

As long as he doesn't move, the enemy can't hurt him!

Strong, too strong.

This is definitely a super strong passive defense ability.

After mastering the true meaning of earth, he immediately took out three skill books.

Forbidden spell·Earth Dragon Turning (SSS)

Forbidden spell·Meteorite Falling from the Sky (SSS)

Forbidden spell·Hell Swamp (SSS)




Three forbidden spells, requiring nine turns, with extremely demanding skill books.

Qin Xiu learned them on the spot.

He took a look at the forbidden spells he had mastered. He had already started to arrange them in order, thinking about how to make those people who were holding a banquet on Diaoyu Island pass away more peacefully.


On the Internet, countless Dragon people stayed awake all night.

Today, will the Nine-turn Lighthouse Kingdom come to Diaoyu Island? Are they really going to hold a celebration banquet here? This is an absolute shame and provocation for them.

At 10 o'clock in the morning,

Joseph led the seven Nine-turn Lighthouse Kingdom to

Diaoyu Island..

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