All Things Wrong

Chapter 1043: End of the meeting

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Although Li Huailin’s actions seem a bit arrogant and do not conform to the image of the Chinese people who have always been humble and self-disciplined, in fact most people have agreed to Li Huailin as the captain, so it’s just a little surprised, and there are no real opponents. Li Huailin Note that there are two, one is the guns here, one is Yin Xiaoyin, although most people agree now, they are useless, but Li Huailin does not want the discordant voice inside the team. ...

Under Li Huailin’s gaze, the guns here shook his fists slightly, but they quickly loosened. They did not answer Li Huailin, but they directly turned their eyes to the other side. It seems that they are too lazy to control. Li Huailin also understood the meaning of the gun, and then looked at Yin Xiaoyin on the other side.

Yin Xiaoyin here seems to have long thought about the answer to the question. It seems that she has already considered this question. Of course, if she can be the captain, it is the best. After all, the a-level player is the captain. Unprecedented, not just hype, but my own help is also great, but I can control up to 8 people on my own, no matter how many of them are not in use, so even though there is still no way, she is also long ago. understood.

In the face of Li Huailin’s gaze, Yin Xiaoyin smiled here and said, “We naturally have no opinions. After all, it’s the former captain’s optimistic person in Songshan.”

I don’t mention Li Huailin’s ability at all. I just said that it was recommended by Dasongshan. The meaning conveyed is very clear. I don’t accept you, but I served the former captain, Matsuyama. Of course, Dasongshan is already a legendary figure. It is a personal service, nothing remarkable.

People who understand Yin Xiaoyin’s subtext are all wrinkled, but they have nothing to say. After all, let’s take a look at how Li Huailin handled this. It’s just that Li Huailin seems to have never heard the other person’s meaning. He nodded directly: “That’s good. So I officially took over the post of Captain of Huaxia District. I hope everyone can work together and perform well.”

"Oh..." The applause still has to be there. Zheng Gongli here is also taking the lead and clinging to the palm. To tell the truth, this captain election is a little unexpected, but it is still the most simple one of the Chinese team's previous election captains. In the past, because there have been several candidates in the past few years and then voted, it is really rare to skip the voting session and establish the captain.

"In short, I will ask you this time. Captain Huaxia." Zheng Gongli here also shook hands with Li Huailin, very officially said.

"No problem." Li Huailin nodded.

"Well, since the captain has already been established, then I will say the next thing below." Zheng Gongli here is also in a hurry, really no time to talk nonsense, "Yuyu Group President Liu Heyun summoned yesterday. Representatives of the various countries' committees have proposed a new distribution model for bonuses. Are the players present here already aware of it? If you don't know, I can talk to you now."

"I already know. Don't repeat it." Li Huailin here directly raises his hand. "My opinion, Zheng Zong already knows?"

"Yeah." Zheng Gongli here also nodded. "Li said that I have already told me about this matter. We are also discussing this matter, so now I would like to ask your opinion. You should also know that 10 billion is not a small amount. The pressure on the company alliance here is also very big. Of course, our pressure is also very big. Although the money is not from us, but in the event of an accident, our game committee will definitely be greatly affected. Of course, I can also say that the impact on you is also very big. Do you really agree with this suggestion?"

"Zheng Huichang. We have confidence." The wind here also straightened up and said, "I know that this is a great pressure on everyone, but I still have to say that we have confidence in this competition."

"President Zheng, we know the consequences that will be borne if we lose." The parties here also said, "But please also believe in our ability."

"Yeah." Zheng Gongli nodded slightly here. He is more confident in the players here, but the most stressful is not them, but the bosses of the company alliance here. If they lose, they may have to It’s bankrupt, so this time I didn’t need the company’s bosses to attend the meeting. He also brought them with them, just to make them feel good.

The bosses of the company's alliance did not immediately express their opinions at this time. They have already heard the situation of Li Jianyi here. They also think that Li Jianyi said that it is still somewhat reasonable. After all, they are g6 countries, and the worst is sixth. If you lose money, you will not lose money, but you still can't make a casual decision. After all, it involves such a lot of money. This is really not a joke.

The eyes of all the company's CEOs have all turned to Li Huailin, still look at the captain to convince them.

"I have already said that you should not think too much about this matter. I have the confidence to win, otherwise I will not play so much." Li Huailin said, "Everyone thinks this game as an investment, making money." Everyone earns together. If it doesn't work, I can participate in one..."

"Is Li Captain too confident? Now even the rules of the game have not been announced. It is estimated that you have no tactical preparations. I don't know how to ensure that this is a profitable act?" A company CEO here asked, Li Huailin Turning his head and looking at it, the talking boss did not know. To tell the truth, in this kind of company alliance, apart from Li Jianyi and Dong Zhongxing, he did not know one.

"Of course, there is no guarantee." Li Huailin said with a smile. "Isn't the investment going to be lost? But everyone carefully considers that the investment with such a high profit margin can be encountered several times in your body. Everyone has done this. Don't you know the timing of Stud?"

"Ha ha ha..." Suddenly Dong Zhongxing stood up and smiled. "Well, no matter how you decide, Dongmou wants to play the next time, Liao, what about you?"

"Mr. Dong wants to play, and I am naturally accompanying Liao." Liao Wenguang, the president of the Guangping Group next to him, also stood up. "How much is Mr. Dong, how much we have with Guangping Group."

The two most powerful companies in the 16 companies of the entire company alliance are Guangping Group and Zhongxing Group. The two companies are now very clear, and they have already participated, so the latter things are very smooth, no matter what. For what reason, the company alliance soon passed the proposal, and the gambling contract was officially passed.

Li Huailin doesn't know why Dong Zhongxing is out of the way. Maybe it's because he really wants to make money, or because of the pressure of the new companies that want to settle in the company's alliance. Anyway, as long as the proposal can pass to him. It is also a good thing.

"But there is still something." Li Huailin said again, "I think this gambling contract is not big enough. Although we have 10 billion yuan, but if other countries have less, it doesn't make much sense. Anyway, how much we are now, How much is Tianyu Group posted, and it’s better for everyone to come out together."

"Of course we know this." Dong Zhongxing suddenly smiled. "In fact, we have already started this matter. After all, everyone is a member of g6. It’s just that we have 10 billion, which is a bit of a loss. Recently, the winds on the Internet are very good, and we are down, we can give some pressure to the other countries' committees..."

"The wind is very good?" Li Huailin did not quite understand what was said, but since Dong Zhongxing here has said that he has begun to do it, Li Huailin is too lazy to manage.

"Liu Heyun gave us the latest answer time is 12 o'clock at noon the day after tomorrow." Zheng Gongli said here, "Because of the huge registration fee, I estimate that some small countries may give up this national cup, specific The participating countries and the number of people will also be confirmed at noon the day after tomorrow. As for the rules of the competition, Liu Heyun said that he will notify us of the competition committee one day before the competition, and the specific notice to you is estimated to be before the start of the competition."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded. "In short, everyone will try to improve the level of equipment in these days. I will consider the tactical issues."

"Okay." Zheng Gongli nodded here. "Then it is decided. Then the following thing is about the reform of the system of starting the race in China next season. Now someone has raised a personal game. Changed to the problem of the team game, although this matter can be discussed after the National Cup, but the response on the network is really great, so we will reply to this question in the first time after the National Cup, otherwise this year's The season's game is a bit too late to be prepared, so I will give you a little mention now. I don't need everyone to answer it now, but I need everyone to think about it. I have to make a decision in the past few days and wait until the National Cup. When the matter is over, I will ask everyone's opinion again."

"Other things are not raised at this meeting for the time being. The first priority of everyone in these days is the preparations for the National Cup. I hope that everyone can work together to play the professional players of China in the international platform." Grace, our China Summer Games Committee will also provide you with any help you need. If you have any questions, you can find us for the first time. At the same time, I also represent the China Summer Games Committee. I wish you good results in the National Cup. Results." Zheng Gongli finally said.

"Oh..." The meeting was finally over, and the applause sounded very quickly. The curtain of the war was slowly opened. (My novel "The Reverse of Online Games" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend". Search the public number "qdread" and pay attention to it, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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