Of course, there were more than eight revolutions from the Lighthouse Country.

They even brought five large aircraft.

Each aircraft can carry thousands of people.

Not only that, these thousands of people also brought a lot of materials.

This group of people found a slightly flat place, and the earth magician cast a spell to level the land on the island.

The architect stepped forward and built it with one click.

A luxurious manor rose from the ground.

This is the era of universal job transfer.

Some special life professions can create something from nothing.

Of course, this manor was built in the virtual space in advance, and real materials were invested to build it.

Buildings without attributes are of course cheaper in materials. The job transfer tower cannot be built without a few top architects, formation masters, and barrier masters.

Now, the architect has built the house.

The interior decoration was also quickly put in place.

Every room is made exquisitely.

The land outside the manor is covered with lawns and filled with flowers.

Chefs and pastry chefs have arrived at the location and started cooking delicious food.���

Many professional waiters, wearing uniform clothes, let people enjoy the most luxurious service attitude.

Even the stage was set up.

A famous piano master began to play.

There were also many stars from the Lighthouse Country.

They were all ready to start the banquet and perform on stage.

It has to be said that it was very grand.

At 12 noon.

The Nine Turns from other countries arrived as scheduled.

The eight Nine Turns from the Philippine Country all arrived.

They gave Joseph enough face.

Following closely was the Sakura Country, which came with 5 Nine Turns, led by Ichiro Yamamoto.

The last to arrive was Jin Haoxian from the Kimchi Country, who also brought 5 Nine Turns.

On this small Diaoyu Island 283, there were actually 22,831 Nine Turns.

Joseph made arrangements in advance and even started a live broadcast to broadcast the entire banquet.

In the live broadcast room.

The people of the Lighthouse Country, the Philippine Country, the Kimchi Country and the Sakura Country were all very happy.

"I never thought that one day we would board the chariot of the Lighthouse Country!"

"21 Nine Turns, I have never seen so many Nine Turns"

"I am so happy to think that I will be a citizen of such a powerful country in the future!"

"My attack power has increased greatly in the past few days, and I want to try all the job transfer tasks that I couldn’t complete before!"

"These countries have joined our Lighthouse Nation and become our Lighthouse Nation citizens. Does that mean their lands are our Lighthouse’s apprentices? Then Diaoyu Island is our Lighthouse’s territory."

"Bullshit, the Lighthouse Country is just farting, the Diaoyu Islands belong to our Dragon Country"

"Drive them out of Diaoyu Island"

"I curse you, I curse you to step into Diaoyu Island, you will be unlucky for the rest of your life, I curse the master"

"I'm a fortune teller, and I calculated that they will have bad luck today. Don't be too happy and end up in sorrow!"

"Oh, you bunch of ignorant Dragon people who can only rage helplessly, it’s useless for you to say these things. Our Nine Transformations are holding a banquet right at your doorstep. If you have the guts, go ahead and hit us!"

"Stop talking, stop talking, it's Helen's turn to perform, she's so beautiful!"

As the saying goes, music has no borders.

Even in the era of national transformation, there are fewer entertainment programs.

But singing will never be a hindrance.

Borders are blocked, but music can be transmitted to all parts of the world through the Internet.

Some singers have a lot of fans in other countries.

Even among the job changers, there are singers, musicians, pianists, etc.

Some bards and pianists are standard auxiliary professions, and their singing can bring powerful BUFF to people.

The current Helen star is like this.

Everyone wants to listen to her voice.

Even the ninth transformation is immersed in her singing.


At the same time, in the fishing town across the sea from Diaoyu Island, in the room of the Seven Star Hotel,

Qin Xiu stood on the balcony, spread his six wings, and flew high into the sky.

Passing through the clouds, the buildings under his feet became small.

""Hei Yan, come out!"

Qin Xiu released the Hell Nightmare Dragon.

This time, the Hell Nightmare Clan did not roar.

The huge body exuding a strong breath of death floated in the air.

Qin Xiao sat on the throne above its head.

With a thought, the Hell Nightmare Dragon flew towards the Diaoyu Island.

He was very fast.

But when he approached the Diaoyu Island, he was still discovered.

Or rather, he was discovered by all the Nine Revolutions.

"Dragon people!"

"They are coming!"

"Haha, there won't really be people from Dragon Country who want to come to the party, right? Seeing his red glow, I really can't help but want to crush him with my hands!"

Joseph showed a cruel smile.

The others also laughed.

What's the point of a Nine Turns? Will he be laughed at?

If he dares to do it, he will have to pay a painful price.

Because, there are 21 Nine Turns present.

Qin Xiu did not come down from the sky.

Although he has mastered the true meaning of the earth and will share the damage on the ground.

But the best defense is attack.

Kill all the enemies and prevent them from attacking themselves.

Doesn't this solve the root problem?

Therefore, Qin Xiu in the sky suddenly raised the staff of the source of destruction.

""Infernal Swamp!"

In an instant, Qin Xiu's forbidden spell was released.

Infernal Swamp (SSS).

In an instant, everyone on the fishing island felt the ground beneath their feet become soft.

The originally hard ground now turned into swamp-like mud.


"Oh my god, what is going on!"

"My foot is stuck, help me!"


The waiters, who had the best manners, were panicking.

Their feet were stuck in the swamp and couldn't be pulled out.

Life-related job changers, in this situation, had no means of saving their lives.

Some even climbed up the tables and chairs frantically, and the luxurious food on the table was all overturned.

The scene became extremely chaotic.

"I really admire your courage."

Joseph flew up into the sky with a cold face!

He wanted to tear the dragon man in front of him into pieces.

But soon, he found that he could not fly up anymore.

At this time, countless mud claws stretched out from the swamp and grabbed Joseph's feet.

He looked around and found that in just a few seconds, these mud claws were everywhere.


"Save me, I'm a big star, save me!"

"Ah!!! Let me go, let me go!"

Those job-changers who had no fighting power were dragged into the swamp immediately and fell silent. The remaining 21 ninth job-changers, who had not taken it seriously at first, suddenly looked shocked.

What was the swamp magic?

They could fly.

This swamp could not do anything to them.

But they did not expect that there was this trick.

The hand of hell grabbed their ankles and imprisoned them in place.

""Get out!"

One of the warriors roared and flew up suddenly.

Powerful energy surrounded him.

But as he resisted, the black mud claw also became huge.

This mud claw turned into a giant beast's claw.

It tightly bound Jiu Zhuan.

For a moment, the whole island turned into darkness, and countless claws stretched out. The scene was weird and terrifying.

In the live broadcast room, all netizens were stunned!

"ah!!!Helen was killed!"

"The Dragon people actually dared to take action and kill him!"

"Too arrogant, kill him!"

"Awesome, which Nine Revolutions are you? From now on you will be my only God!"

"Fuck, that Jiu Zhuan is so tough, why is he rushing up right now?"

"Forbidden spell, he released a forbidden spell, it was too powerful, but he must be in danger now, go save him!!!"

On the Internet, the people watching all this were more anxious than Qin Xiu.

At this time, the Nine Turns of the Lighthouse Nation finally reacted.

""Great Dispersal!"

Avril, the Holy Light Priest of the Lighthouse Country, suddenly took action.

The Great Dispersal Spell can dispel all adverse effects. Not only that, it has a restraining effect on dark spells.

Although the Hell Swamp in front of them is an earth-based forbidden spell, it contains some dark elements.

This dispersing light instantly enveloped the twenty-one people, allowing them to break free from the shackles of the forbidden spell.


Everyone's attacks were aimed at Qin Xiu, wanting to kill him immediately.

But would Qin Xiu give them a chance to fight back?

"Do you think there is only one forbidden spell?"

"No, of course not!"

"Let's try this again!"

Qin Xiu waved his staff.

""Great Meteor Spell!"

In an instant

, a huge meteorite appeared in the sky.

The diameter of this meteorite was one kilometer.

You know, if such a meteorite hits the ground, how terrible damage will it cause?

It can create a ring of mountains and even cause crustal movement.

This is the power of the forbidden spell.

The terrifying huge meteorite fell from the sky, and the front end of the meteorite was in the air.���Wipe, the flames have already started.

In just two seconds, the meteorite technique has reached the eyes of Joseph and others.


A huge meteorite fell!

All the monitoring equipment in the live broadcast room was scrapped.

The live broadcast was paused.

But the barrage of comments started to swipe like crazy, white and vast, like a tsunami.

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