All Things Wrong

Chapter 1033: Slow step

Here, Linus considered and finally agreed with Li Huailin's proposal, because it is obvious that if they are directly playing on both sides, they really have little performance and can win. If they are directly hanged back, it is better to try to help. Li Huailin can see if I can get things back, although I don't know if Li Huailin will really return the sword to him, but still want to try. △¢

Li Huailin has already picked up the sword that fell behind him. He looked at it a little. This sword is really a good sword. The property is similar to the skylark in his hand, but it is still much worse than the legendary level. It really doesn't look good. In order to show a little sincerity, Li Huailin returned a piece of gold equipment that had just been thieves back to Linus, which also made Linus a little relieved, at least a bit of gain.

The last member of the Linus team, a pastor, also came out from behind the woods. It can be seen that this pastor seems to be very afraid of Li Huailin. Every time he looks at Li Huailin, he will automatically turn away. From the perspective, of course, Li Huailin himself knows what is going on.

"What are you going to let them do?" The call of the jade emperor came over and whispered.

"I don't know. In the end, I will pull them up and say it." Li Huailin said, "At least they have information on the other three teams?"

"What do you want us to do?" Linus here also came over and asked.

"Key." Li Huailin said directly to the Linus here.

"..." Linus was a little silent, but after a while he took out the key in the parcel and handed it to Li Huailin. Li Huailin took a look at it and had little difference with the key on his side, so he handed it directly to the summoned jade emperor behind him.

"Don't you say that you have encountered teams from three other countries?" Li Huailin asked here, "What is the specific situation?"

"Yeah." Linus nodded here. "When the most advanced came, I met the team with the same server, but we didn't know each other. The two sides didn't exchange fire. It was just a face. After all, we didn't have a team at the time, and we didn't dare to go to war. After the team gathered. When I met a team from Southeast Asia, we realized that this mission was a cross-server task. We played for a while, killing two members of the other party and then choosing to escape. Unfortunately, neither team member has The key players, so we chose to chase, and on the way to chase, you met the third team."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded. "The team with you on the same server is the team of the European Union. Is the opponent not a professional player?"

"I don't know, so it shouldn't be a professional player." Linus said here. "This mission is a task triggered by a master engineer. Players who accept the mission can ask for four helpers, so the guild team is also likely to appear. I guess they are the guild team."

"The two European Union teams, a team from Southeast Asia, and then a team of Japanese benzene, plus us, this is already five teams." The call of the jade emperor here said. "There are two unidentified teams. The team of the European Union is not professional. The combat effectiveness should not be strong. The Southeast Asian team is estimated to be very weak, and they have all been disabled. The Japanese side is obviously a professional team. Now how do we do?"

"In short, I will talk about it first." Li Huailin said that up to now, the wind has flown and Enron has not returned to the team yet, no matter how to call people first.

The team channel continued to contact the wind and flowed them. Just because they were chased by the tank, they slightly ran a little. Xiaomi did not act as a marker after participating in the battle, so the wind here also drifted a little bit, but soon Xiaomi flew into the air again, and the wind here also immediately found the direction. I came over here.

Waiting for the wind to flow in their confluence, the people here are also a little exchange. After all, it is someone else's server, you can also get a little bit of information about other servers.

"You also want to participate in the National Cup after 9 days?" I heard that Linus here has to participate in the National Cup nine days later. The three people here are a bit curious. The thousand-year-old here does not change: "No before. Have you seen this newcomer this year?"

"Yeah." Linus nodded here. "A grade that has been played for three years, just rose to the s level at the beginning of this year, but the last friendly match did not participate."

"What about you?" Li Huailin pointed to the pastor next to her. She is also a s-level player. This is a European woman who looks like she is about 30 years old. It should look good from the perspective of the rise and fall of Europeans and Americans. Of course, Li Huailin is not very fond of it.

"I... I want to participate." The priest, called the translator, nodded a little and said that he was still a little worried and didn't dare to approach Li Huailin.

"That's really more advice." Li Huailin said with a smile, "Which is the captain of the Europa League, or was the last one called Nero?"

Linus looked at Li Huailin here a little, but still replied: "Of course, our captain is naturally Nero captain."

"Oh? Listen to your tone and seem to be convinced of him." Li Huailin said.

"Of course." Linus replied immediately. This actually has Li Huailin’s credit. The last time Li Huailin’s work was done, the European Union team was almost made to collapse. Almost half of the s-level professional players had to retire. Fortunately, Nile’s forces here have turned the tide. The people called back one by one, and they also led the team with insufficient numbers to defeat the Magnesium national team, so that the European Union team that was on the verge of destruction had regained confidence, so the name of Nero is now very much in the European Union. The sound of the ring is also the role model for all professional players. The same is true of Linus here, although Nero is still a few years older than him, but he always treats him as an idol.

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded. Nero himself was not the first to fight, but this time it is estimated that the other party is also prepared. It is estimated that the National Cup should be aimed at itself, but Li Huailin is not very worried.

"I can say if I can go first." The mushroom killer sitting next to him suddenly said, "In any case, you have canceled the commissioning task anymore. I have lost the key here. I am not your studio. This has already happened. It doesn't matter to me. Can you let me go back first?"

"That's it, I will blast you back first." Li Huailin said directly to the knife.

"Wait, etc..." The mushroom killer here quickly said, "It doesn't matter if you leave me. I am an engineer. It is not a fighting force at all. You might as well let me go back soon."

"Yeah, let him go back first." Linus here also said, "This matter is no longer his business."

Just saying, the wind in the team channel here suddenly spoke, and the tone was a little anxious: "Wai Lin is not good."

“Well?” Li Huailin temporarily put down the mushroom killer here and then asked, “What happened?”

"I haven't been here yet, but I have already seen the mission location, which is the doorway of the relic that is said in the mission. Now there is a team at the door of the ruins, as if studying the seal of the ruins, it looks like it is The people of the Japanese benzene team you just met." The wind here also said.

"Is the seal of the remains at the entrance to the ruins?" Li Huailin said a little bit. This is not a good news. The other party is not looking for and collecting the keys, but is studying the seal. Does it mean that the other party has collected four keys? To know that this task has a total of seven keys, but as long as you collect four, you can open the seal. Although Li Huailin has two hands, there is no guarantee that the other party will not collect enough.

“Don't they say that they have collected the keys?” said the summoning jade emperor next to him.

"They seem to be looking for ways to open the door." The wind here also said, "What should I do?"

"Wait, let's come right now." Li Huailin said immediately, regardless of whether the other party has collected the key, anyway, the other party's body must be there, no matter how anyway, first rushed over and said, even if the other party did not collect, can Take the key on the other person's hand.

After saying that Li Huailin immediately said to Linus here: "You know the location of the mission, that is the location of the relic."

"Well, I have been there before the investigation." Linus said immediately.

"Go right away, there seems to be a team collecting the keys," Li Huailin said.

"Hmmm?" Linus here has a slight glance, but it is reflected immediately. Although he has handed over the keys now, the weapons are in the hands of Li Huailin, but other teams have no drawings for themselves. The benefits, so it is also beginning to lead the way.

7 people immediately moved toward the ruins of the center of the map. Although the mushroom killer here said that he didn't want to go, but he was pulled by Li Huailin, he could only follow it and ran for about 3 minutes. One did not. The news is too good.

"Trouble, the other party seems to have opened the seal, and now the other party has already entered." The wind here also said.

"Is it already in?" Li Huailin took a look at it. It was really half an hour late. It was really troublesome. I didn't expect the other party to be advanced, but it seems that this task is not just about vying for the key, since the mission is still No failure, that is, it is now possible to grab the drawings before the other party.

"Slightly wait, get there soon." Li Huailin immediately said. (Want to know more about the "Reverse Behavior of Online Games"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the upper right, select Add a public number in the friend, search for "zhongwenwang", follow the public number, and never miss each Updates!) (To be continued, please search for Astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

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