All Things Wrong

Chapter 1032: Gather

Although Li Huailin's spear is a hundred and a hundred, but it must be seen by Li Huailin when he can see the other party's situation. Now Li Huailin's throw is only aimed at the hiding position of the other side, and can't track, but because Li Huailin's throwing speed is fast. Amazing, although the hunter here has seen it, but it is also very embarrassing to hide, a posture that is simply rolling down from the tree, of course, everyone saw it this time. "Top" point "small" said, 2+3wx

"This is handed over to me." The thousand-year-old here has not followed the arrow and followed the past. Li Huailin has this warrior in front of him.

At this time, Li Huailin also saw the warrior who had rushed over. It was obviously a white man. It looks like a male warrior in his thirties. It looks more ordinary, because Li Huailin’s impression is that Europeans are also no longer different. The other party seems to I was a little surprised that my weapon was being shot, but the reaction was still fast, and now I have spared spare weapons.

"What's the matter?" The summoned Jade Emperor here said that while a treatment was taking Li Huailin's milk just in the middle of the arrow (of course, the direct treatment of the spell, not the buff of blood), of course, often team up, Here the summoned Jade Emperor directly added a few buffs to the side of the same body, Li Huailin did not give the buff here, although I do not know why, this is already used to it.

"Of course I invited them." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Hmm?" Not only is the summoning of the Jade Emperor, but even the opposite person is a glimpse.

"Our goal is the key, but the key is not on this child. I only let him call his teammates." Li Huailin said, "Although it is unlikely, the tank is still very miserable, this child is very obvious. I know that even if we tell us the information, we will not let go of the opportunity to explode him. So I am sure that he is talking to us while he is talking to her teammates. And just now he also said that these are the occupations he invited. The player, that is to say, he is the one who can command them. Just let him let his teammates save himself, his teammates will appear. Then we can't get the keys."

"What?" The mushroom killer here was a little shocked. I didn't expect this guy to lie to him before. This time he was really shocked. Like Li Huailin said, he was worried that his tank was exploded, so he contacted. My teammates came to help, what information was said before to delay the time to let their teammates prepare a little, it is best to kill them with a wave of sneak attacks, I did not expect these are in this guy's calculations? Is this guy smarter than himself?

The mushroom killer looked at the two hunters who were facing each other. The advantage of this thousand-year constant is great, because he stands on the side of summoning the Jade Emperor, and he can receive treatment anytime and anywhere, but his team’s hunter damage is not higher than a thousand years, and the terrain advantage is obvious. The other party has milk, it is really impossible to beat. The warrior in front of him is even more exaggerated. Just a knife has been a thief in his team. Just as if I saw a five-figure injury, it was too exaggerated. This guy's equipment is how good.

Although there is still a treatment in his team that did not appear in the back, but the mushroom killer knows that he has already taken advantage of it. After thinking about it, the mushroom killer here immediately said: "Retreat, Linus."

"No." In front of Li Huailin, the warrior player, Linus, immediately said. "My epic two-handed sword was shot and flew. If I don't get it back, the loss is too great."

The two-handed sword that Li Huailin just flew is now inserted behind Li Huailin. That is to say, he wants to take back the sword and must defeat Li Huailin. Linus here also knows that the other side is very strong. But there is no way, his weapon is not only his personal property, but also the property of the studio. If it is lost, this mission not only did not make money, but also made a big loss.

The mushroom killer is also silent, although he would like to say "I lose, go now", but this is impossible, because the epic two-handed sword and his tank are all things that can't be met, let alone not pay for it. It’s hard to buy even if you have money.

"It turned out to be an epic weapon." Li Huailin just didn't see what the other's weapons are, but even if the other side runs, they won't let them run away. It's more convenient to run, and the soldiers in front are slightly Stretched out and reached out, "Come, want to come and take it."

The opposite soldier did not immediately take the shot because he had already recognized Li Huailin. Linus was originally a professional player of the European Union, and is also a s-level player, belonging to the Conqueror team. Of course, I also said before that the UEFA team's system is a little different from the Huaxia District. The players here can also set up their own studios as a team player. Here Linus has a studio of his own, of course he is the boss of the studio.

This task was also contracted by his studio. The engineer who called the mushroom killer found their studio and said that they received the task of a full-time engineering master, and it was a competitive task, so they needed 4 strong teammates. Here, Linus looked for a group of people in the studio to form a more powerful team.

Several people in the team are professional players, there are 2 s-level, 2 a-level, I thought that this task is ten-nine, I did not expect the fact is a little beyond his expectations, the first is that this task is actually a cross-server The task, this is what he did not expect at all, and the other is that they can meet him in this task - Li Huailin, captain of Huaxia District.

The feeling left by Li Huailin to the UEFA team is very profound. Of course, it refers to the last friendly match. This is totally unfriendly. The four s-class players of the European Union can’t stand the pressure and retire directly. There are still many. It was retrieved by the current captain Nero, or else he retired. Linus itself had a good luck because he didn't participate in the last friendly match. Like Huaxia District, although they all have 32 places in the g6 country, they are not necessarily all s-level players. A-level players can also participate (there are 8 a-level players in Huaxia District), so the last time The friendship of Celestina did not go, the horrible thing did not happen, accurately said that he had not met with Li Huailin, but what happened happened to him from his s-level friends, in his eyes Li Huai Lin is a guy who is a terrorist.

Although Li Huailin did not show much combat power in the last friendly match, but now it seems that this guy is absolutely powerful, Linus has not figured out how the other side found his sneak thief here, because this thief is also a professional Players, this sneak ability is absolutely guaranteed, and the other party seems to be prepared, fully knowing the location of their thieves.

Li Huailin certainly knows the position of the other party, and he does not need any means to find the other party, just because Li Huailin’s level is 10 orders higher than the other. The sneak sneak is basically equal to invincible for players of the same level. Although aoe can be hit, it is impossible to judge the position of the opponent. Unfortunately, for those who are much higher than you, it is almost useless. Progress can be discovered. Li Huailin is now 70, the other thieves only 60, the difference between the two is too much, just far away Li Huailin saw the thief crept on his side, of course, pretending not found.

Before the ambush, Linus here did not recognize Li Huailin, so the plan of the mushroom killer here is still very reliable. After all, they are very prepared, but now Linus recognizes Li Huailin. This is troublesome, this guy is absolutely not good to provoke.

After thinking about it, Linus here suddenly said: "If I withdraw from this mission and give the key to you, can you return the two-handed sword to me?"

Li Huailin has a slight glance, and the mushroom killer here is also a glimpse: "Wait, Linus, you have received my deposit!"

"According to the contract, the task is too difficult. We can also give up the task here." Linus said here, "The opposite is the captain of the Huaxia District."

"Huaxia District Captain?" The mushroom killer was silent. Although he was not familiar with the professional circle, he knew a little bit because the fact was too big, and the whole thing was the Huaxia District. Captain, is this guy in front?

The mushroom killer did not speak, and Linus continued here and Li Huailin said: "Can you negotiate success?"

"What do you say?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "I will get the key directly when I die. Why should I trade with you?"

Li Huailin is not a rare two-handed sword. After all, his two weapons are legendary. How can this thing be better than his hand? The question is why he should return it to him.

"Sure enough." Linus here frowned, and knew that hope was not great, but the loss of this weapon really hit his studio too much.

"But..." Li Huailin suddenly pulled a long tone.

"Hmmm?" Linus here also knows that things seem to have a turn, immediately asked, "What are your conditions?"

"A thousand years, first stop." Li Huailin reached out and stopped the hunter who was still on the opposite side with the opposite hunter. The hunter on the opposite side could not hold it at this time, but the thousand-years here remain unchanged. It’s down, though I don’t know what’s going on.

"My conditions are very simple. You can help me work now. If you do well, I will return the things to you here." Li Huailin said with a smile. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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