All Things Wrong

Chapter 1044: Question

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The meeting is over, and Li Huailin has to start preparations. ... Although Li Huailin said at the meeting that he had vowed, he did not want to accidentally play off. Although he said that the loss of money has nothing to do with himself, he really lost his face, so preparation is still necessary.

Li Huailin also systematically planned his own preparation plan. First of all, he first upgraded his level to 80, so that he can wear 80-level equipment. Of course, the more important thing is the equipment. Although the grade has been improved, the added property is definitely not equipped. The 80-level equipment Li Huailin must be put together and replace all the 50-level equipment.

Then there is the skill. If you are at level 80, you can continue to ask the tutor to learn two skills. Then Li Huailin turned his attention to the trial tower that had not been played before. After all, all the good skills are good. And, at this level of his own, it is estimated that it should be enough. This place is better for customs clearance earlier, and the income is also very large.

Then there is the problem of my own sword. No matter how to complete the unsealing task within 8 days, the current progress is 3.62 million / 5 million, which is 1.38 million, and there are 8 days to watch. The speed of this growth is probably catching up. If you really don't have a baggage, you can only find a few guilds one day in advance.

Listed the things that I have to do, the time is quite nervous, especially the equipment, not only takes time, but also may not have the equipment that I want, can only look at luck. But no way, this must be done.

However, Li Huailin is not ready to start work this evening. These things will start from tomorrow, because Li Huailin must go to see Su Ruoyan here this evening, because the former military guild has invested in Li Huailin’s investment. The company's business, Li Huailin did not know how to talk about the contract here. I don’t know how much equity they gave them, but Li Huailin didn’t care, and all of them were handed over to Su Ruoyan. If it was because of the split of shares, he would have to sign him. Li Huailin was too lazy to manage.

In the general manager's office of Tiancheng Group Technology Branch, Li Huailin also met with Su Ruoyan. The technology branch here is also a new branch that has just been opened up. Like the previous pharmaceutical branch, Su Ruoyan is responsible. The pharmaceutical company over there has already officially started operating. So now Su Ruoyan is also the person who can give things to his men and start to be responsible for the technology branch. The specific business of this technology branch is linked to Li Huailin's investment company, but Li Huailin does not know at all. To tell the truth, it is possible that Su Ruoyan directly merged Li Huailin's investment company according to the current situation, but Li Huailin completely Don't care.

"I will finish it? I heard that there is a big movement on your side." Su Ruoyan here also knows that Li Huailin was in a meeting before, saying that it is a direct meeting here after Li Kailin is coming. Li Huailin is here because the meeting is over.

"Great movement. How did you hear about it?" Li Huailin took a look at the game of tens of billions of gambling. This news will be announced to the public tomorrow. This is also because the country is to be added to the investment, but it is still not announced. Tiancheng Group can now have no game business. Li Huailin is a bit strange how Su Ruoyan knows.

"The more famous companies in China should have received the news. Someone here has told me about it. It seems that I want to let us participate in the company alliance." Su Ruoyan said.

“Oh?” Li Huailin said a little, “What did the Mingyang Group send?”

"Ming Yang?" There is a slight sigh of sorrowful smoke. "I haven't heard of it, not them."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. The initiator of this incident must be Mingyang Group. However, they did not come out behind, let other companies pass their words as their megaphone. However, Li Huailin did not care about the Mingyang Group's incorporation into the company's alliance. This is a matter of interest between big companies, and it is not his business.

"Hey, let's tell you really, can we get involved in this matter?" Su Ruoyan here is a money-making madman, and everything wants to take part.

"If you really want to take a step, I have a way." Li Huailin said, "You directly contact Li of our company, saying that you are willing to provide capital investment, or to find other small companies in other company alliances. See if you can throw money in."

"Oh, I will try." Su Ruoyan nodded here. "There is still something, the territory of the gods has already been quoted at 11.5 million. When are you going to take it?"

“Suddenly so much?” Li Huailin asked, because I saw the post in the morning or 6.4 million, suddenly it rose to 1150, which doubled directly.

"Before there were two territories, it was natural that everyone was watching. Now suddenly I sold a piece and there are not many opportunities left for them." Su Ruoyan said, "Those things are rare."

“Does the gods pay the price?” Li Huailin asked.

"I haven't received it yet." Su Ruoyan said, "Do you want to sell it back to them?"

"Looking at the back can not bear this breath." Li Huailin said with a smile, "wait a second."

"Oh." Su Ruoyan here is also a little smile, and now he is more familiar with Li Huailin, this guy is more like watching people bow.

In addition to the official business, the two also talked a little about the family, and of course said the issue of marriage. The current situation Su Ximin does not object to Li Huailin's son-in-law, but Li Huailin has a problem to deal with first, that is Jiang Xueping's problem here, Li Huailin has nothing to keep and Su Ruoyan said this.

"I know." Su Ruoyan here also expressed understanding. In fact, she is also concerned about this matter. To tell the truth, she still wants to see Jiang Xueping again, although Li Huailin does not let.

After chatting for a while, the better the military personnel here have arrived, the leader is still the Shuhan country, and the remaining two guards like security guards. There must be some armor equipment in the game. Now, the Han nationality wearing a suit is very decent and looks good.

This time, the Han Dynasty came not only with a contract, but also brought a message to Li Huailin.

"There has been news about the application for the rank of the army. In order to thank Comrade Li Huailin for his great help to our troops, the application for the rank is officially passed, and you will be notified soon about the title." "Of course, our department is still confidential, so although there is a ceremony, the identity may not be made public."

"It doesn't matter." Li Huailin is not very concerned about it. Anyway, it is really an honorary title. It is absolutely impossible to let Li Huailin go to war with troops, so I don't care very much.

"In the future, we are the same people of the same army. I hope that Comrade Hualin will continue to work hard." The Shuhan country here is still very official.

"I know I know, isn't this already convenient for you?" Li Huailin said.

"Oh." The Han Guoguo here also knows that he has a big bargain on this side, and he smiles. Who told them that they really have no money? "The appointment will definitely be followed. Your company, your wife here. The company, we will all look at it."

"Don't you still let it go wrong." Li Huailin said, "Go back first if you have nothing. You know that I am very busy recently. I have to participate in the National Cup. I am busy now."

"It's really a bit of a thing." The Han Guoguo here suddenly touched his head and said.

"Hey, you are really welcome." Li Huailin said with a smile, "What?"

"Although it is a game competition, but ... a good lesson to help the small Japanese benzene!" This side of the Han Guo suddenly said.

"Celebration!" "啪, 啪, 啪" three sounds, three soldiers including the Han and Han countries suddenly gave Li Huailin a military ceremony. Of course, although Li Huailin did not give the title, it is also an officer, so the military service .

"Oh." Li Huailin smiled casually and returned to a military ceremony. "Reassured, no matter what, I will give them a good look. No need to remind you."

"Then I will be relieved." Yan Hanguo said with a smile.

After dealing with the things here, there is nothing in the real world that Li Huailin needs to be distracted. He can fully prepare for the National Cup. At this moment, the situation on the network began to slowly change and change. Before Li Huailin and Hai Laofeng Lei things have evolved into a cross-national war, but soon a new news appeared, let this The second tears were further upgraded.

"Tianyu Group Announces New System of the National Cup, 100 Billion-Class Century Gamble"

"Huaxia District announced the registration fee, a shocking response"

"We dare to throw 10 billion, are you dare? 》

One new news made the netizens who were already excited, even more crazy. They didn’t expect this National Cup to be so worth seeing. It’s not just a simple question of national honor. This time it’s actually involved. To the huge bonus that polyurethane can't believe, even the case of losing money, it is even more unbelievable. The Huaxia District here has thrown out 10 billion yuan, knowing the registration fee. 3.2 billion is enough. What does this extra 6.8 billion mean? Is it the next battle? It seems that we are saying that we have won it anyway, do we mean to get more points?

The netizens in Huaxia District are naturally crazy. They immediately passed the news to the official forums of other regions. Their same question is: We have 10 billion, how much do you dare to make? (My novel "The Reverse of Online Games" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend". Search the public number "qdread" and pay attention to it, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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