All Things Wrong

Chapter 1403: Legal rationality

"What happened to the corps transfer, what is the specific situation?" Li Huailin immediately asked, this is still a bit nervous, mainly how his first legion and the second leg, how to say that Li Huailin should have thought of, since Marina If you want to do it, you will naturally prepare for the first legion and the second leg of the army that he controls, but... he has not thought of how to do it, because the two legions can all be under their own control, even with the above order, It is not easy to get started directly. ←,

"This... I don't know much about it. After all, I can receive very little information in prison," Dernat said.

"Amara, what is the situation?" Li Huailin called his own foreign minister, Amara, and the external information was generally compiled and counted by Amara.

"Yes, the lord of the lord, there is indeed a situation." Amara immediately said, "Two days ago, the three corps in our country had been adjusted, but it was not the adjustment of the official position, but the adjustment of the stationed area. After adjustment, the Second Legion needed to go to the northeast border to defend, and the First Corps was to defend the undead border in the southeast, and then the Fourth Corps was transferred to the defensive interior near the main city."

"Mobilizing the deployment of the army? This is a good way." Li Huailin understood Malina's approach with a little thought. Yes, the First Legion and the Second Legion are Li Huailin. You want to directly smash Li Huailin’s marshal title, and then it is almost impossible to control the army by airborne several officers. You can rebel in minutes. . Not to mention that Li Huai-lin did not "kill the emperor" at the time. He did not make any mistakes. Even if he made a mistake, it would not be feasible for you to take over the army. Marlena should have figured this out, so another way to use it is to transfer the army in the hands of Li Huailin, the first legion to the south, and the second leg to the north.

It is impossible to replace Li Huailin directly, but it is of course no problem to mobilize the army. It is not surprising that the emperor has this right, because this transfer is normal. Therefore, it is estimated that the First Army and the Second Army can not find themselves, so they will listen to the order first, so Marina will be able to implement the plan with confidence.

The so-called implementation plan, Li Huailin probably understands what the plan is. Of course, it is the fourth army that has been transferred. Since the transfer of his own legion, the purpose of course is to let his army can not help to help, take advantage of this time to destroy themselves, and rely on the estimate is this fourth army.

The Fourth Army has now been trained by the Mozu War. The test of tens of thousands of new recruits against the war is not a new recruit, and it is a force that enters the main city of the Mozu after the war. The fourth legion, whether it is the treasure that was snatched or the wealth that was received by the merits, was amazing. With money, of course, you can recruit more soldiers and buy better weapons and equipment, so now the Fourth Army is also considered a more combative force.

According to the previous report, the fourth legion is now full of 100,000 troops. Of course, the main army is about 40,000. The other 60,000 are reserve and logistics. The 40,000 troops here are very combative. The troops, 60,000 reserve is also good, in general, it is very threatening.

Needless to say, Li Huai-lin’s troops. Because the First Army and the Second Army are not there, Li Huailin now has only more than 4,000 private troops. This is what everyone knows. Marina is estimated to be playing this idea.

"It turned out to be like this." Li Huailin nodded, but this is still a good plan, but... such a shallow pit can also step on it, and the helpers see their lords being framed and excited. It’s like what it’s like, just like waiting for this opportunity.

"Is the First Army and the Second Army already opened?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." Amara replied, "After receiving the order, the deputy head of the First Corps, Regg, and the head of the Second Army, McCann, sent people to look for the lord, but you can't find it. So they can only set off first, and now they have gone for two days, and it is estimated that they have not yet arrived. The lord of the lord, the attention of the fourth army is the transfer..."

"Yes. The Fourth Army is estimated to be ... may have already hit us." Li Huai-lin said.

"What?" Everyone was shocked. This is not a good thing.

Just talking, there was a guard immediately ran over and then shouted: "The Lord, the Empire sent a new announcement."

"Yeah." Li Huailin immediately took it and looked at it. It turned out to be a crusade announcement. The main idea is that Li Hualin is the guy who stabbed the emperor and sinned. The empire announced that Li Huailin was a traitor. He then decided to send troops to crusade. At the same time, he declared war with Li Huailin’s Lancaster Principal. The name of the war was of course to suppress the rebellion. Then appealed to all the nobles of the empire to bring troops to help.

"What do you do with the Lord Lord?" Many people seem to be a little nervous, but the cabinet ministers here don't seem to be very nervous.

"The Lord of the Lord, in fact, this matter does not need to be very nervous." Gert said one step forward, "We don't have to worry about these other small lords. The only thing we need to worry about is the strength of the Fourth Army."

"It’s not like you said that you have all studied the same way." Li Huailin is speechless. "You can say what you do."

"We now have 5,000 private troops (in fact, more than 4,000, known as 5000), and they are all cavalry, flexible and flexible. We now know that the fourth army's marching route is nothing to harass the enemy's troops. "The problem," Gert said. "All we need is a little dragging time, and then the reinforcements will come soon."

One of the insiders next to "Aids?" asked, "Our reinforcements are the troops of the Second Legion?"

"We have a lot of reinforcements. The most important thing now is to determine our legality." Gert waved his hand and did not answer the question of reinforcement. "The Lord, the most important thing we have to do now is First determine the justice of our counterattack, and then all problems can be solved."

Gert's words sounded a bit unintelligible, but Li Huailin knew, and Gert said this point in a flash.

Yes, this hilarious war Li Huailin didn't pay much attention to it, because it hardly needs to be played. The most important thing now is that you need to make a statement yourself, and then the war itself will end. And this speech is also very simple, the rest does not matter, as long as it is called an emperor.

Yes, the lack of Li Huailin is not a reinforcement, but a legal rationality. Now the situation is the war between the Nasser empire and the Lancaster Principality. You are the vassal of others. It is just reasonable and legal to beat you on the crime of rebellion. If you fight back, you will not be able to stand up, and the reinforcements will not be good. You said You support the rebels, what do you say in the past?

However, as long as Li Huailin is the only emperor, the situation is completely different. The war has become a war between the two empires, so that anyone who supports Li Huailin is just supporting one of the empires, which makes sense. .

However, Li Huailin could hardly imagine how many people would support himself after he was emperor. The First Corps and the Second Legion are estimated to be rebelling to help themselves immediately. Other estimates will also have a large number of nobles falling to their side. After all, They are all full of good feelings for themselves. This is still a domestic situation, not to mention foreign countries. The Elves are estimated that even the Orcs do not fight immediately. The troops will come here to help themselves, and the undead will not say it. All the troops on the other side of the city ran to their own territory. There are also dragons... It is estimated that all dragons are flying to their own side...

Yes, this battle is so simple. It only needs Li Huailin to call an emperor. The war itself is over. Li Huailin is in good position and there will be no difficulties at all, but the problem is... Li Huailin really does not want to be an emperor.

"Can we not play the emperor? If not, we will change the ground for a war..." Li Huailin said.

"Ha? Lord Lord, what other reasons do we have to fight?" Gert asked strangely.

"For example... Qingjun side?" Li Huailin asked.

"Qing Jun side?" Everyone is a glimpse. This reason has been since ancient times. It is against the emperor, but it does not oppose the emperor. It just means that there are villains around the emperor, but after listening to the future, Gert sometimes It’s a bit speechless: “The Lord of the Lord, this Qingjun side has always been a small man, but... we can’t clear the Queen...”

Yes, the queen is also a royal family. You can only ask the people on the side of the king to clear the following people. You can't treat the royal family as a monarch, and you can't say it.

"Who said that our goal is the Queen." Li Huailin immediately said, it is too tactful to look at me, this expression that has long been thought of, "I want to clean up the little man next to the emperor, that person That is... um... Prime Minister Mach, yes, this guy, that is, this person said bad things to me before the emperor, and I am an empire traitor, everything is done by him."

Der Hart next to "Ha?" was also shocked. "It’s not the Duke’s adult that has nothing to do with Mach Prime Minister."

"I know." Li Huailin immediately said, "We just want to find a reason to break into the main city, and other things slowly say, you see if this is the case."

"Oh, it seems to be." Delnat thought about it and nodded.

"That's it." Li Huailin waved his hand. "I will use the reason to announce the world immediately, and then call the reinforcements. We will attack tomorrow." (To be continued.)

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