All Things Wrong

Chapter 1022: Crash

"Sure enough?" Li Huailin now looks at the other side's response in the middle of the zombie crow team. It is obvious that the frontline troops of the other side have been unable to support the strong attack here. Once the city gate is broken, then the basic The gg is the rhythm of gg, so inevitably, the other party will increase its troops. Say,

So what is Li Huailin’s response? Li Huailin has no response at all. Unlike the counter-attacks here, he has prepared a second unit, and there is no such thing. Li Huailin’s zombie crows have only so many, but now All are here. Li Huailin didn't think about this problem, that is, summoned the zombie crows and then multi-faceted attacks, but it didn't work, because his summoning skills lasted only one hour, and summoning 3000 crows would take about half. It’s an hour, and it takes another ten minutes to get there from here. If it’s a powerful call, it’s too late. In addition, although the zombie crows have more than 70 levels, but after all, the common blame without the aura of the auxiliary threat to the gods team is too small, and only the self can provide a halo, so in summary, it is better to concentrate all the way .

As for the other party's entire army to surround themselves, Li Huailin has long thought of it, the other party has the advantage of the number, why not? In fact, Li Huailin and so on.

The troops on the side of the gods came out from several other gates, and then from all sides of the zombie crows, the tens of thousands of people immediately surrounded the 3,000 people in the middle, but Li Huailin was not at all Worried, just order the troops to tighten.

"Rapidly break them!" shouted the commander on the front line, and then the people in the mountains and the fields began to encircle the zombie crows in all directions. The battle is more intense than just now. As the number of opponents increases, the output is naturally increased. And the players are not as jealous as the npc soldiers, all players are concentrated on attacking a zombie crow, so that the zombie crows have little advantage in returning blood.

The zombie crows in the front row quickly couldn't stand such a crazy attack, and one after another fell, the players here are getting more and more smooth, because they have gradually become accustomed to each other's attacks and attributes. It is also a bit handy to play, and the battle seems to be gradually tilting toward the gods.

However, this state makes the counter-attack on the side of this battle a bit inexplicable, because Li Huailin has not yet shot, but even if the team is surrounded, you can use Xiaomi’s slight control, but I don’t know why. Li Huailin did not respond at all. If it were not for the aura, everyone might think that he had left the team.

"Why?" Confirmed that the aura here is still there, and the back is a bit unreasonable. Why does Li Huailin not shoot? Officials here reported this to him.

"President, not good, the treatment group is not blue." The official said in a hurry.

"What?" The front of the front is a glimpse. Then suddenly there is a flash in the brain. He suddenly understands why Li Huailin is not in a hurry. The key to this kind of battle is not the number of people who output, but the amount of blue treatment. How much pressure is the treatment of the gods now? The people in front of the mountains are constantly deducting blood at 5% per second, even if the treatment equipment is good. It’s still a joke to add up so many people, not to mention the fact that the treatments are still packed with blood. In the case of the case, I only sent it to the average person. The treatments have been a bit untenable. Now basically all the people have been sent. It is true that the output is enough now. The zombie crows are also in a row, but the same output is also covered by Li Huailin’s aura. ,Thus. The number of people in need of treatment is also increasing exponentially. The pressure of treatment is too great, and it is a bit overwhelming.

"No blue!" "I am here too."

Almost in an instant, all the treatments here began to inform their captain that they were not blue, and this time is very close. It can be said that the treatment was cut off in a flash.

"Well!" The counterattack here finally understands why he feels bad. If there is no treatment in this situation, it will be a minute.

The back is already understandable, but the problem is that the previous members have not seen it. They just seem to have an advantage here. They are preparing to wipe out the zombies and crows here. The result is in an instant. The teammates fell one after another, and the opposite crows were like opening a pair of unmistaked wheat, ruining the members of the gods.

"what happened?"

"No treatment!"

"What is the treatment behind?"

"Tm has no blue treatment for a fart!"

There was a chaos in front of the front, and then there was a large-scale death frenzy. Without treatment, all the players couldn’t stand the 5% damage per second, and the zombie crows with attributes added here were also counter-attacks. In an instant, tens of thousands of troops were swept down on the ground like sweeping the ground.

"Good time..." Li Huailin suddenly smiled, waiting for this opportunity. Just look at the timing and directly point to the skills of the black beast. After a horrible roar, the huge black beast appeared in the middle of the zombie crow.

"There has been!" The gods have long known about Li Huailin’s skills, but the problem is that now, even if I only know how to defend, I have already collapsed. Now, this is even more Adding to the snow.

On the other side of Li Huailin, there is no way to control the surrounding gods, because they have not been able to sustain it for a long time. His goal is - the city gate.

"Oh." With the snoring of the black beast, a black light shot from the mouth of the black beast, directly sprayed on the gate of this side, the dark aurora now has an exaggerated damage of 6000 points per second. In an instant, the blood volume of the city gate began to plummet, and it was almost destroyed in an instant.

"Block him!" The back of the side quickly shouted, but what to stop? The players around me are not able to cope with the zombies and the crows are no longer able to do so, who can still stop Li Huailin. Although the reverse command was under the command, there was really no way. After only ten seconds, with the sound of a collapse, the north gate of the gods’ guild’s territory was officially broken, and the zombie crows who had waited for a long time swarmed from the door. Into, under the control of Li Huailin, proceed directly toward the direction of the resurrection point.

"It’s over, it’s crashing.” The words appeared in the head of the front of the front. The purpose of the other party was too clear to block their resurrection. Although he knew, there is no way to stop them.

About half of the current members of the gods are still outside, and the other half have been basically sent back to the resurrection point. In theory, the revival point should have combat power. After all, it has just been resurrected, full of blood, but the problem is that the people in the resurrection point here are simply unorganized and undisciplined.

It is impossible for a guild of tens of thousands of people to want to be commanded by one person at the same time. The gods also divide tens of thousands of people into 24 large teams, and each large team has more than a dozen small groups. Everyone, and once the death returns to the point of rebirth, the gang is completely out of the team and does not know how to act.

Of course, the original situation you directly from the rebirth point, and then ran back to the original position of your team can return to the team, there is no problem, but now the situation is that the gods here have just ran out of the resurrection point, still I didn't see the direction of my team. On the face, I met a large group of wicked zombies.

"What? Has it rushed in?"

"What about the trough? What about the captain?"

"The captain is still not dead! Still outside, who are we listening to?"

"Captain, we were attacked, because what?"

It is true that they can still chat with their captains, because the players also have artifacts like team channels, but the problem is that the captain does not know what to do, he does not even know where his team is, after a mess, the players I still haven't figured out what they are going to do, the charge is still retreating, and the zombie crows over there have already rushed up, they can only be forced to fight back.

And they are not only the zombie crows, but also the black beast. Li Huailin, who turned into a black beast, is aoe's spell, a dark warning shock wave, a dark aurora, and a group of players who don't know what to do are sent back to the resurrection point in minutes, and they simply stop Can't advance the guys.

Within a few minutes, Li Huailin has already rushed to the front of the resurrection point with the zombie crows, directly at the door, and blocked nearly 30,000 members of the gods inside the resurrection point. The crows kept the door, and Li Huailin stood behind the crows, and the people inside could not be washed out at all.

"President, what should I do?" Seeing this situation, the officials of the gods are also a little overwhelmed. The last thing they want to see is still happening. The resurrection point is still blocked by this guy, although there are still outside. Nearly 20,000 players, but most of the players are in a state of no blood and no blue, and they are now completely afraid to approach the resurrection point. Once they enter the aura, they immediately It will also become a member of the person who is blocked in the resurrection point.

The moment of the crash made the counter-front of the side have a little time to react, and the instant advantage immediately changed 360 degrees. Now the gods are already on the edge of the cliff, as long as they go down again, this time The face was very heavy. I looked at the officials around me and said calmly: "I will report all the current situation of the team immediately." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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