All Things Wrong

Chapter 1028: Scramble

The mission site was in a southern city called Sarlenco in the Dwarf State, calling the Jade Emperor that this master of engineering called McLean was a gnome. w. The gnome this race also appeared on the mainland a long time ago, and once established its own country, but it is very unfortunate that about a hundred years ago, he met the undead of Hospu the Great and the entire continent. In the case of the war, the unfortunate gnome of the country, Miwawa, was at the west of the undead, basically the position between the dwarf and the undead.

The gnome has no meaning to fight with the undead. Because the strength gap between the two sides is too great, he simply does not dare to die. But the problem is that the position is too embarrassing. As a result, the undead people are together. The first one is the gnome of this gnome. Wa, and at that time, other ethnic groups on the mainland still did not know the seriousness of the Excalibur, and they have not yet united. As a result, the Mikhawa country here has only been completely destroyed for three days, and it is simply a disaster.

After that, although there are still many gnomes who have survived, the things that want to establish a country have not been implemented, because the land of the former Miwa country is now within the scope of the dwarf country, and the gnomes are now basic. All of them live on the dwarf country, and it is not quite possible to turn their faces.

Most of the current gnomes live in the southern part of the dwarf country. They are basically in the state of dwarfs. The former undead attacked the North Road, the dwarf empire was hit hard and the north, and the southern region was relatively comparative. Peaceful, in addition to the turmoil in prices and food, the city did not receive the baptism of war.

Salenko is a relatively ordinary dwarf city, but because there are many gnomes living here, there are some characteristics of oneself. For example, there is a dwarf residence in the city, just like a foreign Chinatown. . Looking at the buildings that were all gnome-like buildings in the past, there is a big difference between them and other lover buildings.

Master engineer McLean lives on this street and can be said to be a famous figure here. Now the gnome's staff is dying, and other famous characters can't find a few, but there are still a few masters in engineering, and McLean is one of them.

Just walked into the residential area of ​​this gnome. Li Huailin and his party attracted the attention of all the gnomes on the streets. After all, the five people appeared here, which is too conspicuous.

"Looking at their eyes seems to be not very friendly to us." The thousands of people here have not looked at the gnome civilians around, saying that the eyes of the surrounding gnomes are not very friendly, it feels like seeing the devils The general feeling of the village.

"I heard about it when I came." The call to the jade emperor said, after all, she came once before picking up the task. "I heard that because the gnome was still a hundred years ago, it received an attack from the undead. And the dwarf sent a request for reinforcements. The dwarfs promised the reinforcements. The human side refused, but the dwarves did not catch up. The war ended. The gnome died. They remembered the undead. The hate of the Terran army who rejected them was hated, so now the gnomes and humans are not very friendly."

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded. At this time, let them know that they are now the boss of the undead. It is estimated that he will be kneeled down and yelled.

"Come on." The summoned Jade Emperor walked over to a building and stopped. It seems that this is the residence of this McLean.

This looks like a very ordinary small yard. There is no wall. From the outside to the inside, I know that this McLean life is not very good, because this yard is a bit broken. The yard was filled with all kinds of metal parts that didn't know anything. It seemed that there was no room in the room, so it was piled up directly. In addition to poverty and chaos. The impression given by this yard is small. Of course, it means not only the area but the whole size.

After all, it is the place where the gnomes live. The gates at the entrance of the yard are smaller than the humans. If you want to enter the door, you must lower your head to enter. In the words of a thousand words, it is like a dog hole.

Bypassing the parts piled up inside the yard, the summoned Jade Emperor went to the door of the house and knocked on the door. There was a sharp voice inside: "Which?"

"I am the adventurer who has been here to summon the Jade Emperor." The caller Jade Emperor here replied, "I have already found the team of Master McLean, and can participate in archaeological missions."

"Oh." The door was open. A guy about 50 or 60 centimeters tall came out from the inside. Although he was about the same height as a child, this Macquarie master had a white beard from his face. From a human perspective, it is a bit too strange.

Ignore the height, this McGee master is estimated to be about the same age as the 70-year-old man. From the outside, this master is really a science madman, dressed in a mess, clothes are not worn, Li Huailin does not know. It is not the type of scientist who always wants to make himself like this.

In short, facing the five people in the yard, the master of McLely here did not say anything, even did not even say hello to Li Huailin, directly speaking to the call of the jade emperor here: "The archaeological mission has begun half a year. It’s too late, you are too late."

"Hey?" Summon the Jade Emperor directly. "Hey, you haven't said that there is time limit for this task."

"I didn't say it?" The head of Master McGee here said, "That may have been forgotten. If it is, then it is."

"I rub!" Li Huailin almost vomited blood. "I have half of the guild war and the result is that the task has expired? This tm is wool."

"What is it about me? I haven't shown a limited time on the task here." The caller Yudi said here, but she just said that she didn't feel right. "Wait, if the task times out, shouldn't it show that the task failed?" Why is the task on my side still not showing failure?"

"No failure?" asked the thousand-dollar next to him. "Then ask him what happened."

"Master McLean, this mission has not failed, can you continue to do it?" The call of the jade emperor asked.

"Oh? Although the mission has started for half an hour, you can still try it if you have to try it." said Master McLee here.

"Oh, let's talk about it early," Li Huailin said. "That is, although we are half an hour late, we can still participate in the task. It is a slight disadvantage to start the game. Nothing, continue."

"Do you really want to try?" asked Master McGee here. "It may not be too late to go."

"No problem, it is better to go back directly." Summon the Jade Emperor said, of course, the next few people also nodded.

"That's right, take it." The master of the McGee side said, throwing a black ball to the summoned Jade Emperor here.

"This is?" The summoned Jade Emperor took the ball and looked at it. He found the ball a bit strange. It seems to be an engineering thing. She also understands the engineering inside the game. It looks like this. It's a bit like an energy storage thing, that is, a battery in real life.

"This is the key to opening the underground palace." Master McLee said here, "Where did we set up a protective device when we discovered the archaeological remains, of course, the protection of the remains was not destroyed. In the case of this device, the outside people It is impossible to enter, so to enter the ruins, you must turn off the device. If you want to turn off the device, you need such a key."

"Understood." Summon Jade Emperor nodded.

"But it's not enough." Master McGee said immediately. "In fact, there are a total of seven keys, each of which is in the hands of several engineering masters who we found at the time. There is one. According to our agreement at the time, more than half of the people who want to enter the ruins need to agree, so the protection device is set to insert more than 4 or more at the same time to open the door, which means you need to find more than 4 The key can open the door."

"I understand." The wind here also said, "The other keys are in the hands of other teams, that is, we must kill at least 3 teams while protecting our own keys. Enter the ruins."

"It’s almost like this. Now we have all been out of the way, so it’s impossible to agree with more than half of the people. If you have the strength, just grab it yourself.” said Master McLee here. Are you ready? If so, I will send you to your destination."

"It's still a good one. It's not bad." They thought they were going to do the transfer. They didn't expect to have a package delivery service.

As a result, Master McGee here turned to a side that piled up in the pile of parts next to him, which made Li Huailin very impressed.

"This thing..." Li Huailin looked at the familiar thing in front of him, a big iron bucket with a lot of wires and the like, which is not the pothole that sent himself to the far north for half a month. What kind of ghost transfer device does not come?

"Well, you can go up." Master McGee here said while wiring the wires.

"This...this is really no problem?" Because there is already a precedent, Li Huailin really has some shadows on this thing. What if he wants to pass himself to a messy place, he quickly confirmed the package, but fortunately. There are also a few back to the city.

"Let's go." Or the call of the jade emperor here first went up, after a burst of white light, the call of the jade emperor disappeared in front of the moment.

"Next." The Master McGee continued to shout. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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