All Things Wrong

Chapter 1029: Enemy

"Where is this?" The white light flashed and Li Huailin appeared in a piece of woodland. I looked at it from the left and right, and it was completely unseen, so I couldn’t judge where my own people were. I didn’t look further. I saw that there was a flash of white light behind me. Looking back, I summoned the Jade Emperor. coming.

"Where is this?" Summon Jade Emperor also looked around and asked.

"How do I know." Li Huailin helped the amount. "It is definitely not in the city anyway."

"Crap." The surrounding eyes can see the woods, and both of them are not quite sure about the direction, so they can only find them after they have finished.

Standing in the same place for a while, after about three minutes, the three people in the back have not yet come, here to summon the jade emperor's head on the blue ribs: "too slow!"

After the call, the jade emperor immediately shouted in the team channel: "What happened to the three of you, come on, we are all late."

"Ha?" The constant change here in the team channel said inexplicably, "I have already arrived, waiting for you, who are you?"

"Are you here?" The summoned Jade Emperor here has a slight glance. "See if it is a forest?"

"Yeah, but I didn't see you." Unchanged.

"I am here too." The wind here also said, "Enron is with me now, but I have not seen you."

"I am with Huai Lin." The summoned Jade Emperor here immediately understood what was going on.

"Distracted?" The unchanging side said, "That means we are now divided into three groups? Why do I alone are single."

"In short, I want to find a way to gather." The call here said, "Do you know your position? Can you see any obvious visible objects?"

"I don't know, there are forests everywhere, nothing can be seen." The unchanging side said.

"I am here too." The wind here also said, "And Enron is already asleep."

"My God." The summoned Jade Emperor here, and turned his head just to see Li Huailin greet him, and then pointed to something that was a bit like a rock mountain.

Summon Jade Emperor immediately understood the meaning of Li Huailin and immediately said: "I can see a rocky mountain here, you can look around to see if you can find it, we gather underneath there."

"Okay, I will look for it a little." The wind here also said.

"Know it." The same is true.

"Attention, because it is a competitive mission, it is estimated that it will be attacked by other teams. Now we are not in the same number, try not to fight." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"Understood." The two replied at the same time.

After finishing the conversation, summoned the Jade Emperor to go to Li Huailin’s side: “I don’t want to be scattered at first. It’s estimated that other teams are scattered like us, but they are half an hour earlier than us, and they are estimated to have been assembled. It’s over.”

"The transmitter is a big pit, and Laozi has skipped it." Li Huailin said, "This is a special map. I have just tried it. I can't contact people outside, but only our team can talk."

"Hmmm?" The summoned Jade Emperor here quickly tried it, and as Li Huailin said, the remote call can't be used now. "Really. In short, let's go to the meeting first."

"Summon, I just thought about it. Do you want to be so careful?" Li Huailin asked.

"Well?" Summon the Jade Emperor a little, "How do you say?"

"Although it is a team task, but according to the old man who just said that there are only seven in total, that is to say, there are only seven teams in total, so that if the opponent removes us, there are only 30 people. I think that 30 people basically have It’s not my opponent, even if the parties are mixed in it, no problem.” Li Huailin said, here he is not afraid of each other, the ability of each side of the sword is more and more people, but there are 30 people here, how to add It is impossible to be much more, so Li Huailin is not worried at all.

"What do you want?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"I directly summoned Xiaomi to fly into the air, not only to let them find us, but also to attract the surrounding enemies, and then quickly solve the battle." Li Huailin proposed.

"Hmmm?" The summoned Jade Emperor here is a little stunned. "This method is not bad. If Xiaomi flies into the air, it can be seen by individuals. But you are sure that there is no problem. Can you get this task?"

"There should be no problem." Li Huailin said, unless the parties on the day have opened a seal on this day's time, then maybe they can get any abnormal skills, but only one day, Li Huailin really does not believe that each side can solve Open such a difficult seal task.

"Yeah." The summoned Jade Emperor here thought about it for a moment. "Try it."

Jinguang flashed, Li Huailin directly released Xiaomi here, the huge gold dragon flew to the heads of the two, and the summoned Jade Emperor here also informed the two to join the millet.

"I saw it." The change on this side immediately said, "The distance is not far, I am passing immediately."

"I have a little distance here, but I probably know the location." The wind here also said, "I will pass."

"Be careful on the road." The call of the jade emperor here said.

Just talking about it, I heard a footstep sound coming from the woods nearby. At this time, they haven’t arrived yet. It’s obviously other players. Calling the Jade Emperor immediately cautiously look around, Li Huailin I also looked at the past.

Sure enough, there are two players. Li Huailin doesn't know these two people. They both look very young. One of them looks like a knight, and the other one is wearing a cloth, probably a mage.

"Player?" The person opposite seems to be slightly squatting. The wizard player here said, "I saw what the map wave ss was when I saw the dragon flying above. It was actually two players."

"The enemy." said the knight next to it.

"I know, I know." The Master here nodded, and then said to Li Huailin here, "You two are the players who come to compete in the competition. It is estimated that you have not assembled, do you have a key?" If you have any words, please give it to me. I will let you go."

"Ha?" Li Huailin was shocked by the other side, and there are still people who dare to grab his lines. This is really a bit fresh.

"You are sick?" The call of the jade emperor directly said.

"Hmmm?" The opposite seems to be a little sloppy, and then said with a smile, "Hey, I am not mistaken, do you think I can participate in the game, do you think you can win? Tell me you don't know me." ”

"..." Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor were speechless. Li Huailin looked at the summoned Jade Emperor here and summoned the Jade Emperor to shake his head and said that he did not know the goods.

"I really don't know, don't you see the professional league at all?" said the Master here.

"Ha?" Both of them are jealous. What is not to watch the professional league? The summoning jade emperor here is at least a top 8. This is not to say, Li Huailin is the annual championship, the best player of the year, you What is teasing?

"I really don't look at it?" The Master here shook his head. "Listen well, I am a s-level professional player. The third-season of the current finals has been heard. I have never heard of my name in the s-class competition. Let's go."

"Ha?" Li Huailin looked at the summoning jade emperor next to him. "Is there such a funny ratio in the s class? Why haven’t I met it before, when I was finished, I passed it."

"Nonsense, there is something in the s class called Hai Lao Feng Lei, and the third runner-up in the finals is not a magic kitchen?" said the call to the jade emperor.

"Yes." Li Huailin said a little, "The third place is the magic kitchen. Who are you guys, pretending to be a s-level player is not so impersonating, you at least do your homework, even the third-place guy The names are all wrong."

"I? Pretend?" The old sea hurricane here is a little sigh. "I want to pretend to be someone else? You said that the third place is called the magic kitchen. I have never heard of this name. Who is this guy?"

"I have heard it." This time the player of the paladin standing next to him suddenly said.

"Hey? Have you heard it?" The old wind and thunder of the sea is also a bit strange. "Is this a magical kitchen really a s-level player?"

"Yeah." The paladin nodded.

"Then why didn't we meet in the game?" Hai Laofeng asked.

"Because he is a player in China." The Paladin simply said.

"Oh, this way." The old wind and thunder of the sea is slightly nodding, and then suddenly found that it is wrong, "Wait, the players in China?"

After talking about the old wind and thunder, I immediately looked at Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor: "You two are Chinese?"

"Well?" Li Huailin and summoning Jade Emperor here also feel that something is wrong. "Wait, who are you from?"

"Of course I am a Yamato nation..." The old man of the sea said immediately.

"Japan Benz?" Li Huailin and the summoned Jade Emperor here are all a glimpse. The summoned Jade Emperor here immediately realized what he was, and immediately asked, "Are you playing the server in Huaxia District?"

"Of, of course, I am playing the server of my country. Why should I go to the server in Huaxia District?" Hailai Fenglei said here immediately. "Don't you play the server in the Japan-Pakistan area?"

Both sides were slightly stunned for a while, then the summoned Jade Emperor suddenly said: "Damn, this task is not only a competitive task, but also a cross-server task..." r1152


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