All Things Wrong

Chapter 1021: Hard top

"The halo is so powerful that 5% of the blood is deducted every second, and the output can't be beaten at all." The situation ahead is very critical. Now, although it is temporarily against the attack of the zombie crow, it is completely suppressed. There are almost 20,000 troops in front, and they are all defeated by more than 3,000 zombie crows here.

"Treatment attention, don't stay in the aura for too long, once there is no blue immediately back and the treatment exchange position." The command here is also adjusted immediately, now Li Huailin's aura can not cover the internal position of the territory, so Said that the latter treatment can also increase the blood very comfortably, they themselves will not receive the blood ring effect of the aura, but the problem is that the previous treatment is a bit untenable, mainly this blue amount, the blood is too little However, it is necessary to pull the treatment chain, and the people with less blood are all one piece, which is a little overdone. The tens of thousands of blues are not a good one.

The team of the gods is really arrogant. The general guild does not know what it is like at this time, but the team of the gods is still very calm and responsible, although the situation is not optimistic, but there is no Confusing situation. Even so, it is still a bit of a team that can't stop the crows here. The most incomprehensible thing is that the team of crows here still shows a state of tactical command.

I also said before that the crows here are also divided into occupations, not only melee crows, but also mage-type crows, and shaman-type crows, but the general situation encountered in the wild. Although the crows here have a certain IQ, but the coordination is still a mess, this is the kind of three or five that the wilderness encountered. But now, the size of the zombie crows is more than 3,000, but there are still tactics.

The melee crows stood outside and stood up. In the middle is the mage-type crow output, and the back is the therapeutic zombie crow and the **** state. It is just as good as the opposing player team. What happens, because there is no mood swing since it is dead, this crow People will not run away. Acting as if the machine is generally accurate, this efficiency is more powerful than the opposing gods team.

"Tm's gang is to be refined." Although the team of the gods here has been working hard, but the opposite is really abnormal, it is really unstoppable, the bigger the more forgotten, the soon after Retired to the position of the door of the territory.

"The president, what to do, can't stop it." A member here said to the opposite side.

The back is always standing on the heights, and it is natural to see clearly. Now this situation is terrible, the opposite is really too strong, and constantly returning blood, as long as it is not spiked, it can continue to recover, and the pressure on the player side is too big, as long as the treatment blue is exhausted, it may collapse at any time. .

"The president, can't stand it. There is too little treatment in front, we need a lot of treatment to go forward." Someone said next to it.

"I know!" The counterattack here immediately replied. He also knows that there is less treatment in front of him, because the treatment here has been pulled into the treatment chain. Although the level is there, the total amount of treatment in front is less, but it is not added, but he does not dare now. Adjust the treatment forward. Because once this is done, all the waves are taken away.

"Returning back, returning to the defense inside the territory." The counter-attack here thought about it, or ordered it, and he did not want to rely on the territory to defend. It is best to solve directly outside the territory, but the problem is that it is not possible now, or rely on the defense facilities of the territory to stand up and say.

"Everyone slowly retreats and returns to the defense inside the territory." The front line commander immediately said in the team channel.

Of course, the retreat of the gods is still relatively orderly. It is not the kind of direct collapse. When the main force retreats, there are still a small number of troops that continue to block the zombie crows. Of course, this group of people has already returned. It will soon be reborn and will be resurrected.

After sacrificing a small number of troops, the gods here have successfully closed the door of the territory and blocked all the zombie crows. Of course, the door here is not invincible. Just closed, the crazy zombie crow The man immediately surrounded him and began to take a hard shot. At this time, all the long-range attackers of the gods were transferred to the simple wall surface and began to attack the zombie crows below. The melee units are also standing behind the city gate and the city wall, because according to the game settings, even if someone is holding the city gate, it will give the city gate a little more defense.

"Focus the firepower, don't let the other person return blood!" Obviously, the zombie crows are able to return blood, and the speed is amazing. When they just hit, there is even a bloodless zombie. The crows will return to the team and wait for the blood to return. The situation, so the only way to deal with it now is to concentrate the firepower, and several people will concentrate on the attack together. Of course, the speed of returning blood will not increase.

This method is naturally very useful. After all, the remote side is on the wall of the wall, and the crows below are white, but the following crows have remote, but there is no way to shoot the people above. Whether it is archery or magic, this is the welfare of the defensive side, the higher the wall, the farther the shooting distance is.) As a result, the gods have pulled back a little advantage, and the zombie crows have fallen a lot.

"That's it, continue to attack." The effect of seeing this is not bad. The commanders of the gods are also very happy, but the counter-attack here is not happy, because the problem is still not solved, that is, the problem of treatment, It has been a long time since the war started, and the amount of blue treatment is getting exhausted. The main reason is that there are too many people with less blood. It is really impossible to add.

"It seems that you have to sacrifice selectively." The counter-attack here thought that after all, the rebirth point has not been shrouded in a halo, so even if it is dead, it will be directly full of blood, and take advantage of this opportunity to adjust the amount of blue. A good choice, although it is a loss of 10% less experience (the equipment is of course not picked up by teammates), but it is better than everyone else and then directly collapse.

"Pay attention to adjust the amount of blue, no blue treatment can die once ..." This side of the reverse line ordered.

The members were a bit sloppy, but they quickly understood the meaning of the back, which had nothing to do with them. After all, the loss of the battle was all underwritten by the guild, and as long as the territory was held, everything was easy to say.

However, when the team of the gods here was preparing to adjust, Li Huailin also made a move here. Of course, he would not watch the performances of the gods here. With a wave of hands, a golden light flashed, and Xiaomi was dispatched again. The wings fluttered, and the millet on this side flew directly to the wall above, and the sound of "咚" fell on the player's heap.

"Be careful, the dragon is coming!" All the members of the gods certainly know the existence of Xiaomi. At this time, they are not very alarmed. At the same time, while reporting, the melees who are standing by are immediately rushing toward Xiaomi, and around. The remote also immediately turned the firepower to Xiaomi.

"Hey!" Suddenly a huge dragon screamed and all the players around him had a little tinnitus, not just tinnitus. Soon they found that they couldn’t operate their characters, and some people were directly placed in place. And some people actually started running around.

This is Xiaomi's Longwei skills. As long as the level is higher than the other party, the opponent can directly fear. Of course, the current Xiaomi 82 level is higher than all the players in the game. This is all the players on the wall. They are all controlled.

To achieve the goal, Li Huailin here directly waved his hand and took back Xiaomi again, because Xiaomi couldn't stand his own aura, just send it out and control it. Longwei's cooling time is 20 seconds. Every time you take back the millet, you will be full of blood in the pet space, but the control time is up to 6 seconds. Plus, open them from the station and let them run back. The time, this control time is really a bit too long.

"Not good." This situation was immediately discovered by the frontline commander. This is really bad. The defense here is a bit stretched. Now I have such a wide range of control skills. This is completely blocked. Can't live. But they can't help, don't you defend the door now, what should the crows rush in directly to the core of the territory?

"President!" Everyone looked at the back of the front, and now that the squad is making another move, it depends on how the back is dealt with.

"Can you be silent?" The Master has the skills to silence, and can silence each other's spells. The opposite side of the front asks immediately.

"I tried, no." A mage here replied immediately. This is naturally not possible. Because Xiaomi is a dragon, all the spells are dragon magic, so the general silence is useless. The skills specific to the dragon can work.

"The president, now the whole team must be pressed up." An official next to him said, "Now our advantage is only the number of people, the other side is 3,000 people, we have 50,000 here, if we are fully surrounded, even if the other side has a wide range The control skills can only control one side, we just need to quickly eliminate them, or they can hold them."

"I know, but..." The back is still worried that this is still a scorpion. Once I have recruited the teams from other places to reinforce, what should the other party attack from the other side?

"President, there is no way now, if this road can't stop, let alone other roads." The officials here said anxiously.

"Well..." The counterattack still nodded. Although it was not a good idea, it was the only way to do it right now. The northern gate is really unstoppable. It must be increased. Although there are risks, This can only be done. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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